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Dota 2 |OT3| #BetterThenEllenPudge

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As more and more artists start to make more items for the workshop and more heroes are made item ready, you will see a lot more hats for your fave hero :)

So I need halp in naming my LC set. Its almost done (1 or 2 more days) so give name suggestions plx.

I keep thinking of something like Crimson Praetorian when I look at that. Looks great!



Biggest fucking throw I've ever seen.

Roll over the other team the entire game but never get together for a fucking push, lets chase kills guys! that's so fucking cool!

Oh hey they have an AM? no problem! who cares if he gets free farm the entire game? he's pushing bottom and getting the tower? whatever..

We still had our tier 2 mid and top at 60 minutes ffs

Oh, and of course Naga was trolling the whole fucking game.
He had song when the they took the towers but we could've protected the Ancient, everyone were just respawning, but he obviously didn't

I would report him, but Valve didn't do anything when I reported someone called "NaZi!" with a Hitler avatar, so fuck that bullshit.


I don't disagree. There is room for improvement to be sure. Some of them are lifted in concept straight from Team Fortress 2 sfx.

Ah that makes sense now.

Dondon's Alchemist set.

Top notch as always, looks more skyrim than Year of the Horse.


Biggest fucking throw I've ever seen.

Roll over the other team the entire game but never get together for a fucking push, lets chase kills guys! that's so fucking cool!

Oh hey they have an AM? no problem! who cares if he gets free farm the entire game? he's pushing bottom and getting the tower? whatever..

We still had our tier 2 mid and top at 60 minutes ffs

Oh, and of course Naga was trolling the whole fucking game.
He had song when the they took the towers but we could've protected the Ancient, everyone were just respawning, but he obviously didn't

I would report him, but Valve didn't do anything when I reported someone called "NaZi!" with a Hitler avatar, so fuck that bullshit.

Next game get 6 carries.


Its not like I was playing with a 5 stack, it was me and Mono in All Pick, we didn't know those guys won't support.

Abaddon did buy some wards, but that's about it.

Normally I would care, but we rolled over them so hard and had such a huge advantage that we could just finish the game, but we obviously didn't.

Biggest fucking throw I've ever seen.

Roll over the other team the entire game but never get together for a fucking push, lets chase kills guys! that's so fucking cool!

Oh hey they have an AM? no problem! who cares if he gets free farm the entire game? he's pushing bottom and getting the tower? whatever..

We still had our tier 2 mid and top at 60 minutes ffs

Oh, and of course Naga was trolling the whole fucking game.
He had song when the they took the towers but we could've protected the Ancient, everyone were just respawning, but he obviously didn't

I would report him, but Valve didn't do anything when I reported someone called "NaZi!" with a Hitler avatar, so fuck that bullshit.

I blame Veno for buying a fucking butterfly instead of another sheep for Anti-Mage. As if your team needed more right-click :-|

In the end, many losses come down to poor itemization. Naga thinking she needed to buy carry items instead of support items. Venomancer thinking he's playing an agi carry and not the support he picked.

If your team has the basic game understanding to prioritize:

1.) Mekanism (for pushing)
2.) Urn of Shadows (for pushing)
3.) Pipe of Insight (double ravage mitigation, pushing)
4.) 2x or 3x Scythe of Vyse (for AM and/or Tiny)

...your team wins the game fairly easily. But you only had 1 sheep and that's not enough to counter Tiny and AM whom both have HoT's. It's a fucking shame too, because neither AM nor Tiny are smart enough to buy BKB's. Or, maybe they noticed your team wasn't smart enough to buy Sheep sticks, so why bother? Not even a force staff or euls to help control fights.

Either way, the point remains: it doesn't matter how much of a lead you've created for yourself. If you don't itemize correctly in a way that allows you to push your advantage toward the very specific goal of taking objectives, you can let wins become losses. Not having Mek and Urn especially make sustained pushes and sieging towers very difficult.

Hopefully lessons were learned from the many mistakes that were made.




