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Dota 2 |OT13| 6.86, our Pit Lord and savior

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Bull on a Donut
Bokr when you have liquid of all people taking your side you gotta know that you're wrong right?


I don't think anyone is right and wrong per se. I think Valve's entire handling of this situation is an absolute mess and abhorrent, but I don't think there's a light side and dark side here. There's simply the people that enjoy 2gd, the people that don't, and the people who are saddened by the firing, and the people who don't care or are pleased. That's about it. I'm firmly in the saddened camp cause the dude is motherfkn hilarious and the best host dota 2 has had thus far. Not your view? That's fine, but I have the self-respect to not shout you down as wrong or call you a child.

I'm not sure why you're advocating (and why many for that matter) that dota appeal to some sort of mythical mainstream nuclear family that's going to tune in to ESPN8 and listen to sheever descend from the heavens like a goddess as she nervously BUT "professionally" fumbles a tad before spitting out whatever line she memorized earlier in the day about how both teams playing have so much heart and drive to win and how watching every dota game is such a joy. Then our great little family of Joe, Jamie, and little Freakinchair, wide-eyed and captivated, will praise Lord Gaben for delivering them such an amazing new sport with his Muse Sheever and all will be right in the world. Sounds like a goddam fairy tale because it is a goddam fairy tale.

We are the dota mainstream. The couple million who log into dota and play it week in and week out, flamers, griefers, racists and all; WE are the people Valve should appeal and entertain. Not Joe, Jamie, and little Freakinchair. The CSGO production group understands that and panders to that, and within that community, they are pretty much held up as gods for it. Not to mention CSGO is growing at an alarming rate, partly due to the appeal of competitive CS and the well run and entertaining production behind it (not to mention the brilliant game and hat scheme).

thanks for giving me the podium my sloth friend procarbine, this is dedicated to you

Anyhow, I've written more than enough about the yames situation and my opinion is pretty clear (PRETTY 'WRONG' lMAo), and because we're getting to that point of constant repetition and just going around in a circle, this is my last post on the subject. Every opinion has been thrown out at this point, every viewpoint, everyone is entrenched, and that'ssss thatttt''sss tthhhat's all folks.


There's plenty of nerds slowly getting more and more depressed about this idiocy give it time. Hell, they're already doing awful fanart in order to make James feel better.

There are some posts that are pretty close on the front of r/dota2 at the moment. How embarassing.


Bull on a Donut
dam i wake up to all the chinese teams getting shit on in this tourney, in goddam Shanghai, that's gotta be embarrassing

i thought for sure lgd was going to win that spec/furion game when i went to sleep


did everyone already forgot the shitshow that was ti5? constant stream cuts and delays even at the main event. what a professional show.


Dota is watched by millions of people and is clearly one of Valves most important properties next to CSGO

While I think it was a dick move to fire James IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY, I can respect their decision to want to keep their premier tournament family friendly and professional

Not everyone who watches the game is a 25 year old meme loving Redditor, so only catering to that demographic is very short sighted from Valves side

Hopefully this while shitstorm has shown them that they need to be more hands on and careful with their choices.
That's what blows my mind about this. It should just be so fucking obvious to keep it PG13 (or cleaner!). I don't think Dota panels and shows should be run as if they were just regular sports, but that one aspect--that they're safe for mainstream, primetime family viewing--if nothing else should be replicated.

It does seem that Valve didn't actually give any guidance or expectations as to tone and content and style, so they're certainly somewhat at fault (their traditional lack of communication, of course).

But for god's sake, it should be fucking obvious, especially after he was told off for the porn thing on day one.


did everyone already forgot the shitshow that was ti5? constant stream cuts and delays even at the main event. what a professional show.
The issues there were pretty different than Shanghai. They were mainly due to DDoS and internet problems at the venue. Nobody is perfect.


Is it really a surprise to you with the shit he said in the past? Just because people dont bring it up constantly compared to the toby stuff doesnt mean they dont have an opinion on it.

