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Dota 2 |OT11| $400 of Support and Passion


id love reborn if i could just have my sexy item icons


this game is garbage until I can use NBA Jam again.


my first game in reborn and i managed to win with terrorblade. picking him is still hell since people don't know how he works and they keep pinging me to fight fight while i push.
anyone else not able to spec games in reborn? also how am i supposed to navigate the store. what store. how do i find shit

Store still not fully implemented sadly.

Watching live games should be working now, I'm currently testing it with the DC vs SV match, works just as well as it did in the old client and haven't noticed any changes to the tools/overlay so far.


that Epic Boss Fight custom game is amazing, i just beat the whole thing with my 4 man party + 1 random and it was really fun

also happy birthday madouu ^_____^


I want to discuss something that I have been thinking over a long time now. I am an old school dota player started playing dota from 6.31 with my friends on internet cafes. Everyone was obsessed over it and it was literally the only game we played and had loads of fun, eventually of course everyone got burnt out and got bored of it.

I didn't played a moba again from 2008 or so until this summer when my gf suggested to me why don't you install dota 2 to try it out. So I did and all the memories came back the game is as good as it ever was but I have started to get severely dissapointed with this game recently. There are many issues with the game which aren't the game's fault though and make me want to quit it and just say fuck it.

The game is rough to new players. I started playing this game with my gf but she is really sensitive and when someone harassed her badly she started crying and literally unistalled both steam and dota and doesn't want to even see it again in her life. You get harassed in this game constantly even if you suck or if you are good from both enemies and allies. People report others just because they died by accident in the start everyone is just so offensive and hateful its insane.

Problems with communications and especially russians. The game is filled with people who can't speak english and always spam their own language even though you pick english in the search. This is really annoying and makes the game harder for absolutely no reason.

Problems with getting into a game. Tonight I was in the que searching for a game for literally 20min. First time someone didn't clicked ready, second time again the same, third time got into the loading screen 2 people didn't loaded the game so returned to the screen. And even when you get into a game nobody is assuring you that someone won't disconnect right away or just will stand afk in the fountain and ruin the game for the rest. I feel this game is played by people with the worst computers in history, I have played other online games too but not a single time have I seen so many disconnects or failures to load the game, what is the problem?

I am sorry for this rant but I feel so sad over this. When you get a good game with good players it feels so good but 99% of the games have some issue that will just ruin the game. I just finished a game 20min ago in which some guy was 0/21 k/d and completely ruinned the game and he was intentionally feeding after that game I just realized that I completely wasted 45min of my life. I know all games can be called a waste but at least on others you have fun while doing it here its just so miserable. I just feel this is unfair to the game because mechanically the game is almost perfect and super fun when it works but it gets ruinned for me for reasons other than the game especially the community. World of Warcrafts community feels like a place full of angels compared to this one to be honest. I might have to add that I have played for 120 hours and I am level 11 so only need 2 more to get to ranked maybe it is an issue of unranked only I don't know. I would like to hear what you have to say, I am not bashing the game I love it but I hate everything around the shell of the game.

1) Sorry but your girl needs to grow skin about a million times thicker. Can't cry over the nature of the beast, there's just no room for that. Mutes help though.

2) Now you touch on the ineptitude of Valve. No, you should almost never be playing with people who can't understand you or vice-versa if you picked a language preference. Yes, there are enough people playing dota to make this happen without insane queue times. At the end of the day though, the developer doesn't give enough of a fuck.

And yes, people who have an identifiable pattern of not connecting (either due to internet or computer slowness) need to be out of the game entirely or for a long period of time. If I had bad net or a toaster or both I wouldn't be playing dota because that wouldn't even be fun for me, let alone other people. Once again they don't care enough to get rid of the trash, and I'd be willing to bet much of that trash doesn't spend two wooden nickels on dota if anything at all. You know how many games this would eliminate? Too many by nutter standards.

They can implement votes just like LoL. Remember those? Unanimous votes to end a boring, time-wasting stomp match. Who cares if 5% of those are winnable? It's time that matters, not fucking Valve's grand ideas of what should be. It doesn't make matches unfun and it requires all five players on a side to consent; 4/5 is not enough. So, yeah, another missed opportunity. They do nothing but make it easier for their competitors to trounce them in customer service. That's the Valve I know.

JC Sera

1) Sorry but your girl needs to grow skin about a million times thicker. Can't cry over the nature of the beast, there's just no room for that. Mutes help though.

2) Now you touch on the ineptitude of Valve. No, you should almost never be playing with people who can't understand you or vice-versa if you picked a language preference. Yes, there are enough people playing dota to make this happen without insane queue times. At the end of the day though, the developer doesn't give enough of a fuck.

