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Dota 2 |OT11| $400 of Support and Passion


Corporate Apologist
Nah, fuck my team for picking Doom, Tiny, Shadow Fiend, and QoP after randoming, I AM SUPPORT INVOKER

I maxed Wex and shot Tornadoes at spiders.

JC Sera

You aren't Shadowbanned, just not one cares.

Try deleting the topic and giving it a more click baity title. Put in the number of responses in the title or something. "Over 5k of you voted, here is Reddit's predictions for 6.85!"
11k actually
i kinda give up

i feel like crying got a phone call, didn't pass a hurdle requirement for last semester with deferred exams

at least i get to rectify this by doing another exam next wednesday
2 presentations between that and a 4k chapter due next friday


relies on auto-aim
11k actually
i kinda give up

i feel like crying got a phone call, didn't pass a hurdle requirement for last semester with deferred exams

at least i get to rectify this by doing another exam next wednesday
2 presentations between that and a 4k chapter due next friday
It's okay sometimes you just need to forcefeed the masses

Sorrya to hear that, hope you do well on what matters


Low Tier
play legend of dragoon that games sick

or wait til next week and play life is strange, theyre releasing a new patch where you play as victoria who has max's powers instead


I expect 6.85 to come out a bit sooner, I imagine Dota 2 is faster to Prototype then Dota 1. Like the 15th.

Seems to be a lot of item submissions. Feels like there is going to be a big event into Major, putting Reborn on the backburner till Major 2 or 3.


Corporate Apologist
Seems to be a lot of item submissions. Feels like there is going to be a big event into Major, putting Reborn on the backburner till Major 2 or 3.

Reborn will likely go live with Diretide. But thats OK, since Icefrog can likely do the majority of Balancing without need to much from Valve. I imagine 6.85 will likely be a smaller patch anyway.


Reborn will likely go live with Diretide. But thats OK, since Icefrog can likely do the majority of Balancing without need to much from Valve. I imagine 6.85 will likely be a smaller patch anyway.

You say that like there will actually be a Diretide...
Playing a near-perfect Lycan game really makes me realize how bad my farming efficiency is normally. Somehow when playing non-junglers I somehow feel like I should always be in proximity of either an enemy hero or my team, when really it's not always the most efficient course of action, especially early on.

If a bunch of teammates are mingling around in a standoff, or pinging a tower, I should really evaluate what difference I could really make in the fight and make selfish decisions sometimes. That and I should buy BoTs more often, even when I feel like I'm struggling to get my next big item. It really opens up the map for better farming opportunities.


Are you angry because they effective or annoying

neither, just kinda shocked at how popular it has become

What MMR are you seeing these at? I have yet to see a single one.

unranked games in stacks. dotabuff says its high and very high skill. I have seen it in around 50%~ of my games so far

I'm gonna guess annoying and on his team. I have a hard time believing they are effective vs anyone competent unless they have consistent help from supports ganking mid while their mid has "gg report mid lost to TB"

you seriously underestimate the killing power of tb mid, it won't beat lesh, but its still pretty strong.


you seriously underestimate the killing power of tb mid, it won't beat lesh, but its still pretty strong.

I would imagine he has the killing power, but less so of any hero mid: Walk up in their face senselessly and you can expect to die. I think it's an issue of people not respecting the fact that TB is a hero and not a potato, even though he's a shitty hero right now. Kind of like the Huskar issue.


I have lost all my rocket league magic

I have lost all my dota magic

today I have broken the headboard to my bed after losing 2 games of doto and 5 games of RL, back to back to back to back to back.

fist went str8 through that cheap ass particle board

tiem 4 some single player games for a bit.


ok yeah spectres fuckin awful

This game? http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1744896238


The casual Morbid Mask is also

She has no actual damage as far as Spectre is concerned. She tanks a bit then dies, no damage output other than that. Radiance is great but you gotta get real items to go with it. Daedalus isn't a good Spectre item, she's partially an illusion based carry. You want Agi stuff for this, also Manta. She really went in on this all-in +Damage build with Phase, Rad, Deadaulus. Illusions are getting nothing other than the heart and Radiance burn out of this.

Also Desolate damage is not factored into Crits, it is dealt before the actual attack. This is why you still do Desolate damage even if the target has evasion and you miss.
Ok DotaGAF, please critique this game of mine:


TA was adamant that we lost this game because I had no farm. (I think we lost because we were bad at team fighting, but let's put that aside for now). It is very true that my GPM needed to be much higher. I need help on how I could have done that.

I think:

1. I need more practice on last hitting as Gyro. I missed way too many last hits early on. This is inexcusable.

2. I got aggro-tri laned against Luna, Lina and WD. I was scared to last hit because it felt like their lane had a lot of kill potential, and my supports weren't going to be great at bailing me out. (Visage pumps out damage but doesn't help save me, and Winter was in the jungle a lot). I got a couple of kills in lane due to Rocket Barrage spam, but it didn't seem like it made up for me being afraid to go out for last hits.

3. I should have TP'ed to fights less, and just stayed in lane to farm when I could. There were several times I tried to push bot by myself instead of TPing to fights, but the enemy always showed up pretty quickly and I would back out.

4. I should have used Rocket Barrage to help farm lane/jungle more?

Any help is appreciated. I know I'm not the best player, I don't claim to be. I just want help in getting better.
Ok DotaGAF, please critique this game of mine:


TA was adamant that we lost this game because I had no farm. (I think we lost because we were bad at team fighting, but let's put that aside for now). It is very true that my GPM needed to be much higher. I need help on how I could have done that.