Went bot with Sven and got killed 4 times in a row because Bara would charge me and NP would TP in, and then Weaver/NP/Bara would wreck my shit

Thankfully our Dusa got a 10 min gem and we proceed to ride them hard

They were 7 kills to our 2 at 10 mins

We ended 41 kills to their 9

Thatll teach those assholes to pick such noob heros
Unlocking level 13 and competitive play with a losing game on a team full of pinoys feels just so patronizing, like DOTA is putting air quotes around "competitive".


As more and more artists start to make more items for the workshop and more heroes are made item ready, you will see a lot more hats for your fave hero :)

So I need halp in naming my LC set. Its almost done (1 or 2 more days) so give name suggestions plx.

way too close to brisbane broncos, yuck :p
I wish solo ranked was just with solo players

Same I solo'd the other day only to go against a full team. I think our group only had a party of 2. No Idea why the consider it a solo ranking if it's not solo for everyone. Would I have received more MMR points by beating a stack....doubtful.


As more and more artists start to make more items for the workshop and more heroes are made item ready, you will see a lot more hats for your fave hero :)

So I need halp in naming my LC set. Its almost done (1 or 2 more days) so give name suggestions plx.
3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
Second horseman of the apocalypse; War.


Canadians burned my passport
Tried Captain's mode to get out of the All pick trench for the first time. Get a Bane on our team that buys a second courier then sits in fountain for half the game.


Tried Captain's mode to get out of the All pick trench for the first time. Get a Bane on our team that buys a second courier then sits in fountain for half the game.
If you are desperate to get out of the trench, Earth Spirit is always there "in case of emergency". As long as you can do the "Rock behind hero > Pull it > roll at them > (ult if necessary) > kick into tower/teammate/drop rock and silence" combo, you're golden. The advanced stuff beyond that just makes it even better.

Also, I really love ES offlane as well as mid. I'm considering soul ring in the future for it. Mob was desperate to break an 8 game losing streak last night, so I picked it despite having an Invoker on our team mid, so I volunteered to off lane since we had a Legion Commander jingling. Mob grabbed Anti-Mage and LC was whining the whole game that AM was a shit pick, and whined about every little thing. Stones were set though, AM finished farming, and we won. I made some huge plays in it though. I was against Luna and CM in offlane and got most of my farm by pulling rocks. This was why I would advocate soul ring for it, plus the kill potential when the support leaves the lane to pull.


Is there anything brood can build that helps out vs legion? Between her dueling me with shadowblade and countering my push with one nuke, I barely did anything once she got the shadowblade up. If I tried to farm the jungle with spiders, she nuked them. Should I have constantly had sentries+a spider to spot her at least?


If you are desperate to get out of the trench, Earth Spirit is always there "in case of emergency". As long as you can do the "Rock behind hero > Pull it > roll at them > (ult if necessary) > kick into tower/teammate/drop rock and silence" combo, you're golden. The advanced stuff beyond that just makes it even better.

Also, I really love ES offlane as well as mid. I'm considering soul ring in the future for it. Mob was desperate to break an 8 game losing streak last night, so I picked it despite having an Invoker on our team mid, so I volunteered to off lane since we had a Legion Commander jingling. Mob grabbed Anti-Mage and LC was whining the whole game that AM was a shit pick, and whined about every little thing. Stones were set though, AM finished farming, and we won. I made some huge plays in it though. I was against Luna and CM in offlane and got most of my farm by pulling rocks. This was why I would advocate soul ring for it, plus the kill potential when the support leaves the lane to pull.

Earth Spirits ability to pull you out of the trench is greatly exaggerated. He's super strong because it's incredibly hard to win the early game against him, and he makes excellent contributions to early teamfights. But if you're in the trench your carries won't know what to do with the advantage and are as likely to piss it away as not. It's why ES still only has an average pub winrate of 45%. If you want a trench pub stomper just pick characters that are extremely hard to fuck up. Picking Death prophet or Warlock and pressing R near enemy towers will win you the game more often than not in low level MM.
Earth Spirits ability to pull you out of the trench is greatly exaggerated. He's super strong because it's incredibly hard to win the early game against him, and he makes excellent contributions to early teamfights. But if you're in the trench your carries won't know what to do with the advantage and are as likely to piss it away as not. It's why ES still only has an average pub winrate of 45%. If you want a trench pub stomper just pick characters that are extremely hard to fuck up. Picking Death prophet or Warlock and pressing R near enemy towers will win you the game more often than not in low level MM.

well said.


