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Dota 2 |OT5| TECHIES!!!

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Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I don't get why he left so soon, unless you had another prior obligation I can't see not waiting it out.
How long do you wait before enough is enough? From reading the thread it sounds like there was a lack of communication and explanation of the process, I don't blame someone for getting upset and being made to wait an hour without being told anything.
NP is easy: farm and rat-push. If your team can sustain a few 4vs5 fights, you will be able to destroy all the ennemy towers in no time. Then the game will get easier for your team.

Hmm, I might spectate some live matches to see what his playstyle is, I've never played a jungler before. I'm still ass at micromanaging though.

EDIT: even his ult is weird, I see.
How long do you wait before enough is enough? From reading the thread it sounds like there was a lack of communication and explanation of the process, I don't blame someone for getting upset and being made to wait an hour without being told anything.

Thacker's "keeping it real" email.

With all due respect I arrived at 2:45pm and walked out at 3:47pm. I filled out your application, took your test and was completed by 3:00. Your previous candidate that you were interviewing walked out around 3:05 and I waited an extra 40+ minutes for my interview that you scheduled at 3.. While I understand things come up, and business must keep going, I am also very professional in how I handle myself and any business relationships. To be made to wait, with not so much as you coming out to shake my hand, introducing yourself and letting me know you were running behind I feel extremely unprofessional. While I respect your accomplishments and your business, I have no desire to pursue any sort of working relationship with your company.


Interviewer's response.


I was not running behind.

You simply do not understand our interview process and because of that you walked out on your interview before we got a chance to speak to you.

I did not expect, nor did I tell you that I would start talking to you at 3p. I expected you would arrive at 3p to start our interview process and you would stay until we finished.

We allow 30-45 minutes for the paperwork to be done before interviewing candidates.

It's great that you came in early and finished your paperwork quickly, but that did not change when we were expecting to bring you back for your in person interview.

It's disappointing and unprofessional that you chose to leave your interview early. When I came out to get you, xxxx said you just walked out.

Perhaps next time you should ask about the process before making so many assumptions and leaving in the middle of your interview in a huff.

Thanks for the feedback and for coming in.

Good luck in your job search,"


Corporate Apologist
Wonder how much longer till we get the new Match Making modes. I wanna play Death Match.

I know TF2 is rumored to get an update next week, maybe Dota will get one too to ensure the steam download servers all crash.
LOL what is going on with Waga's channel? Viewbotters getting him up to 180k viewers.

Yeah, that's super weird. I was watching him earlier and he was at like 2k viewers or something, had to do a double take when I turned his stream back on a few minutes ago. Why does someone do that? I assume Twitch doesn't like that sort of thing since it puts unnecessary strain on their servers and skews their numbers. (I have no idea if the fake viewers count for ad money)


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Someone has been viewbotting streams to numbers like this all week, even had their own stream up advertising their website.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Thor if you're seeing this I can't reconnect to Steam, it's down.

Micro DK for me please.


These are so lame. Why would anyone wear these shirts in public or pay like $20-30. I'm a massive C9 fan but these are idiotic



Almost missed the fact that Valve finaly broke a new record, beating the time which separated Abaddon release from Three Spirits!, keep it up, every day is a new victory which get us closer to a stretch go.. well no but still, keep it up.


Where is The Summit taking place?

Yeah, that's super weird. I was watching him earlier and he was at like 2k viewers or something, had to do a double take when I turned his stream back on a few minutes ago. Why does someone do that? I assume Twitch doesn't like that sort of thing since it puts unnecessary strain on their servers and skews their numbers. (I have no idea if the fake viewers count for ad money)

They do it to advertise their service, I'm guessing.


Corporate Apologist
i dunno i think the ee one is pretty spot on

But would you actually want to wear it? I think that is the biggest issue with most of the t-shirt designs, they make horrible shirts. They would be better off as an Art Print, then you could have the players sign them and hang them.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
But would you actually want to wear it? I think that is the biggest issue with most of the t-shirt designs, they make horrible shirts. They would be better off as an Art Print, then you could have the players sign them and hang them.

Most vidja gaem shirts aren't wearable anyway, not a big deal.


I really hate that you have to wait a whole 24 hours to roll your daily hero. I didn't roll first thing in the morning at 8am, I did it later that night when I started playing Dota. Now my cycle is fucked unless I skip a day or something.


Guys :( being jobless isn't fun. Take it easy on Thacker.

And pulling that kind of shit is certainly not helping. At the very least, he could have waited and given them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they had servers blow up everywhere that day or something? It could happen.

I was supposed to talk to my boss today first thing this morning, but then they had some issues with one of our applications and he was in meetings about that all morning. Then he took me to lunch instead.

By the way I'm going to be transfering from a contractor to a full time hire! That was the end result of that lunch.


Not Wario
And pulling that kind of shit is certainly not helping. At the very least, he could have waited and given them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they had servers blow up everywhere that day or something? It could happen.

I was supposed to talk to my boss today first thing this morning, but then they had some issues with one of our applications and he was in meetings about that all morning. Then he took me to lunch instead.

By the way I'm going to be transfering from a contractor to a full time hire! That was the end result of that lunch.

Where did you ever end up by the way? I remember seeing your thread a while back, but it was still in progress.


the bts house in LA

That might be interesting. Oh yeah, just noticed the team arrivals video - heartwarming.

I guess I'm just curious what that will look like. Maybe their lounge stream didn't give the best impression. I just think it would be funny to see DK and Navi playing in a cramped apartment or something.


Where did you ever end up by the way? I remember seeing your thread a while back, but it was still in progress.

I got a nice programming job with a state government agency through a recruiting company (Yes, in Austin). I love it and am thrilled to go full on hire at the end of August!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I didn't think it was possible to be as toxic in real life as one is in DOTA2.

I was wrong.
I love the way you can feel yourself getting better game-on-game, generally, and with each hero. Won 5 of the 10 needed to fill that Compendium challenge

Slardar is pretty fun late-game. His Slam move make short work of creeps, making tower charges pretty rapid. Also his Ultimate is great for letting a more mobile/ranged teammate get a kill. And his 1st ability is much more useful than I thought it'd be. More than any other game I've ever played, the term 'he who runs away lives to fight another day' is apt. Plus, it somewhat negates the need for a TP since the only drawback is the damage-taken bonus, which is not relevant when making your way out of the base

Love the moments where you silently do a bit of teamwork, intuitively and with no real planning. Still not entirely sure what I'm doing with Wards, Items and Couriers, but feeling much more comfortable being left alone in a lane and going on the offensive.

How far into a game does it hit the threshold where it counts as a win/loss even if someone disconnects?
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