And yes, people who have an identifiable pattern of not connecting (either due to internet or computer slowness) need to be out of the game entirely or for a long period of time. If I had bad net or a toaster or both I wouldn't be playing dota because that wouldn't even be fun for me, let alone other people. Once again they don't care enough to get rid of the trash, and I'd be willing to bet much of that trash doesn't spend two wooden nickels on dota if anything at all. You know how many games this would eliminate? Too many by nutter standards.

They can implement votes just like LoL. Remember those? Unanimous votes to end a boring, time-wasting stomp match. Who cares if 5% of those are winnable? It's time that matters, not fucking Valve's grand ideas of what should be. It doesn't make matches unfun and it requires all five players on a side to consent; 4/5 is not enough. So, yeah, another missed opportunity. They do nothing but make it easier for their competitors to trounce them in customer service. That's the Valve I know.
Thats pretty unfair
like its a legitimate complaint about how alienating the community is
when people say "thats the way it is" that how we get nowhere fast, and is pretty fucking lazy

like this entire post is super rude and dismissive and makes a lot of assumptions on valves part
I do think they care theres just only so much they can do


Thats pretty unfair
like its a legitimate complaint about how alienating the community is
when people say "thats the way it is" that how we get nowhere fast, and is pretty fucking lazy

like this entire post is super rude and dismissive and makes a lot of assumptions on valves part
I do think they care theres just only so much they can do

Agreed, I was going to say something about all the posts similar to that one when the subject was being discussed earlier.

The fact that Dota gets a rap for being a toxic community does not give it a free pass to be a toxic community. The community has still made significant strides since beta (believe me, I have definitely noticed it) mainly with implementation into the game like mutes, the report system, LPQ, things of that nature. That said, we still have a long way to go.

Casual racism is everywhere, and just like that guy that was talking about what him and his girlfriend were dealing with in matches, that still runs fairly rampant. I don't have the answers of how to stop it, but that is still no reason to say "The community will be the community, grow thicker skin" It doesn't work that way.

I want to discuss something that I have been thinking over a long time now. I am an old school dota player started playing dota from 6.31 with my friends on internet cafes. Everyone was obsessed over it and it was literally the only game we played and had loads of fun, eventually of course everyone got burnt out and got bored of it.

I didn't played a moba again from 2008 or so until this summer when my gf suggested to me why don't you install dota 2 to try it out. So I did and all the memories came back the game is as good as it ever was but I have started to get severely dissapointed with this game recently. There are many issues with the game which aren't the game's fault though and make me want to quit it and just say fuck it.

The game is rough to new players. I started playing this game with my gf but she is really sensitive and when someone harassed her badly she started crying and literally unistalled both steam and dota and doesn't want to even see it again in her life. You get harassed in this game constantly even if you suck or if you are good from both enemies and allies. People report others just because they died by accident in the start everyone is just so offensive and hateful its insane.

Problems with communications and especially russians. The game is filled with people who can't speak english and always spam their own language even though you pick english in the search. This is really annoying and makes the game harder for absolutely no reason.

Problems with getting into a game. Tonight I was in the que searching for a game for literally 20min. First time someone didn't clicked ready, second time again the same, third time got into the loading screen 2 people didn't loaded the game so returned to the screen. And even when you get into a game nobody is assuring you that someone won't disconnect right away or just will stand afk in the fountain and ruin the game for the rest. I feel this game is played by people with the worst computers in history, I have played other online games too but not a single time have I seen so many disconnects or failures to load the game, what is the problem?

I am sorry for this rant but I feel so sad over this. When you get a good game with good players it feels so good but 99% of the games have some issue that will just ruin the game. I just finished a game 20min ago in which some guy was 0/21 k/d and completely ruinned the game and he was intentionally feeding after that game I just realized that I completely wasted 45min of my life. I know all games can be called a waste but at least on others you have fun while doing it here its just so miserable. I just feel this is unfair to the game because mechanically the game is almost perfect and super fun when it works but it gets ruinned for me for reasons other than the game especially the community. World of Warcrafts community feels like a place full of angels compared to this one to be honest. I might have to add that I have played for 120 hours and I am level 11 so only need 2 more to get to ranked maybe it is an issue of unranked only I don't know. I would like to hear what you have to say, I am not bashing the game I love it but I hate everything around the shell of the game.