Bull on a Donut

big shoutout to sliver, goes against milkman mid, ofc nerdman calls in the supports to constantly sit on him, check runes, and gank, AND SLIVER STILL REKTS HIM

gj sliver im proud of you

Earth Spirits ability to pull you out of the trench is greatly exaggerated. He's super strong because it's incredibly hard to win the early game against him, and he makes excellent contributions to early teamfights. But if you're in the trench your carries won't know what to do with the advantage and are as likely to piss it away as not. It's why ES still only has an average pub winrate of 45%. If you want a trench pub stomper just pick characters that are extremely hard to fuck up. Picking Death prophet or Warlock and pressing R near enemy towers will win you the game more often than not in low level MM.

i'm sorry but this isn't true at all. ES is by far the best hero to get out of the trench with, hell I've played with a few people that are jumping on the "heheheh lemme learn earth spirit for free mmr train," and even in their first game when they have no idea what they are doing, it's a complete joke how much they can contribute. There's no better hero to currently 1v5 and control the game with--he has it all from minute 0 to minute 999. also i'd like you to meet my friend john bordelone, a 46% win 3000 mmr scrub who is now 4k+ and 52% win on the back of the lovely earth spirit #freelo

the inevitable earth spirit nerf is going to leave a lot of people devastated and i think we'll hear the cry of a thousand voices as they scream and are suddenly silenced as they plummet from loss after loss.
also i'd like you to meet my friend john bordelone, a 46% win 3000 mmr scrub who is now 4k+ and 52% win on the back of the lovely earth spirit #freelo

the inevitable earth spirit nerf is going to leave a lot of people devastated and i think we'll hear the cry of a thousand voices as they scream and are suddenly silenced as they plummet from loss after loss.

lol damn


Earth Spirits ability to pull you out of the trench is greatly exaggerated. He's super strong because it's incredibly hard to win the early game against him, and he makes excellent contributions to early teamfights. But if you're in the trench your carries won't know what to do with the advantage and are as likely to piss it away as not. It's why ES still only has an average pub winrate of 45%. If you want a trench pub stomper just pick characters that are extremely hard to fuck up. Picking Death prophet or Warlock and pressing R near enemy towers will win you the game more often than not in low level MM.

I see what you did there.


Earth Spirits ability to pull you out of the trench is greatly exaggerated. He's super strong because it's incredibly hard to win the early game against him, and he makes excellent contributions to early teamfights. But if you're in the trench your carries won't know what to do with the advantage and are as likely to piss it away as not. It's why ES still only has an average pub winrate of 45%. If you want a trench pub stomper just pick characters that are extremely hard to fuck up. Picking Death prophet or Warlock and pressing R near enemy towers will win you the game more often than not in low level MM.

You have to have some serious issues if you can't play earth spirit, it's harder to press g and click a hero who's juking to use laguna blade on lina than playing him effectively.


big shoutout to sliver, goes against milkman mid, ofc nerdman calls in the supports to constantly sit on him, check runes, and gank, AND SLIVER STILL REKTS HIM

gj sliver im proud of you

i'm sorry but this isn't true at all. ES is by far the best hero to get out of the trench with, hell I've played with a few people that are jumping on the "heheheh lemme learn earth spirit for free mmr train," and even in their first game when they have no idea what they are doing, it's a complete joke how much they can contribute. There's no better hero to currently 1v5 and control the game with--he has it all from minute 0 to minute 999. also i'd like you to meet my friend john bordelone, a 46% win 3000 mmr scrub who is now 4k+ and 52% win on the back of the lovely earth spirit #freelo

the inevitable earth spirit nerf is going to leave a lot of people devastated and i think we'll hear the cry of a thousand voices as they scream and are suddenly silenced as they plummet from loss after loss.

I just hope he's still fun, effective, and viable and they don't turn him into morph 2.0 after the nerfs.
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