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lane cut as axe if they have a drow or viper. ez winI got into a "team" with a few friends, I'm gonna play offlane, any advice guys? c:
lane cut as axe if they have a drow or viper. ez winI got into a "team" with a few friends, I'm gonna play offlane, any advice guys? c:
Wind Ranger and Nature's Prophet are fine offlaners too, just somewhat harder to survive with them.Thanks!
I've been playing a lot of Bristle, Clock and Windranger (my main), I think I've been doing well so far, pretty much not dying, I still need to learn to rat with Nature's Prophet
Dude what.
Feast is awesome.
Did you go last year?
On the flaming debate(Can't believe there is a debate about whether or not to be nice to others smh).
Flamers are the worst, this is fact. If you can't stay calm and give helpful suggestions, then consider another avenue to deal with your obvious anger issues.
Chances are that instead of flaming the feeding offlaner, maybe you could have suggested switching the lanes up, or sending your jungle crystal maiden to help him out, or have him abandon the lane, or send your supports to smoke and gank the offlane,or maybe you could have suggested a better offlane hero for them at the selection screen. There is 100 different possibilities here
But no, you had everyone muted from the get go and sat there assuming you're the best player there just because your mmr is 8 higher than the next guy.
Yelling at people is ineffective communication. Sulking because "I got stuck with these scrubs" is pathetic. You should've just stayed muted
Constructive criticism, try it.
DotaGAF only plays cancerous heroes
DotaGAF only plays cancerous heroes
Name a hero that isn't cancer.
svenName a hero that isn't cancer.
Name a hero that isn't cancer.
Name a hero that isn't cancer.
LCName a hero that isn't cancer.
So easy it's cancerUh well.. Lich?
On the flaming debate(Can't believe there is a debate about whether or not to be nice to others smh).
Flamers are the worst, this is fact. If you can't stay calm and give helpful suggestions, then consider another avenue to deal with your obvious anger issues.
Chances are that instead of flaming the feeding offlaner, maybe you could have suggested switching the lanes up, or sending your jungle crystal maiden to help him out, or have him abandon the lane, or send your supports to smoke and gank the offlane,or maybe you could have suggested a better offlane hero for them at the selection screen. There is 100 different possibilities here
But no, you had everyone muted from the get go and sat there assuming you're the best player there just because your mmr is 8 higher than the next guy.
Yelling at people is ineffective communication. Sulking because "I got stuck with these scrubs" is pathetic. You should've just stayed muted
Constructive criticism, try it.
Why do you bring so much reason into this thread, I'm muting you.
Name a hero that isn't cancer.
On the flaming debate(Can't believe there is a debate about whether or not to be nice to others smh).
Flamers are the worst, this is fact. If you can't stay calm and give helpful suggestions, then consider another avenue to deal with your obvious anger issues.
Chances are that instead of flaming the feeding offlaner, maybe you could have suggested switching the lanes up, or sending your jungle crystal maiden to help him out, or have him abandon the lane, or send your supports to smoke and gank the offlane,or maybe you could have suggested a better offlane hero for them at the selection screen. There is 100 different possibilities here
But no, you had everyone muted from the get go and sat there assuming you're the best player there just because your mmr is 8 higher than the next guy.
Yelling at people is ineffective communication. Sulking because "I got stuck with these scrubs" is pathetic. You should've just stayed muted
Constructive criticism, try it.
Toebear remember when you randomed meepo
Uh well.. Lich?
Constructive criticism, try it.
I was born under Cancer.
Anecdotally constructive criticism, or any kind of criticism, isn't met well no matter how nice your delivery. "Don't tell me how to play."
Don't forget you are also horse peasant.
once again i wish i was in hylian's dota world.
me: guy, stop auto attacking, you're pushing the lane.
guy: shut the fuck up
me: mutes guy, admits defeat.
You're cancer.![]()
I still stand by my statement that 70% of the people I play with are morons... but once in a while you get a good team that purposely stands back so you can get the RAMPAGE
Rampages are cool and all, but I really don't see the point in doing that. Especially with assist and AoE gold, I don't feel like the whole "let the carry have it" thing is necessary. Obviously use judgement here, you don't want to blow Finger of Death on someone that has <50HP and someone is easily in autoattack range.
Why supports always try to take the carry farm i don´t get it.
Today i had too many quitters and feeders, feels like low priority ;_;
I realize it doesn't have to have the entire team in it, but what about the usual "BLACK HOL-*stunned*" by someone you couldn't see, or couldn't catch in it for whatever reason? Honestly the only reason I fear using it without a BKB is if there's a specific hero with a stun (or a Rubick or something) that I can't catch in it.
you dont use it to initiate if you go mek, easy as that
Basically requiring the other team to use all their disables on you in a teamfight is a big enough deal, in my experience. I started turning my enigma lose streak around when I realized that I don't necessarily need to hit a black hole to start a fight, since it's extremely good counter-initiation and people aren't going to have the presence of mind to delta split for an entire fight, plus it denies an area which limits their options even if they didn't get caught in the initial aoe.
I wanted to play enigma like an ES or Magnus where I wait in the periphery until I get the perfect opportunity to land my fight-winning ult, when really it's more effective to push a tower with your team, lay down a midnight pulse under where you want to fight, and if the other team decides to initiate on one of your heroes, throw your stun, mek your team, and then black hole once everyone is engaged. The midnight pulse and mek are guaranteed and will probably win your team the fight, and landing the black hole is just a bonus.
Best black holes are counter initiation bhd while the enmy stuns on cd and they are tunnel visioned on someone else . You can walk in without blink and hit a good one if you time it right
DotaGAF only plays cancerous heroes
But no, you had everyone muted from the get go and sat there assuming you're the best player there just because your mmr is 8 higher than the next guy.
That's a strawman if I've ever seen one
I don't play ranked, and even if I did I don't assume I'm the best on the team and that's not why I mute everybody