Heavy's Sandvich
you have two easy stuns plus lina's easy stun, that's enough cc to destroy almost anyone in lane.
This is a lane that you should've won. WD and Luna aren't the greatest trilaners, while gyro and visage are 2 of the best. So if WW didn't want to kill, forget about it and go top.
I wouldn't be surprised if valve put a game quality score in the gamehttp://playdota.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1456997
Not sure how valid this is, but it seems somewhat plausible. Regardless of whether it's legit or not, it's an interesting read.
@Marco_YS35: VG CEOs report "Esports transfer fees are comparable to China Football League" http://t.co/YM62tcSItv @HyperSTz http://t.co/yxcW6xUFox
Fy is one rich dude
Yeah.Wouldn't a transfer fee go to whatever team "transfers" a player. And not the player being transfered?
Fy is one rich dude
Not sure how valid this is, but it seems somewhat plausible. Regardless of whether it's legit or not, it's an interesting read.
it's all fun and games until someone picks a magic/pure nuker
Every hero has counters so w/e. I play her with Shadow Blade and roam the jungle to kill their carry regardless of how fat he is. Phase -> Agh's -> Crystalis -> Shadow Blade seems to work pretty well for me and there are very few heroes who survive a shackle into ult. Off the back of that kill I usually snowball out of control.
I remember we had the Blink or Aghs first discussion some weeks ago and during my experiments with her I came to the conclusion that Blink 1st is the way to go, followed by aghs.
Granted your solo-kill potential is lower while you still don't have aghs but the ability to constantly pin heroes to trees and potentially kill them if they are low enough or if you get help or disrupt supports in the back during teamfights makes it much more worth than aghs first.
After that it's a pretty obvious itemization. Crystalis/Deadalus - MKB - BoT (BKB/Linkens somewhere in the middle if needed)
Anyone else getting stutter/freezing recently?
It just started happening to me on the Reborn client 2 days ago.
I have Windows 10 and pretty decent download speed 5MB.
It's really bad, the game will just freeze for like 3 seconds.
javascript is an abomination
javascript is an abomination
What's wrong with it?
var num = 322;
var obj = new CopperScum();
num = obj;
var string = "hello there what's up"; // A STRING
var array = string.split(" "); // AN ARRAY
is anyone else having trouble finding games? it is searching for ages, was doing this last night to.
EU West? Yes, it's taking longer than usual.
is anyone else having trouble finding games? it is searching for ages, was doing this last night to.
Anyone else getting stutter/freezing recently?
It just started happening to me on the Reborn client 2 days ago.
I have Windows 10 and pretty decent download speed 5MB.
It's really bad, the game will just freeze for like 3 seconds.
I have the same issue, has not happened to me pre-windows 10.Anyone else getting stutter/freezing recently?
It just started happening to me on the Reborn client 2 days ago.
I have Windows 10 and pretty decent download speed 5MB.
It's really bad, the game will just freeze for like 3 seconds.
Are those values their salaries? Because 4M Yen is aprox. 30k which isn't a lot for personal/player value but a huge amount for a salary.
Nah, fuck my team for picking Doom, Tiny, Shadow Fiend, and QoP after randoming, I AM SUPPORT INVOKER![]()
I maxed Wex and shot Tornadoes at spiders.