These jungle stacks by DK are just disgusting.
They did let me farm for free the entire game for some reasonRazor on lane and generally high dps heroes with magic immunity. Honestly if you aren't fed to disgusting levels Naix and Lycan in particular should have a field day with you.
and they never tried to stun me or really focus on me at allWell, I'd say dying the moment someone so much as sneezes in his direction is a pretty big weakness.
and none of them played nyx![]()
Also he's very vulnerable to early ganks as he has no escape other than trying to dodge stuff with his Astral Imprisonment, and even then that's iffy depending on what is after you.
The community and the match making system has completely destroyed any shred of fun I have had playing this game.
It's downright painful to play at this point.
Time to move on I suppose.
Jesus Christ.
You know guys Dota is designed to be a team game
So, like, find a team or something
Weaver, Dragon Knight, Axe, Skywrath...I know what this team needs!
Phantom Assassin!
That makes so much sense!
Razor on lane and generally high dps heroes with magic immunity. Honestly if you aren't fed to disgusting levels Naix and Lycan in particular should have a field day with you.
Drats, how can I make the joke "you only say that because you lost" if you win!
Its instresting how nether side really has any major "late game", Jugg is the character that scales the best and he doesn't do it that well.
Also, I nominate AwfulWaffLE for the Gaf Maelk Award!
I never really understood the Razor countering OD argument. How does it work? Is it unstable current or static link or a combination of both?
I never really understood the Razor countering OD argument. How does it work? Is it unstable current or static link or a combination of both?
That is the Orchid equivalent, right? That sounds like a Scythe without the slow! It seems incredibly OP. I couldn't imagine how ridiculous it would be on the Storm Spirit equivalent.
Guys what are the absolute unbeatable starting items for weaver in mid? I want to keep him alive and last hitting. It gets difficult against other tanky agi mids tho.
I've seen some Wraith band/Tango combo, rushed into a LS and then into dmg items.
I never really understood the Razor countering OD argument. How does it work? Is it unstable current or static link or a combination of both?
Current + Link.
His base damage is very low without draining int from Astral. He'll never be able to drain your INT to get more base damage because if he does he takes damage and opens himself up for an attack when the Astral finishes. Draining Razor's INT isn't an effective way to stop harass because Link costs very little mana.
Basically every tool that OD uses to dominate most heroes mid doesn't work against Razor, so while there won't be much going on in terms of hero kills, Razor will dominate the creep kills/denies.
You mean the slow and damage from Unstable Current will only apply when Astral Prison finishes?
If I see another Battlefury on Bounty Hunter I'm going to fly to Seattle and kick someones arse.
I still don't think battlefury is bad on BH. People mistakenly think it's just a farming item, when it's also a big damage item. It costs slightly more than Desolator but gives more damage, more sustainability and cleave which may be useful in a teamfight.
It's like getting it on Tusk. You have a guaranteed crit that can be distributed to everyone.
Except that it's an item whose cheapest component in 875 gold where a good BH wants to be running around the map throwing tracks and scouting enemy movement as soon as he hits level 6, not sitting in lane/jungle AFK farming.
It's not just about what the item gives you, it's what you have to pay to get it.
I always get three branches, tango and salve followed by a bottle with Weaver and i can't remember the last time i didn't stomp the game after going mid with him.
Or you can get Orchid/Desolator/whatever else that is more useful up and running really quickly.Well yes it shouldn't be an item you're farming all game for, but if you have a good start and find yourself with a lot of money it will make you very powerful in the midgame (albeit squishy).
I still don't understand where they got that build. Can any of the Dota 1 veterans shed some light on where that came from?
I still don't understand where they got that build. Can any of the Dota 1 veterans shed some light on where that came from?
My last Medusa game I was "gifted" a rapier when the Slark on the eventual losing team got cocky.
To be fair all of that would be true even if all they did was patch hats and tournament ticket, and never added more content to the game.The fact that the game is still growing, servers are stable and the partners are happy. Yes.
I want to believe. I really do, like everyone I think. ^ ^The big update that is coming will make you appreciate the new setup, trust me.
IIRC, Jinada didn't have a cooldown and worked like Jugg's crit in the past. In those days, BH was played more like a hard carry.
EDIT: Just checked Wiki and I'm right:
Reworked Jinada icon.png Jinada
Crit: 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0x
Crit Chance: 15%
Evasion: 5/10/15/20%
Passive. Adds a critical strike and small maim to your next attack. Has a cooldown.
Critical Strike: 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0x
Maim: 25% MS/AS for 3 seconds
Cooldown: 22/17/12/7
Plus, Track didn't used to give team gold, only individual gold and I think his windwalk also used to give a movement speed bonus, much like Clinkz. That plus the evasion and crit passive from Jinada made him more of a hard carry than roamer. So Bfury does make sense
I don't think you always need sheep after Bloodstone and your math is really off on the Halberd EHP: it's 20*19=380 more hp and then there is the 25% evasion that can boost your ehp by a lot. The active is also good, obviously most times Sheep stick is still gonna be better.A friend of mine constantly picks up Halberd on Timbersaw, I keep telling him that Scythe of Vyse will accomplish everything a Halberd will and more (essentially), but he seems to still go straight for halberd after Bloodstone.
After doing the maths, you basically only get about 150 extra EHP from Halberd, about 35 damage (which isn't really useful on Timber anyway since he isn't an auto attack hero) and you of course get the 25% evasion, which is EHP in a way as well I suppose. You get a 3.5 (4.5 if ranged) disarm vs a 3.5 second hard disable.
Admittedly, the item build up is more difficult for Scythe and if you are having a really bad game, then Halberd is still a great item on Timber. But even when this guy is ahead in his games, he will pick up Halberd before or instead, opting for Shiva's, even if there are no other sheep carriers on the team.
I just feel like Scythe is essentially the perfect item for Timbersaw, especially after Bloodstone when his farming potential is ridiculous, with 10 charges you can wipe out the whole jungle in about 2 minutes and farm lanes like crazy, so he has the ability to farm the sheep no problem. The item gives him a small amount of armor, a bit of hp and most importantly 455 mana and 150% mana regen, plus a hard disable which gives him huge solo kill potential and makes him useful in team fights even against BKB carries (if you can get it off).
I feel like stacking mana regen items on Timber is the most effective way to run the hero if you aren't needing to be a semi carry, or need to pick up a situational BKB or something, as all you really need to do is spam your spells and stay alive and you do huge damage - add a hard disable to that and you are practically unstoppable.
Like I said, if you are behind then get a halberd, but if ahead I think Scythe should be considered pretty much core after Bloodstone, in a similar way to Puck after blink.
I guess I just kind of find it annoying, since you basically need someone to pick a sheep up every game and since supports generally struggle to buy it and his hero has the ability to farm it fairly easily, it just seems like a natural thing and instead he spends 4000 gold on a Halberd instead.
Am I right here? Or is Halberd a better item in more ways than I'm describing?
I can attest for this, Rael solomid autowin except when he play against me![]()