I'm watching The Diving Bell and the Butterfly and I cant tell these sexy French girls apart. They're all pale and sexy and blonde with their high cheekbones and blue eyes, although one is brunette, I can recognize her.
yo great movie.
the one that doesnt create a relationship with him is way hotter tho. i think shes the linguistics one. 10/10
also that movie is sad
I found the new hotness guys, guess what it is.
do we have GAF channels to shitpost ingame with
Hylian7 was right! Just had my first game with Spectre in two years (2nd game with her in total) and got my first ever Rampage! Hero is really strong right now and it feels really good to play as her.
Being able to somewhat contribute to team fights even while farming is a huge thing for me!
Build was 1-0-1 to 1-4-1. Dotabuff tells me that going 1-4-1 is not the most popular way. Is there a reason why? I never felt like i had enough mana for dagger and increasing the cost didn't seem like something i wanted to do at that point.
I found the new hotness guys, guess what it is.
Rise, my girl, rise.
Is it perhaps Zoo strat Lone Druid? You still needed HoD to get an Alpha Wolf.
something good came out of reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/3mc5q5/685_phanton_assassin_stifling_dagger_mechanics/
get ready for the 6.85b specter nerfs
Rise, my girl, rise.
I played around with PA last night
I didn't itemize normally, and built a SKADI as my second item or third.
Sifling dagger + SKADI is pretty insane.
My hero pool this patch barely got changed, and most of the changes were buffs.
please stop saying random shit is op 1 day after a patch comes out
you are triggering me
That PA reddit post is literally too much mechanics for me. I think I am going to just keep throwing daggers at people when they try to run away from me.
.OOV slow via dagger is considered a melee strike meaning it adds the full 12% slow. 50%+12%=62% slow. Thats enough to slow even bugatti seeker to a manageable pace with a 2 second downtime.
Wow these tidehunter changes are insane, the hero is definitely op as hell!!!!!!!!
I think it's just a matter of people being set in old ways of maxing Dagger first. You're correct, you don't have the mana to supplement it very well and you have to be fairly conservative with Daggers. 1-4-1-1 is absolutely the way to go. If you have to go to the jungle, it's totally a viable option now. Kill the little creeps and Desolate the big one.
Fuuuuuuuck that if it's true.If dagger now applied a pseudo melee attack, it can break tranq boots
Battlefury on PA is now hilarious.
AA + PA da gawd.
OoV + Dagger = Atos
Don't dagger Lotus'd targets, you'll regret it.
That has to be a bug. Otherwise it makes no sense.BattleFury PA doesn't seem that much better in a real game. Your cleave is in the same spot as if you would attack normally.
I just wanna play the shit out of oracle.
The change to fortune's end range is something i wished for back when he was added. And buffs to other aspects about the spell improved his skill set synergy tremendously.
The change to his W is great too since you wont have to worry about yourself or teammates getting rekt by the amplified damage from non magic sources. Put it on when you expect a magic nuke coming or to do the heal combo with lower consequences.
Not sure the skill build is still 1-1-4-1, maybe it will be 2-1-3-1 ?
Just my initial thoughts. Cant wait to get back and be able to play
Damn French girls? I'm inyo great movie.
the one that doesnt create a relationship with him is way hotter tho. i think shes the linguistics one. 10/10
also that movie is sad
Shit quality but w/e
Pushing speed:
Damn, need to try this more often