Yawh, shoo-erdid someone say
i told you guys
Dota has by far the worst community of players I have ever been apart of. I am apart of that problem i admit, but i really only call out people when they're doing dumb shit. In your case, you shoulda just went full support to save you aggravation. Also dont waste reports, save them for really toxic players.
tusk needs a tweak to his mana costs imo, just because at the moment if he gets an easy six he can roam and gank too much
my two demiheroes came in
od and death prophet
really wanted a gold OD and my dp to be regular and
somehow I just can't win as leshrac
It's easy enough to spam lightning my lane til the other guy wants to cry but then I realize my team is losing the other 2 lanes and there isn't anything I can do to stop us from slowly losing objectives for the rest of the game.
I stopped building bloodstone first because it's pointless if my team will lose every fight, and euls first is really useful, but it seems like I need atleast 3 items to totally faceroll and I don't have enough space to farm them.
Minus does not work on GAF anymore. Apparently the dude behind it was banned.
Gratz btw!
You cannot expect that the hero would be so imbalanced that you could "totally faceroll" every game. It happened in 6.83 and this time is gone.
Dota is a lot less toxic than CS:GO imo, people are downright mean in GO especially because of how many times you're just watching someone fail
Dota is a lot less toxic than CS:GO imo, people are downright mean in GO especially because of how many times you're just watching someone fail
did someone say
i told you guys
I like the 3rd style and mask one.
Being the last person alive at the end of the round is the worst, especially if you don't make at least one good play, its just intsa-votekick.
I like the 3rd style and mask one.
Reeferswhat is this disgusting pineapple worship
aight we all kno who the op dota heroes are, now the question is: which heroes are bottom five on your list?
5) Medusa
4) TB
3) Death Prophet
2) Elder Titan
1) Necro
Love all of those. Need a new hairstyle each match.
Love all of those. Need a new hairstyle each match.
aight we all kno who the op dota heroes are, but now that the TI dust has settledthe question is: which heroes are bottom five on your list?
5) Medusa
4) TB
3) Death Prophet
2) Elder Titan
1) Necro
aight we all kno who the op dota heroes are, but now that the TI dust has settledthe question is: which heroes are bottom five on your list?
5) Medusa
4) TB
3) Death Prophet
2) Elder Titan
1) Necro
Feeling like my man Earth Spirit's gonna get some buffs and y'all are gonna have to deal.
That's the hilarious part about cs go, it's often better (from a flame/blame-game perspective) to rush in and die first with a horrendous score rather than play things somewhat slower and score 2-3 crucial kills every round, but then fail to clutch and get hit with all the blame cause you're the last one alive.
The absolute best is when you hold down your site, but the 2-3 guys left rotate and massacre the other siteleaving you as the last guy, naturally, "wTF MAN u jUST baitin us fkn FAIL thnx for lost round!"
Feeling like my man Earth Spirit's gonna get some buffs and y'all are gonna have to deal.
That is so bizarre, I've been playing csgo for 200 hours now and I have never heard anyone whine like that after a failed clutch. The most I've ever heard was some calmly-spoken criticism but usually it's just "nice try" or silence.
xanavi im in potato tier freakinchair bracket bro ur like cs go 5k mmr right
Batrider is trash
I've only seen Oracle played when he gets randomed
Is Elder Titan still a hero in this game?
Also Slark could probably use a buff tbh
make essence shift steal 3 main attribute instead of 1-1-1![]()
lol it's like they're erasing Aui from existence http://steelseries.com/egdota2
Batrider is trash
I've only seen Oracle played when he gets randomed
Is Elder Titan still a hero in this game?
Also Slark could probably use a buff tbh
Do you really want another 6.83 Troll/Snipper in the game?make essence shift steal 3 main attribute instead of 1-1-1![]()
so slark would have 57 extra pure dmg per right-click?
lol it's like they're erasing Aui from existence http://steelseries.com/egdota2
aight we all kno who the op dota heroes are, but now that the TI dust has settledthe question is: which heroes are bottom five on your list?
5) Medusa
4) TB
3) Death Prophet
2) Elder Titan
1) Necro
If your opponents aren't idiots they'll get glimmer cape and your hero will not matter 90% of the time.Necro is such a rockstar in pubs tho... I always manage to slay with that hero and I'm actually the worst Dota player on the planet. The rest of those heroes are actually do-nothing heroes. Necro removes heroes from the game for minutes at a time, he's such a piece of shit.