No, 1 is the lowest MMR. I'm pretty sure everything below 100 is just full of people who try to lose.
Pretty sure there was a Tales from the Trench episode where someone actually had 0 MMR.
No, 1 is the lowest MMR. I'm pretty sure everything below 100 is just full of people who try to lose.
I'm curious, is there anyone here that played healer roles in MMORPGS/FPS before they started playing MOBAs, and got into support, or went fuck this role and chose something different to main?
This is probably more of a relevant question for the hots crew
Maining a role and being knowledgeable about all roles aren't mutually exclusive.I have played every role in mmos(was mostly a tank though, usually an off tank), I play every role in Dota, I don't get these people who 'main' heroes or even roles, and I think you can't have a full understanding of how the game works without being knowledgeable about all roles.
In particular I think everyone needs to play jungle or roaming heroes from time to time. It just gives you a completely different perspective and level of awareness of what is actually happening in the game.
Maining a role and being knowledgeable about all roles aren't mutually exclusive.
i haven't tried it on safari but chrome and can run my scriptIs there an emoticon extension for us Safari weirdos?
you can download replays yesIs it possible to download replays in the Reborn client?? I just got my first ever rampage in a CHEN game. I've played like maybe half dozen Chen games in my life. Just randoming in all pick, decided to give it a shot. My team was FEED for the first 20 minutes against their team of early-game slayers (Axe, Tusk, Ogre, etc) but our Sylla got fat, I got Aghs and Book 3 and we just started assaulted buildings and won! Great game, but I hope the replay isn't lost just cause I was in the beta client.
Is it possible to download replays in the Reborn client?? I just got my first ever rampage in a CHEN game. I've played like maybe half dozen Chen games in my life. Just randoming in all pick, decided to give it a shot. My team was FEED for the first 20 minutes against their team of early-game slayers (Axe, Tusk, Ogre, etc) but our Sylla got fat, I got Aghs and Book 3 and we just started assaulted buildings and won! Great game, but I hope the replay isn't lost just cause I was in the beta client.
You got a rampage as chen? Holy shit, dude.
you can download replays yes
I would not lie to you friend!
I'm getting a constant "replay unavailable" message and the game was half an hour ago. I guess I'll try in a couple hours.
Pretty sure not even Puppey has gotten a rampage as Chen
I won too many games in a row and now I'm losing many games in a row. Help.
I won too many games in a row and now I'm losing many games in a row. Help.
I won too many games in a row and now I'm losing many games in a row. Help.
This video is private.
Sorry about that.
Replay eventually showed up. Youtube'd my Chen rampage. From my perspective too, so you guys can all see how little I know what I'm doing!
Brackets are up:
First day so good. C9 vs LGD, followed by C9 vs Navi and Secret vs IG. If only I didn't have work that day.
Brackets are up:
First day so good. C9 vs LGD, followed by C9 vs Navi and Secret vs IG. If only I didn't have work that day.
Maybe I'm misjudging teams, but Bracket A seems a lot stronger then B.
Hey guys, in prep for next IHL season, I have a new idea.
I'd need 3-5 volunteer caps (pref, or otherwise STRATEGISTS from last season) to help me out.
After TI5, I'd like to make a video series leading up to next IHL, where everyone who's up would make a 15 min video from one of your favorite games of TI5 (preferebly not solo, but together with someone else, so theres an unbiased part which could give some discussion). The idea would be to highlight the picks and some key plays, parts where the strategy shows, item choices, etc.
If anyone else is interested, it'd be awesome for introducing the next season, and hopefully we could get some additional players interested by showing the difference between normal play and competitive/arranged/inhouse play (where cm is used, and theres an actual coordinated drafting stage)
I'm not sure about Bloodseeker there. I'm pretty sure he's very popular in both pubs and comp.I really like the idea. I especially think that highlighting differences between competitive and casual play would be particularly cool. I think heroes that really show this off are Huskar and Bloodseeker, as pros don't like to touch Huskar with a 10 foot pole, yet in pubs it's a completely different story.
rip complexity and wild card on group a.For lazy:
I think A is a bit stronger at the first glance but doesn't seem too lopsided at all.
I'm not sure about Bloodseeker there. I'm pretty sure he's very popular in both pubs and comp.
Why is alch such a garbage hero
I haven't follow the scene since, basicallly, TI4. I know there are been a few patches that have changed the game and that the professional scene isn't like it was last year.
Is there a video or something that talks a little about every team and the most important changes in the metagame? I want to watch TI5, but I'm really lost.