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Dota 2 |OT3| #BetterThenEllenPudge

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don't get me wrong I think he's balanced tbh, I just think he still overshadows some of the other split pushers, hence the nerf. also i hope this happens cuz i hate kagete. Altho a straight nerf to furion without any other changes probably won't change anything, furion will just be added to the never picked split pusher list.

What do you reckon heroes like PL and Lycan need to be viable, if split-pushing in general were to get a buff?


In my opinion, the gold inflation. Heroes can get their core items a lot more quickly, especially supports, and as soon as you have that mek just 5 man snowball their towers and extend that gold lead. There's no room for split pushing when crucial fights start to happen 10 to 15 minutes into the game rather than 20 to 25 minutes in. Most of these split pushers require some room to begin doing their thing, the earlier you start to demolish their map control, the harder it is for them to split push and be effective--they are forced to teamfight. With the game being faster because of gold inflation over the last 4-5 patches, that window of time split pushers have to get going is now very very small. This is just my opinion of course, I'm not the end all be all dota guru and I'm sure some others out there disagree with me.


Furion is super squishy and super-balanced (he's easy to counter, easy to kill first in any fight, and doesn't do anything but auto-attack). And FYI I stopped playing split-push and building lothar's on him 2-3 months ago. Playing a ganking and support NP is more rewarding and appreciated by teammates (esp. pubs).


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
"wtf furion y u have no farm???"

^Typical reaction to Kage Furion 2.0.
Furion is super squishy and super-balanced (he's easy to counter, easy to kill first in any fight, and doesn't do anything but auto-attack). And FYI I stopped playing split-push and building lothar's on him 2-3 months ago. Playing a ganking and support NP is more rewarding and appreciated by teammates (esp. pubs).

"wtf why are you getting mek why no desolator"


anyone have any rage or celebration gifs from previous dota 2 tournaments? I am showing my coworkers videos and stuff of peoples emotional reactions to playing these games so they understand how invested people are emotionally. I gotta say that the MLG blops 2 video is hilarious and great for this but I need some dota 2 ones


It really did. Alliance were the kings of split push pre 6.79. I think there was a good balance between deathball/split push strats (obviously oversimplifying all of dota into two general strats, but most often fall into one of these two categories, 4 protect 1 is pretty much dead). The last game of TI3 was a perfect example of this, NAVI played their game (deathball), Alliance played theirs (split push), and the game was a tug of war contest until the end where Navi made a few crucial errors.

With 6.79, the game got faster, and swung wayyyy in the direction of deathball. When Nature's Profit is currently the only split pushing hero that can work in competitive (because he's a split pusher that can still show up to teamfights quickly), you know something is wrong. No lycan, no morphling, no AM, no more PL, Syllabear went from being an offlane split-pusher/team-fight hybrid to a safe lane farmer that pretty much only shows up to deathball, etc... The only place where split push is still a problem is AP pubs where you can insta lock Lycan + Brood. The game has changed, the pendulum is now safely on the side of very early 5 man doto.

Personally I'm hoping 6.80 nerfs furion a tad (to help move the spotlight to other heroes that perform a similar role), fixes brood and puts her back in CM, and perhaps nerfs xp/assist bounty with 4-5 people around.

I think it's far too early to start calling for Alliance players' heads, they did just win around 1.5 million dollars recently. I'd give them some time to adapt, maybe see what 6.80 has in store, and if they completely shit the bed at TI4, then you can talk about the team that nearly went undefeated in TI3 breaking up.

Why would they nerf Furion again? You just said the reason he is the only legit splitpusher now is that he can show up, and you wan to nerf that? What they need is get the game back into balance, and also try to make 4p1 more legit and nerf deathball, specially with heroes like Veno and DK who might be a tad too strong atm.


Bull on a Donut
Why would they nerf Furion again? You just said the reason he is the only legit splitpusher now is that he can show up, and you wan to nerf that? What they need is get the game back into balance, and also try to make 4p1 more legit and nerf deathball, specially with heroes like Veno and DK who might be a tad too strong atm.

4 protect 1 is boring as shit f that (just look at TI1). I'm fine with that strat being forever buried in the dredges that was old dota.

Icefrog has a choice to make with the heroes that rely on 4 protect 1 though: 1) leave them as rare picks (HoN style), 2) adapt them to new and evolved dota (i.e. early game buffs), or 3) try to slow the pace of the game to perhaps better integrate them in dual core lineups (ala TI2 and TI3--morphling/ck, AM/furion, DK/LD, etc...). I guess the fourth choice is to make 4 protect 1 viable again, how, without significant changes that probably strip away all he's tried to accomplish in the last 6 patches, idk.


Anbokr, you mentioned how the more aggressive meta is more fun, so we wouldn't want to get rid of it entirely. But we want a way to allow split pushers to have a chance to come online. So I reckon we need something that makes it take longer before the death ball reaches the T3 towers without actually nerfing the power of the deathball itself.

Edit: maybe reducing the cool down of Glyph? Let's you stall the 5-man push so split pushers come online but also stops those split pushers becoming too strong later on. And maybe help 4-protect-1 to an extent as well.


Bull on a Donut
Anbokr, you mentioned how the more aggressive meta is more fun, so we wouldn't want to get rid of it entirely. But we want a way to allow split pushers to have a chance to come online. So I reckon we need something that makes it take longer before the death ball reaches the T3 towers without actually nerfing the power of the deathball itself.

You can have an aggressive meta without having an exclusively 5 man aggressive meta. For example, encouraging 2-3 (like in the laning phase) man ganks or skirmishes over 5 man push through xp/gold bounty tweaks idk. The laning phase is getting shorter and shorter every patch though. I don't envy icefrog, he's got some tough choices to make.