Its not even stuff he's said in the past or his actions in the community it's like weird personal attacks about his family's financial situation and his relationships with women but I guess thats just how reddit rolls

Well said
A note to future Majors hosts..

3 Merlinis and other twitch incorporated racism is ok.

No gay jokes though since they make Gabe feel icky.

Also say whatever you want to Maelk in person, Gabe hates that dude.
A note to future Majors hosts..

3 Merlinis and other twitch incorporated racism is ok.

No gay jokes though since they make Gabe feel icky.

Also say whatever you want to Maelk in person, Gabe hates that dude.



I don't think anyone is right and wrong per se. I think Valve's entire handling of this situation is an absolute mess and abhorrent, but I don't think there's a light side and dark side here. There's simply the people that enjoy 2gd, the people that don't, and the people who are saddened by the firing, and the people who don't care or are pleased. That's about it. I'm firmly in the saddened camp cause the dude is motherfkn hilarious and the best host dota 2 has had thus far. Not your view? That's fine, but I have the self-respect to not shout you down as wrong or call you a child.

I'm not sure why you're advocating (and why many for that matter) that dota appeal to some sort of mythical mainstream nuclear family that's going to tune in to ESPN8 and listen to sheever descend from the heavens like a goddess as she nervously BUT "professionally" fumbles a tad before spitting out whatever line she memorized earlier in the day about how both teams playing have so much heart and drive to win and how watching every dota game is such a joy. Then our great little family of Joe, Jamie, and little Freakinchair, wide-eyed and captivated, will praise Lord Gaben for delivering them such an amazing new sport with his Muse Sheever and all will be right in the world. Sounds like a goddam fairy tale because it is a goddam fairy tale.

We are the dota mainstream. The couple million who log into dota and play it week in and week out, flames, griefers, racists and all; WE are the people Valve should appeal and entertain. Not Joe, Jamie, and little Freakinchair. The CSGO production group understands that and panders to that, and within that community, they are pretty much held up as gods for it. Not to mention CSGO is growing at an alarming rate, partly due to the appeal of competitive CS and the well run and entertaining production behind it (not to mention the brilliant game and hat scheme).

thanks for giving me the podium my sloth friend procarbine, this is dedicated to you

Anyhow, I've written more than enough about the yames situation and my opinion is pretty clear (PRETTY 'WRONG' lMAo), and because we're getting to that point of constant repetition and just going around in a circle, this is my last post on the subject. Every opinion has been thrown out at this point, every viewpoint, everyone is entrenched, and that'ssss thatttt''sss tthhhat's all folks.

What's wrong with pushing dota or cs or whatever game to the general public though? CS tourneys are ran better (whether it be production values or panels) but that isn't necessarily because they pander to the base, that's because they seem to know what they are doing more so than dota production teams for whatever reason. They have far less technical issues than dota does which makes for a better viewing experience. Keeping things insular and avoiding the mainstream shouldn't be a goal of the community if the community wants to see their favorite games grow.

I'll never understand why people are so hesitant for their favorite game/esport/whatever to hit mainstream status. Shouldn't the fact that whatever you love is becoming more popular be a good thing? Look at the way Korea treats esports for example; that shit is loved more than almost anything else over there. Why shouldn't that be the case here? Are you suddenly going to stop loving dota just because more people enjoy it?

This is getting into a different debate now, but I want dota (and esports in general) to grow to being more than just a thing that the people that play the game enjoys. I want kids to look up to pro gamers in the future the same way they do pro athletes now. I'll never understand why there are people who don't want this to happen, but that's just me.

As far as the James stuff goes, I never called you a child or said you were dumb for your opinion. I just stated that I thought you were wrong because my opinion differs from yours (and that liquid agreed with you but that's just liquid), which is usually what happens when people have differing opinions.


