Demonif TC and Bulba are good, then which pros are actually bad
if TC and Bulba are good, then which pros are actually bad
I remember back around TI2 when people made fun of fear as that meh carry that tilts and throws games; now he has a rep as one of the most consistent carries that can play any hero. Arteezy also tackled a question on this topic too in his; he said one of his biggest pet peeves was the community (reddit) picking on certain great players (i.e. bulba), and calling them shit, bad, whatever have you despite that player actually being really really good and just going through rough times--most notably just can't find a solid team.
TC is a great pub player, pretty sure the dude reached 7.5k mmr at some point and his solo queue KDA's are just insane--something like 70% win with 6+ KDA on the majority of heroes. If he can fix his composure issues in competitive, he (and that team) could be one of the best.
if TC and Bulba are good, then which pros are actually bad
They wouldn't be pros if they were bad, dude. This is why they're pros. You're asking me which yellows are purple.if TC and Bulba are good, then which pros are actually bad
They wouldn't be pros if they were bad, dude. This is why they're pros. You're asking me which yellows are purple.
When anyone says a pro is bad I think it's implied that they're comparing them to other pros. It's a bit easier than saying "I think this player is slightly less good compared to the other players."They wouldn't be pros if they were bad, dude. This is why they're pros. You're asking me which yellows are purple.
When anyone says a pro is bad I think it's implied that they're comparing them to other pros. It's a bit easier than saying "I think this player is slightly less good compared to the other players."
Like when I say TC is awful I mean that I think he's a bad carry compared to most pro carries, not that I'd school him 1v1 mid.
After CDEC's run I think any team that has sufficient synergy can do really well, even if they don't have superstars on 4/5 positions like EG (or Secret used to have). In fact, judging by Secret's performance, having star performers on each position doesn't guarantee much of anything. So I'm open to Aui's team being really good, and regardless of whether or not they're successful it's probably a good thing for the NA scene.
But Aui did go from a team with Sumail/Universe/Fear to one with Yawar/Bulba/TC...
I hear if you tread switch fast enough your treads start to look purple
Questionable how. She's super well known in NA Doto and they will sell a tonne of sets
Bulba can have his moments of brilliance but man TC, unless he's been practicing REAL hard the last 8 months I can't see this team getting far. EG literally have the two best NA carries locked up on their team, greedy fucks.
I think it's more a question if they will be able to perform for the team. I'm sure she'll be fine.
The point I was trying to get across is that on paper all these newly formed teams are unproven. Got to give them time to see if they will succeed.
Just like Secret did for TI4.
Guize I want to try MGS V but have not played other games.
I'm like two paragraphs into a timeline.
What the hell is this series.
Guize I want to try MGS V but have not played other games.
I'm like two paragraphs into a timeline.
What the hell is this series.
they should fit mag on that roster somehow. idfk how, but they should.
Guize I want to try MGS V but have not played other games.
I'm like two paragraphs into a timeline.
What the hell is this series.
sonniko would be such a great fit
Guize I want to try MGS V but have not played other games.
I'm like two paragraphs into a timeline.
What the hell is this series.
He already had that once and the meta turned into 5 man deathball with everyone rushing necro 3.i gave my cancer blessing to lesh for this patch and icefrog buffed him and changed the meta so he could be king
i think i want to give cancer blessing to pugna this time
lets gotake my energy![]()
He already had that once and the meta turned into 5 man deathball with everyone rushing necro 3.
He already had that once and the meta turned into 5 man deathball with everyone rushing necro 3.
I want Legion to be OP, and no she wasn't OP pre-nerf.
Eh, she was when she was first added to Dota 2, with her jungling speed due to the bug with Moment of Courage.
she was good not OP. OP is an over exaggeration.
i want to see DP and lifestealer buffed![]()
get into puzzle & dragonsI'm becoming way too addicted to match 3 games
Puzzle Quest![]()
I'm becoming way too addicted to match 3 games
Puzzle Quest![]()
I've been playing tons of Marvel Puzzle Quest(exactly what it sounds like), it's super f2p-ish but I'm a Marvel nerd so it's all good.get into puzzle & dragons
it's like d*ta but actually contemplative
They dropped the price to £5. I paid £5.35, so lame. In fact a bunch of stuff has dropped in price. Weird.LOL according to kirby's site the Rick and Morty pack and the FF bunduru totally bombed in sales
R&M 107 unboxed, 3 not unboxed
FF courier/ward 293, 60 not unboxed
is it ok to do a giveaway here?
got a spare copy of MGS5: Ground Zeroes (Steam) and dotagaf are chill so if someone wants it let me know
might not respond immediately, it's late here
first quote gets it
next level mindgames