Canadians burned my passport
Guys, how do I not fall woefully underlevelled as CM? I always find myself low-levelled with her unless we snowball hard.


Canadians burned my passport
How underlevelled are we talking?

Like when everyone else on my team hits 16, i'm hitting about 10 or so, maybe even lower. Mostly due to having to roam around a lot helping people or placing wards. Well and also getting nuked to death first in team fights.


Like when everyone else on my team hits 16, i'm hitting about 10 or so. Mostly due to having to roam around a lot helping people or placing wards. Well and also getting nuked to death first in team fights.

If your team is still winning, then it's kinda just a sacrifice of playing a lone support roaming around. As long as your contribution got the rest of your team the start they needed it's fine. They are meant to take over from that point.


Canadians burned my passport
If your team is still winning, then it's kinda just a sacrifice of playing a lone support roaming around. As long as your contribution got the rest of your team the start they needed it's fine. They are meant to take over from that point.

Yeah, but what if we're not winning? I would love some tips on how to deal with that as CM


How is this meta fun its dk mid mek safelane veno push hahaha smoke weed

I dunno, not selling me on how it's not fun #blazeitbro #mekbong

On a side note I've started watching draskyll's streaming antagonistically cuz I think he's an asshole but I should probably stop giving him views.


Corporate Apologist

Gonna go with that, see if its possible to get a fast win.

Picks are in.
My team: Brood, Sven, Dk, CK, BS (whats with all the knights?)
Their Team: Disruptor, Pudge, PA, Clinkz, ES (COUNTERPICKER!)

Ok all Melee spanish Team, lets do this!


Corporate Apologist
Fuck, leaver and no stats gonna be recorded. I liked my autoattack sven, he got a soulring. ON TO ROUND TWO!

My Team: Brood, Huskar, LC, Riki, CM (A support!)
Their Team: Pa, Ursa, Drow, Tiny, Zeus

By god I hope LC doesn't feed damage.


So how do you delete this group/room in the chat box?


dunno how it got there and I'm the only one in there everytime I play.

Its a guild chat channel, as you can see by the little G in the top left corner. I assume the only way to remove it is by leaving the guild.


What do you guys think about buying sentries with the starting gold on brood? The past few days I've been starting with a stout shield and getting a quick poor mans instead to make myself a little bit harder to kill early on.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
What do you guys think about buying sentries with the starting gold on brood? The past few days I've been starting with a stout shield and getting a quick poor mans instead to make myself a little bit harder to kill early on.

Brood isn't already hard enough to kill? I'd only get sentries on her if they are. I guess it depends on the caliber of opponent you're facing. It's rare that I see a support show up to a Brood lane with sentries at the start but I'm in potato tier apparently.
I'm surprised at all this Alliance stress in here. Seems over-reactionary at best.

Talk to me in May when they've tested out all their gimmick and pocket strats and are drafting who they feel are their best comps to win the game. It's January, guys. Heroes aren't in the pool. Balance changes are pending. Teams are experimenting, testing the strengths and weaknesses of comps and learning lessons. Supposing that present success/failure is reflective of their current skill or ability to win in the game seems quite flawed. From my perspective, Alliance has nothing to prove and are treating the "regular season" as such. They aren't desperate for wins, and even then they're placing what? top 3 or 4 in everything I've seen them in. Let them work out their comps and revisit this discussion in a few months.

They just won 2 mill and people are talking about chopping their most important team members' heads off? ffs.


earth spirit, pudge, ursa, riki
Me and a friend were losing it the first time we played against a Pudge. That was like or fourth or fifth game ever and we had no idea what the different heroes could do. I'd get hooked from out of nowhere and die before I could even move the camera to see the guy.


You can have an aggressive meta without having an exclusively 5 man aggressive meta. For example, encouraging 2-3 (like in the laning phase) man ganks or skirmishes over 5 man push through xp/gold bounty tweaks idk. The laning phase is getting shorter and shorter every patch though. I don't envy icefrog, he's got some tough choices to make.

Buff towers and/or nerf tower gold maybe?


Alliance has nothing to prove and are treating the "regular season" as such. They aren't desperate for wins, and even then they're placing what? top 3 or 4 in everything I've seen them in. Let them work out their comps and revisit this discussion in a few months.

They just won 2 mill and people are talking about chopping their most important team members' heads off? ffs.

Literally IG 2.0


Corporate Apologist
This took far longer then I had hoped. And god damn is it cold in this library, I'm bringing a sweater next week.


I also showed the CM where the secret shops are, so I helped!
5 months since the last international.

7 till the next one presumably.

Na'Vi aren't afraid to wield an axe to get themselves competitive.

even with all that said, admiral bulldog is Pascal cygan.
Literally IG 2.0

Not sure about that comparison unless I'm misunderstanding what you're alluding to. iG (and the rest of the dominant Chinese teams) went an extended period of time after TI2 not playing competitive Dota 2...and when they were they were not playing a mix of eastern and western style teams until a couple of months before TI3. As a result they weren't as ready as they could/should have been for TI3 and the results followed. Alliance is having no such experience. They continue to participate in what I would consider too many tournaments with teams of varying degrees of skill from all regions Dota 2 is available for play in. They're collecting plenty of experience and it will prepare them well to defend their championship belts when that season comes back around.

If anything I'd say a short break would do them some good. I don't know how they keep the schedule they have and don't want to kill someone. Suggesting replacement of players seems very, very misplaced from my purview.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
All the Bulldog hate makes me BibleThump IRL.


All the Bulldog hate makes me BibleThump IRL.

Considering how he was, I'd say by far, the best off-lane sylla and furion player in the world, he shouldn't have a problem learning other heroes at a really high level, but he isn't. If you play sub-par compared to your team mates you're gonna get hate.
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