Bull on a Donut
my child comment wasn't directed at you specifically and i don't think anyone is 'resistant' to the idea of dota growing, the reality is that dota will never be the nfl nor should it try to be. i used csgo as an example because csgo is growing at an alarming rate while maintaining it's own unique brand and not altering in favor of appealing to some magical group of people that most likely will never glance at it

hell, pretty much every csgo panel is filled with carbon copies of james, bawdy jokes, savage player flames, borderline sexist/misogynistic/racist (so arguably even worse than James) jokes and all

yet again cs is ironically held up as the gold standard of production (by many people on both sides of the yames drama and people far removed from it), and the game just keeps on growing despite that "unprofessional" thorin, "savage" semmler, and violence-prone rlewis

I can't remember, but some game designer (it was either a Valve employee or Blizzard employee, I believe it was a Valve guy though) gave a seminar (there's a youtube vid floating around) about how appealing to your primary audience is the way you grow. You grow by appeasing your fans, not chasing after an obscure group and alienating your current base. Rather, you appease those people who support you, and in turn the word of mouth and the quality of the product carries on and expands that fanbase, not your efforts to lobby at and "catch" a market that doesn't give a rats ass about your game to begin with

i also disagree with your initial premise that esports is somehow unable to grow on the back of 2gd or the many of the people who produce the csgo side of things (because history has shown that it has, significantly); i think that brand of entertainment is much more appealing (and much easier to digest, understand, and stick around for) to a wider range of potential viewers than the alternative but this is just a matter of pure opinion


I think the problem is not so much to keep the show PG13. It is more that you should be able to watch the show so that when a parent, a friend of yours, or a child comes into the room, you are not ashamed by the teenager jokes and talks. I remember that there are games that I enjoyed somewhat, but that one time that I wanted to show them to other people, it just was not that good of a game.
but league is the largest and they're the most vanilla and least interesting group

putting things on the crass/sterile axis is pretty inaccurate and leads to a lot of misleading arguments (and ones that sound like "ethics in _____" arguments). DOTA commentators are terrible across the board and I feel like James was a competent host despite his inclination towards offensive comments, not because of it. I don't think he's better than redeye because redeye is the most vanilla ass old sports dude you can think of, but because 2GD does a better job of getting people involved and actually getting people to show personality, which redeye was terrible at for TI5.

I don't think thorin or rlewis being terrible pieces of shit is what makes them good at being CSGO panelists, if anything it's a testament to their ability (and the shallow talent pool for CSGO presenters) that they still get hired for every event.


Maybe it's just me but I'd rather do away with the people that make the mysogynistic/racist/sexist jokes and who are violent for people who can entertain without that garbage. Granted there are plenty of people in mainstream broadcasting who are garbage human beings behind the scenes and sometimes that comes back to bite them in the ass as well.

You can still appeal to your primary audience while avoiding people like that.


I think there's a gulf between clinical NFL-style casting and GDStudio-styled casting that hasn't been adequately explored, to be sure.
Wow, what do you expect?

Dota is played by nuclear nerds buying linkin park cds and watching anime - and you thought the casters would be outside of this plopness?

Not a surprise CSGO people know how to have a conversation.

Same with the FGC.

Keeping saving up for that snorlax pillows you utter cretins.
There's plenty of nerds slowly getting more and more depressed about this idiocy give it time. Hell, they're already doing awful fanart in order to make James feel better.

Dude I would never use "nerd" in a derogatory way given how much time of my life I've thrown away looking at my monitor but these nerds are so attached it's beyond healthy. I refuse to believe that this shit is anything but karma whoring.


I actually took the time to read most of the comments in the James vs Valve thread in the gaming side. Now I'm truly depressed at how pathetic some people are in regards to their affection to a faceless multimillion dollar corporation that doesn't give a flying fuck about them. Good stuff.
I actually took the time to read most of the comments in the James vs Valve thread in the gaming side. Now I'm truly depressed at how pathetic some people are in regards to their affection to a faceless multimillion dollar corporation that doesn't give a flying fuck about them. Good stuff.

Well this is neogaf after all


I actually took the time to read most of the comments in the James vs Valve thread in the gaming side. Now I'm truly depressed at how pathetic some people are in regards to their affection to a faceless multimillion dollar corporation that doesn't give a flying fuck about them. Good stuff.

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