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Dota 2 |OT13| 6.86, our Pit Lord and savior

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm for re-calibrations, but involuntary rank resets just create artificial and arbitrary grinds.

No thanks.


BW or SC2? Because SC2 is deader than dota.
Just because the game is dead doesn't mean they didn't get resets right. It works because it allows a few people to get out of the rut they're in and gives everyone else hope that they can with each new season. Seasons can be themed around the majors and the subsequent major patch.

As it stands people care about MMR but it's very static for the majority of the population. It's working as intended but resets makes it more fun because you always have the chance of calibrating higher and leave your prior games in the past.

They should also copy automated tournaments from sc2.
I'd like it if your MMR could expire if you don't play solo ranked consistently enough. Like if you haven't played more than 5 ranked games in the past 3 months(just an example) your MMR expires and you have to recalibrate. After calibrating like 2 years ago ice played a grand total of 5 or so ranked games, maybe I still belong at that exact mmr but that would just be a coincidence and nothing else.
we won!

i got a blink up at like 9 minutes and then we got a dual win right after! kept the train rolling from there.

its extremely boring

at least you did something with the fast blink

last time i had a jungle lc she got a fast blink and just kept afk jungling


I don't see the point of MMR resets/calibrations. Over time you will get to the MMR you should be at, and this has always held true. Even if you have a string of games where you tilt really hard, and drop 500 MMR, you will get back up when you are playing level headed. The system has worked as intended, why mess with success?

And don't say "The Peruvians on my team"
I don't see the point of MMR resets/calibrations. Over time you will get to the MMR you should be at, and this has always held true. Even if you have a string of games where you tilt really hard, and drop 500 MMR, you will get back up when you are playing level headed. The system has worked as intended, why mess with success?


Because being an entire skill group above your level and grinding unchallenging games sucks.


Because being an entire skill group above your level and grinding unchallenging games sucks.

Why would you be in that position in the first place? That doesn't sound like an MMR problem to me. Everyone always says "I'm really 1000 MMR better than this. My other account is 10k."


Why would you be in that position in the first place? That doesn't sound like an MMR problem to me. Everyone always says "I'm really 1000 MMR better than this. My other account is 10k."

I haven't played ranked in a long, long time. I'm queuing for High Skill most games (occasionally VHS), and my ranked games end up at Normal. Not interested in playing more ranked to find out how big the difference is, and a reset would give me an incentive to see where I stack up now.


I haven't played ranked in a long, long time. I'm queuing for High Skill most games (occasionally VHS), and my ranked games end up at Normal. Not interested in playing more ranked to find out how big the difference is, and a reset would give me an incentive to see where I stack up now.

going from mumblegaf VHS stack to solo queue normal skill would be painful


I haven't played ranked in a long, long time. I'm queuing for High Skill most games (occasionally VHS), and my ranked games end up at Normal. Not interested in playing more ranked to find out how big the difference is, and a reset would give me an incentive to see where I stack up now.

That's just a personal problem then. Not having played ranked games is on you, and you have to go through the lower level ones to move up. Valve can't just reset MMRs on a whim.
Why would you be in that position in the first place? That doesn't sound like an MMR problem to me. Everyone always says "I'm really 1000 MMR better than this. My other account is 10k."

It's cause I played a years worth of unranked and gone up a skill bracket since than. Going back to rank just so I can get a balance between my ranked and unranked is not even fun it feels like work.

I've had these 4 games recently





and while going 15/0 might seem fun as your favorite hero, it's really not. It''s like playing against very easy bots.
That's just a personal problem then. Not having played ranked games is on you, and you have to go through the lower level ones to move up. Valve can't just reset MMRs on a whim.
That's not a personal problem, a shitton of people calibrate at a certain mmr then stop playing ranked for a very long time. If they come back to ranked after that period of time it's very possible that they do not belong in their tier anymore and are either too strong or too weak which leads to really unbalanced ranked games. You're implying that playing solo ranked is the only way to get better(or worse).


That's just a personal problem then. Not having played ranked games is on you, and you have to go through the lower level ones to move up. Valve can't just reset MMRs on a whim.

say I cant play dota for 6 months because I travel, do my team mates need to suffer me in ranked until i plummet to where i belong? why not just be able to recalibrate?


say I cant play dota for 6 months because I travel, do my team mates need to suffer me in ranked until i plummet to where i belong? why not just be able to recalibrate?

Because let's be honest, people would abuse the hell out of this all the time. Nobody would remain at the MMR they are at and keep attempting to cheat the system until they get out of their "trench".
Because let's be honest, people would abuse the hell out of this all the time. Nobody would remain at the MMR they are at and keep attempting to cheat the system until they get out of their "trench".

