Is that girl on the right with the blue supposed to be Chen? Because I think I wanna play Chen now GOTDAm
You need a real lineup and people who dont die to Roshan. Main thing is you need to stack the fuck out of minus armor, I've seen Rosh at like 60 or 80 armor.Generally heroes with high mobility and high burst damage. Like Morphling, QoP, Puck. That's because these are the type of heroes who can hit the treats a few times, get the treats and blink/morph out over the cliff. The burst damage doesn't matter much in the initial mode but in the sugar rush mode when you face Roshan you basically just stack up on E Blades and Dagons nuke Roshan down. People have been saying that physical damage is more effective now but E Blade + Dagon 5 still does a shit ton of damage. Mobility also helps when it comes to evading Roshan's attacks.
Other heroes are good at being defensive which include Undying, Twin Headed Dragon who can just camp the treats and protect it well enough. Tinker is beast in both once he gets Blink, Dagon and E Blade as well. He can just March near the pots for defense and against Roshan just burst him down.
This is actually a pretty good idea.
You need a real lineup and people who dont die to Roshan. Main thing is you need to stack the fuck out of minus armor, I've seen Rosh at like 60 or 80 armor.Generally heroes with high mobility and high burst damage. Like Morphling, QoP, Puck. That's because these are the type of heroes who can hit the treats a few times, get the treats and blink/morph out over the cliff. The burst damage doesn't matter much in the initial mode but in the sugar rush mode when you face Roshan you basically just stack up on E Blades and Dagons nuke Roshan down. People have been saying that physical damage is more effective now but E Blade + Dagon 5 still does a shit ton of damage. Mobility also helps when it comes to evading Roshan's attacks.
Other heroes are good at being defensive which include Undying, Twin Headed Dragon who can just camp the treats and protect it well enough. Tinker is beast in both once he gets Blink, Dagon and E Blade as well. He can just March near the pots for defense and against Roshan just burst him down.
Man am I bad at Earth Spirit
Really need some better pics of dat qop.
People don't have a fucking clue how to Diretide jesus
Nope. No matter what, Roshan wins.Is Diretide Roshan even killable? Highest I saw was lvl8.
He's a dewarder!i wish people would stop playing riki
hes a waste of a spot on the team
People are getting mad about people being bad at a goofy holiday game mode...You think that's bad idiots in trench attack the other team
You think that's bad idiots in trench attack the other team
People are getting mad about people being bad at a goofy holiday game mode...
The rich get richer
Don't play it, I don't plan to play it eitherPeople take diretide way too seriously, it's taken all of two games for me to hate this mode. I have never seen people as pissed off as when someone costs the team a piece of candy.
Meh, Diretide isn't that much fun really.
So is that it for OGN today?
They gotta get ready for their lol broadcast tonight doeThey should have done 3 games no matter what, kinda dumb to be done in 30 minutes
Yea the Rosh killing is the most fun part. Its like taking on a giant MMO boss or something. Too bad everyone just builds E Blade Dagon with some players making Orchid/Veil for extra damage so the fight isn't interesting as it could be.It's fun when both sides work together to try and get the rosh record, but that's rare.
They gotta get ready for their lol broadcast tonight doe
No, have fun with the stack of Russians and losing 0 to 125 like me, cause that shit don't matter.Do I really need a 5 stack to just actually play diretide?
Yeah, a lot of people don't understand it.to everybody that was talking shit about earth spirits ult
youre wrong
youre just
the words you were using are false