I think:

1. I need more practice on last hitting as Gyro. I missed way too many last hits early on. This is inexcusable.

2. I got aggro-tri laned against Luna, Lina and WD. I was scared to last hit because it felt like their lane had a lot of kill potential, and my supports weren't going to be great at bailing me out. (Visage pumps out damage but doesn't help save me, and Winter was in the jungle a lot). I got a couple of kills in lane due to Rocket Barrage spam, but it didn't seem like it made up for me being afraid to go out for last hits.

3. I should have TP'ed to fights less, and just stayed in lane to farm when I could. There were several times I tried to push bot by myself instead of TPing to fights, but the enemy always showed up pretty quickly and I would back out.

4. I should have used Rocket Barrage to help farm lane/jungle more?

Any help is appreciated. I know I'm not the best player, I don't claim to be. I just want help in getting better.
use rocket barrage before you have significant damage (usually phase helm) or if flak is down
hard camp and ancients should be stacked
it's not that bad to miss a few last hits early tbh, although obviously you have to work on it if you want to main carry
the enemy team had you countered pretty hard. witch doctor, lina, BS don't give a shit about bkb, SF hits hard with right clicks anyway

luna wd lina should destroy you in lane so don't feel bad about missing early farm, lina's range + luna's aura + they have 3 stuns.. nothing to do against that
Ok DotaGAF, please critique this game of mine:


TA was adamant that we lost this game because I had no farm. (I think we lost because we were bad at team fighting, but let's put that aside for now). It is very true that my GPM needed to be much higher. I need help on how I could have done that.

I think:

1. I need more practice on last hitting as Gyro. I missed way too many last hits early on. This is inexcusable.

2. I got aggro-tri laned against Luna, Lina and WD. I was scared to last hit because it felt like their lane had a lot of kill potential, and my supports weren't going to be great at bailing me out. (Visage pumps out damage but doesn't help save me, and Winter was in the jungle a lot). I got a couple of kills in lane due to Rocket Barrage spam, but it didn't seem like it made up for me being afraid to go out for last hits.

3. I should have TP'ed to fights less, and just stayed in lane to farm when I could. There were several times I tried to push bot by myself instead of TPing to fights, but the enemy always showed up pretty quickly and I would back out.

4. I should have used Rocket Barrage to help farm lane/jungle more?

Any help is appreciated. I know I'm not the best player, I don't claim to be. I just want help in getting better.

I'm at work but your performance looks okay-ish from here. However, try to not drop under 5 last hits per minute. 442 GPM is not that little farm in a losing game though. According to the XP graph you guys were a little ahead for quite a while so there should've been time to achieve that CS number I think.


Ok DotaGAF, please critique this game of mine:


TA was adamant that we lost this game because I had no farm. (I think we lost because we were bad at team fighting, but let's put that aside for now). It is very true that my GPM needed to be much higher. I need help on how I could have done that.

I think:

1. I need more practice on last hitting as Gyro. I missed way too many last hits early on. This is inexcusable.

2. I got aggro-tri laned against Luna, Lina and WD. I was scared to last hit because it felt like their lane had a lot of kill potential, and my supports weren't going to be great at bailing me out. (Visage pumps out damage but doesn't help save me, and Winter was in the jungle a lot). I got a couple of kills in lane due to Rocket Barrage spam, but it didn't seem like it made up for me being afraid to go out for last hits.

3. I should have TP'ed to fights less, and just stayed in lane to farm when I could. There were several times I tried to push bot by myself instead of TPing to fights, but the enemy always showed up pretty quickly and I would back out.

4. I should have used Rocket Barrage to help farm lane/jungle more?

Any help is appreciated. I know I'm not the best player, I don't claim to be. I just want help in getting better.

I haven't watched the game, but judging by the Dotabuff I would say you probably are right about the last hitting thing with Gyro. It can be difficult if you aren't used to it, since his base damage is so low. I would make sure your starting items out the gate involve at least one Slipper, but since you have Aquila I'm guessing they did.

Rocket Barrage is great for farming jungle, Flak cannon for the larger stacks. Did you get a creep with your helm and stack ancients? If you do that you will get a ton more farm that way.

As for laning against a lane like that, I know it can be rough, you just need to have a sense of what ranges on abilities are, and if you would actually be in a position where they could kill you with all of those. For instance, if you know Lina or WD went pretty far back from some reason, it's safe to approach for some CS. If worst comes to worst, just move into range for a CS and then get back, and keep this up. This is kind of similar to the tactic you use against Dark Seer as a melee hero. If the lane pushes up, and your supports can't or won't pull, your best bet might be to just Flak Cannon the lane into the enemy tower, which would effectively push it back a bit. Beyond that, if you're forced back, block incoming creep waves to try to pull equilibrium back.

Gyro's one of those carries that can excel at showing up to fights at almost any point in the game post-6. You just have to position yourself carefully. You went for a BKB, which was absolutely the right decision, but even then, a good Call Down into Flak Cannon can wreck havoc on a teamfight.


how can u guys even give him advice without watching the replay? just watch your own replay and see what you could have done to win the lane, places where you were inefficient, and rotations you could have done.


2. I got aggro-tri laned against Luna, Lina and WD. I was scared to last hit because it felt like their lane had a lot of kill potential, and my supports weren't going to be great at bailing me out. (Visage pumps out damage but doesn't help save me, and Winter was in the jungle a lot). I got a couple of kills in lane due to Rocket Barrage spam, but it didn't seem like it made up for me being afraid to go out for last hits.

This is a lane that you should've won. WD and Luna aren't the greatest trilaners, while gyro and visage are 2 of the best. So if WW didn't want to kill, forget about it and go top.
This is a lane that you should've won. WD and Luna aren't the greatest trilaners, while gyro and visage are 2 of the best. So if WW didn't want to kill, forget about it and go top.

lol what
3 ranged, tons of nukes/stuns/damage, high range on WD and lina, how are you supposed to win this 2v3
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