I mean if someone doesn't play ranked for a month and gets recalibrated to the same barrack they were at before not much is gonna change
I've worked hard at increasing mmr, and would hate a reset. If you really are better than your mmr says you'll go up naturally as you play. If not, you'll stay where you are in fair games.
i'm matched against upper 4k in unranked and i have only played like 12 matches ranked and that was when it was ranked matchmaking was just released

secretly 5k


I mean if someone doesn't play ranked for a month and gets recalibrated to the same barrack they were at before not much is gonna change

Except all that will happen is people will go "Whelp, got recalibrated back to where I was, time to recalibrate again." and this will go on in an endless cycle.
I've worked hard at increasing mmr, and would hate a reset. If you really are better than your mmr says you'll go up naturally as you play. If not, you'll stay where you are in fair games.

First of all not every one would reset. In this hypothetical situation only people who haven't played ranked for awhile would get the reset.

Second of all yes you do go up naturally if you are better than everyone else but it's not fun at all. Let's say your mmr is 2.2k and you place in the high skill bracket in unranked all the time. To get to 3.3k you would need to win 44 games.That's a lot of games of dota just to get to your proper bracket in ranked.
Except all that will happen is people will go "Whelp, got recalibrated back to where I was, time to recalibrate again." and this will go on in an endless cycle.

Those people can avoid this by playing a few ranked games every once in a while. It would be pretty easy to avoid.
Grinding games to climb 1000 mmr because you didn't play ranked for 2 years is stupid as fuck and there's no excuse for this system being this bad
No, people wouldn't cheat the system if it isn't coded by monkeys


lol sven is so ridiculous late game. i had a 6 slotted alchemist and he just 1 v 1 me and crit me with two hits lmao no chance
lol sven is so ridiculous late game. i had a 6 slotted alchemist and he just 1 v 1 me and crit me with two hits lmao no chance

Sven got like the highest or second highest 6 slotted DPS in the game I think (perhaps second to CK). Excluding nonsense like 5 Rapier + Agh's Windrunner. He's one of my favourite late game heroes.


Except all that will happen is people will go "Whelp, got recalibrated back to where I was, time to recalibrate again." and this will go on in an endless cycle.

You can only recalibrate every 6 months, or at the beginning of each new year. Problem solved

Spectre/PL/naga may be strong contenders for highest DPS

Except you can kite sven to hell and back

Naga and PL no

Spectre probably has the best lategame team damage. Dispersion to strong

But Sven had to be the ultimate 1v1 lategame brawler

I cant think of a single hero who can go toe to toe with a 6 slotted, BKBd up even. Not even CK. Sven will just crit cleave all his illusions to dust and then pop CK in 3 hits
Depends on how you calculate DPS, counting activated abilities or not, etc
Imo slark is a strong contender for instance if you just count a 1v1 and active skills

Alch with his 1.0 BAT can be strong too. Don't know, never thought too much into it. But I'm not sure sven would win.
Yeah, Sven beats CK 1on1 because Cleave deals with the illusions super well. However, If both were to hit the same target, I could possibly envision CK dealing more damage but I'm not sure.

I had some trench tier game (we were a 4 stack including some 1.9k player) in which I outcarried three +400 GPM heroes with a Sven because none of their heroes had good kiting mechanisms. Windrunner kinda but I was equally fast with a a tethered Wisp:


Impossible to lose late game I feel. We could just relocate into their base and kill their buildings with or without backdoor protection. No way they could leave the base and unless they bring their entire team, they weren't gonna bring a Sven down without getting 1 or 2 shot.

The Windrunner was 4.7k and possibly a better player than me tbf. Probably stacked with his friends too.
Isn't PA the best damage dealer when six slotted depending on her luck?

Unless you count nonsense like 6 rapier builds, I honestly doubt her DPS is close to Sven's. Pretty sure I recall reading a dotabuff thread in which someone calculated the DPS of both heroes once 6 slotted and she had like 1200 and Sven was at 2000. Wasn't even close. I'll try to find the thread.

I also had numerous games as a 6 slotted PA as well as 6 (or even 7 slotted) Sven and It felt like Sven was way scarier for the enemy team in terms of damage.

edit: I think this was the thread. Chhatru comes to the conclusion that Sven hits harder but his item builds suck to be honest. Normal bracket player according to his Dotabuff profile. :/

The "problem" is that Rapiers on Sven are not that good as opposed to having them on Windrunner or PA.

Also, Alchemist super loses 1on1 to Sven provided both have 7 slots.
You need rules to calculate DPS. Is it over 10 attacks ? 10 seconds ? Something else ? Active spells included ? What other constraints ?
Depending on all these you'll get different answers. Sven sure has high DPS but I think other heroes could top him in some setups.
Ok then take a critshaker with precast totem and totem off CD, attack once cast totem and attack again. Bam huge DPS. Makes no sense, you need parameters to calculate it.
These discussions always lead to nothing, inside a vacuum is irrelevant for all intents and purposes and outside of a vacuum the discussion becomes extremely complicated with way too many variables.
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