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Dota 2 |OT13| 6.86, our Pit Lord and savior

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i was wondering if you were on the other side of it
I don't know what that means, is that a saying I don't know?
You carried us to victory, sacrificed for us plebs
The trick to playing Viper is that there is no trick.
Viper is boring indeed but I don't see how treant isn't. His early game is absolute fucking ass imo
He got a nice little buff with the new iron branch though

With Blink it's pretty fun, but I guess everything is more fun with Blink.
The Adventures of Print Screen in Solo Queue:

Game 1: Our sniper steals mid so invoker goes offlane instead. The enemy offlane veno spams wards off cooldown against our alch, who unfortunately has an aversion to last hits due to a traumatic childhood accident, and has to be content with a 15 min naked midas. Sniper is surprised to find shadowblade invis rune doesn't help against zeus, and abandons after dying. Ez free to leave.

losing to a wards-first veno

in 2016

everyone knows the tea is M A X D A M A G E 4-4-0



Sure, you said it.

Just wanted to emphasize how much it sucks to have to be in 150 range.

For info, Pudge's dismember is 160...

At this point, if Infernal Blade is part of Doom's signature, Aether Lens should be a core item.


In this game where mobility items are king level death was a better spell on Doom in my opinion. That 600 range was super nice.

Doom pretty much has gotten hit as hard as any hero with the recent patches. Some nerf was needed, but nerfing every one of his abilities directly or indirectly and his attack speed is a bit much.
Doom pretty much has gotten hit as hard as any hero with the recent patches. Some nerf was needed, but nerfing every one of his abilities directly or indirectly and his attack speed is a bit much.

it's especially dumb because the only reason he suddenly became popular again was the nutso scorched earth buff.... which was then nerfed twice, along with that massive BAT nerf and ult nerf, idgi
Doom should definitely not be a good or even above average hero, leave him a situational pick only please

they say the same about void/silencer/necro but sometimes watching them go off can be entertaining, same with Whom

the only 'no fun allowed' hero that needs to sit in the back of the drawer is Medonna because every game with her is the same damn thing and it's boring af
1-4-4 is the way to go, but how you gonna tell me you're skipping out on his ult?

get it at 10 and 11
level 1 sucks balls, level 2 is just decent but gets much better with aghs
aquila tranqs midas aghs blink veil octarine

edit : depends, if I have a good lane I'll max sting for hardcore harass, otherwise I'll go wards so I can jungle earlier to catch up
Most cases i'll max sting anyway, at level 4 it's insane damage for free, and early wards do nothing but feed (or scout a bit but a smart support will check them and get ez xp). So it would be like Q W W E W E W E E R R. Level 1 to level 2 sting is a huge boost so it's almost mandatory to pick it at 3 imo
wards are just too bad at level 1 and 2, don't bother casting them except for some vision at these levels
Rather get level 3 sting at 5, it's a very strong laning spell


i enjoy maxing sting first with only early value points in gale for the slow and wards for scouting

the damage it does early on is so strong and makes laning a breeze for me and nightmare for the enemy


Had a guy add me randomly a few weeks ago asking for me to teach him(despite us having similar mmr) and I politely declined saying I had nothing to offer him. Since I've watched his mmr go up and down and reading his status', where he talks of feeding teammates in broken english(he had good scores though) and basically the mental unraveling of a dota player. Yesterday he took his mmr off of public display, think he dropped to like 4050 or something. He's been winning his games recently so I'm sure he's back up now. The things ranked does to people (melting AA Emote here)
solo queue

Had a guy add me randomly a few weeks ago asking for me to teach him(despite us having similar mmr) and I politely declined saying I had nothing to offer him. Since I've watched his mmr go up and down and reading his status', where he talks of feeding teammates in broken english(he had good scores though) and basically the mental unraveling of a dota player. Yesterday he took his mmr off of public display, think he dropped to like 4050 or something. He's been winning his games recently so I'm sure he's back up now. The things ranked does to people (melting AA Emote here)

classic solo queue


I am falling asleep and need more caffeine.

Kinda hyped with the 3DS downgrades, but there's too much noise atm, gonna wait a bit so I get a retard proof guide later on
Downgraded and on CFW now with minor hiccups because i can't read instructions. Apparently N3DS isn't safe yet.


Had a guy add me randomly a few weeks ago asking for me to teach him(despite us having similar mmr) and I politely declined saying I had nothing to offer him. Since I've watched his mmr go up and down and reading his status', where he talks of feeding teammates in broken english(he had good scores though) and basically the mental unraveling of a dota player. Yesterday he took his mmr off of public display, think he dropped to like 4050 or something. He's been winning his games recently so I'm sure he's back up now. The things ranked does to people (melting AA Emote here)

This is why I only play unranked

Games are supposed to be fun, and ranked is antifun at the highest level

I calibrated at 3.5K like 2 years ago, so im sure I would be at least 4.5 now if i cared enough to grind it out

The fact the Dotas MMR never resets every 6 months/year makes me not give a single fuck about it

3,573 unranked games, 24 ranked. No regrets
This is why I only play unranked

Games are supposed to be fun, and ranked is antifun at the highest level

I calibrated at 3.5K like 2 years ago, so im sure I would be at least 4.5 now if i cared enough to grind it out

The fact the Dotas MMR never resets every 6 months/year makes me not give a single fuck about it

Yea having 2 different ranks for unranked and ranked is pretty dumb. Wish valve would redo the ranked system


i just jungled legion!
This is why I only play unranked

Games are supposed to be fun, and ranked is antifun at the highest level

I calibrated at 3.5K like 2 years ago, so im sure I would be at least 4.5 now if i cared enough to grind it out

The fact the Dotas MMR never resets every 6 months/year makes me not give a single fuck about it

3,573 unranked games, 24 ranked. No regrets

Yeah i dont care about ranked at all too. Only played 12 ranked games or something when it was first introduced.
It should really reset after a long period of inactivity and if the player agrees.


Bull on a Donut
Yea having 2 different ranks for unranked and ranked is pretty dumb. Wish valve would redo the ranked system

They need a whole ranked overhaul themed patch imo. Cool little badges for your MMR bracket (like CSGO), in-game tournament/league features (ihl!), and MMR re-calibration due to inactivity (like CSGO). Having tournament or league features in client would be amazing. I didn't mind HoN having one MMR value, one matchmaking pool (no unranked/rank or party/solo), but I can see why that might never get implemented in dota or why some people wouldn't like that.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I wouldn't mind a recalibrate at the very least. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I have to imagine I'd calibrate higher than the 2.5k I got when the ranked MMR system first came out years ago. 3k at least, right? I guess it doesn't really matter since I can't stomach playing solo queue ranked anyways, but as someone who plays 99% of his Dota with at least one other person, the few times I do solo queue, even in unranked, it feels like all 9 of the players around me are deficient.


What is the logic behind rank resets?

I know/understand very little about these things.

I think a lot of people will say it's to prevent people from complaining about the matchmaking system putting them somewhere they don't belong, but for me the best use would be so I could re-roll into a different skill level each season, since I tend to take long breaks and come back playing terribly for my current rank.
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