I wanted to address this post too, since I forgot to earlier. Welcome back first of all, there is some weirdness with Source 2, but I think you'll definitely see it is much smoother than Source 1 ever was. Like I said above, the community is still toxic as all hell, and this is particularly worse in the lower skill levels mostly consisting of new players. Someone yells at someone else for feeding while they are buying a Blink Dagger on Anti-Mage. I'm sorry your girlfriend had to put up with that bullshit, and I can definitely see why it turns people off of the game. I know it doesn't stop it immediately at the time, but I highly recommend the mute and report functions. The report function does in fact work, it's not just going into some void with nothing to be done about it. Usually when I report someone, I get a notification almost immediately after the match that action was taken against someone I reported recently (and seeing as I usually have only reported one player recently, I know which one it is). I don't know how they created an algorithm to do it automatically, but it does it pretty damn well. Mute function is also great, but I don't think you have to blanket mute everyone, as that is more counter-productive than productive. If someone is being toxic, by all means go ahead and mute them, but I usually try to talk with my teammates even if the game is going poorly.

As for the language barrier, at first it may seem annoying, but once you learn how to deal with it, it's really not too difficult to get around. Dota 2 has also done a ton in that regard to circumvent that. Obviously most players of any language will understand simple words or acronyms such as "missing", "ss", "b" and the like, but also you have useful functions such as the chat wheel. You can change which phrases you have on the chat wheel in your settings, and I believe the default key for it is Y by default. The coolest thing about the chat wheel though, is that EVERY PHRASE IS TRANSLATED INTO THE PLAYER'S LANGUAGE. There are a ton of useful (and funny) phrases on it. You can also bind these phrases to their own keys if you feel like it.

Another useful function to get around the language barrier, and this is arguably more useful than the chat wheel, is Alt+Clicking. You can Alt+Left Click almost anything to tell your team some information about it. You can Alt+Click one of your own spells or items to say it's ready, on cooldown (and how long), or you don't have enough mana for it and how much more you need. You can Alt+Click the clock at the top to say the current time in the chat, useful for Roshan timings. You can alt click your own or enemies' HP bars to tell how much HP and mana you or they have left. You can even Alt+Click the hero icons on the top of the screen to tell your team a hero is missing, and Ctrl+Alt+Click to say they have returned. Some things have Ctrl+Alt+Click functionality in addition to Alt+Click, an example being the Glyph button. Alt+Click means ready or says the cooldown, and Ctrl+Alt+Click says "Don't use glyph yet!" I have won plenty of games just by usually communicating with teammates I could not understand by using Pings, chat wheel, alt+click, and simple words or phrases that are fairly universal for Dota. You usually don't need much else, especially in pub dota.

As for the getting into games issue, yeah, that's something that comes with the territory of switching to Reborn. I expect this will probably sort itself out by the weekend, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.


i cant get my korean voices to work on source 2

and yeah my girlfriend wants to learn dota 2 too but im still not sure about that

JC Sera

i cant get my korean voices to work on source 2

and yeah my girlfriend wants to learn dota 2 too but im still not sure about that
If it makes you feel better I was the girl in a group of male friends who wanted to learn, and I've def surpassed a few of them at this point. If your gf likes research things or read a lot it helps.

The new reborn tutorials are much better

also the unsung miracle of Reborn is SNIPER IS NO LONGER THE TUTORIAL HERO, HALLELUJAH!


If it makes you feel better I was the girl in a group of male friends who wanted to learn, and I've def surpassed a few of them at this point. If your gf likes research things or read a lot it helps.

The new reborn tutorials are much better


Arcane boots are the only tier 2 boots that only need one item to upgrade as opposed to phase/tranq/treads
(not including BoT in tier 2 boots on purpose)
Bad Doom theorybuild: Vlad's/Armlet with the +dmg/crit aura.

Sure you're not gonna do much apart from waddle after people but think of the damage you'll do to people early/mid game! Think of the armour you'll have!


If it makes you feel better I was the girl in a group of male friends who wanted to learn, and I've def surpassed a few of them at this point. If your gf likes research things or read a lot it helps.

The new reborn tutorials are much better

also the unsung miracle of Reborn is SNIPER IS NO LONGER THE TUTORIAL HERO, HALLELUJAH!
she definitely likes to read about stuff when shes interested in them. Im sure she'll be good but as she said she gets hooked to stuff easily
k chan she was the missing link to DC

she was distracting me thats why i was so shit at that wr game

JC Sera

Bad Doom theorybuild: Vlad's/Armlet with the +dmg/crit aura.

Sure you're not gonna do much apart from waddle after people but think of the damage you'll do to people early/mid game! Think of the armour you'll have!
AC or Shivas tho
she definitely likes to read about stuff when shes interested in them. Im sure she'll be good but as she said she gets hooked to stuff easily

she was distracting me thats why i was so shit at that wr game
thats how I got into it
its really fun to just go through the wiki and look at all the different heroes and their lines
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