Welp, my bad. Yeah, maledict wouldn't do you much good vs a Necro Slardar lane i guess. The WD Huskar lane would have been so strong tho. A maledict and a couple of burning spears should easily be a kill on pretty much any hero in their lineup. But i know the frustrations of playing with a team that refuse to lane properly.
Sorry i can't be of much help as you seem to be doing the right things as a support which is what i mainly play as. I see many wards and dewards in good positions.
It sucks as a support when you are stuck on a lane with someone that should be roaming/ganking while the other lane has two carries fighting for last hits.
I have almost stopped trying to tell people that they are doing something wrong because i find it hard to explain something without them thinking that i am flaming them. Like, how do you even do that? Add a smiley or emote at the end?