Apparently Wraith King isn't actually played as a carry in competitive games but as support? How?
He hasn't been used as a carry in forever now.Apparently Wraith King isn't actually played as a carry in competitive games but as support? How?
This is the gif version of it:
He has a great stun and his ultimate is a really powerful slow. I've seen EG play him as an initiator, who then attempts to die as quickly as possible in order to apply the slow to a group of enemies.
Interesting. Though what stops the enemy from just not attacking you during the team fight? Or is his damage, even when not built as a carry, respectable enough to make him unignorable?
Why won't anyone protect me while I ward![]()
so majestic
Are people supposed to do that? Wouldn't that mean leaving a lane entirely abandoned for a good amount of time (depending on how far you had to travel)?
Rolled LC for daily hero challenge. Ugh. This will be my fist time using her. Hoping to get carried by other.
Rolled LC for daily hero challenge. Ugh. This will be my fist time using her. Hoping to get carried by other.
You should be close enough to Chilling Touch/Vortex, only using Cold Feet on the closest targets. At short range, you need to actually aim your ult so you can't rely on screen-side hitboxes.1 - How are you supposed to position yourself in late game scenarios? I'm sometimes conflicted between being with your team and being as far away as possible to maximize ult.
2- Should you ever use chilling touch late game? I know the skill is great early game but I assume it would be detrimental to use late game?
I've been using dotaflame to get up to speed on heroes I'm unfamiliar with and it's doing wonders for my pub game.Rolled LC for daily hero challenge. Ugh. This will be my fist time using her. Hoping to get carried by other.
Earth Spirit is still ridiculously good
I've been using dotaflame to get up to speed on heroes I'm unfamiliar with and it's doing wonders for my pub game.
Why not take her for a spin in bot games?
Don't go jungle.
Get blink.
Be very careful about when to duel.
Smoke, positioning, runes.I have an impression that you should gank with your ult as soon as you hit level 6 but my problem is I dont have blink by that time.
Earth Spirit is still ridiculously good
Do I want auto attack on or off? I feel like I sometimes want it on so I dont have to micromanage illusions as much when I just want them to blindly attack creeps.
Off, just attack move if you want to clearDo I want auto attack on or off? I feel like I sometimes want it on so I dont have to micromanage illusions as much when I just want them to blindly attack creeps.
Off, just attack move if you want to clear
attack move?
I am familiar with all heroes and I think I have an idea how she works. The only hero I think I can't play directly with people is Ember and Earth spirit.
Just won the game. I just followed the usual set of guide though I jungled. I feel like she is a slow jungler.
I was surprised to know she is a fun hero to use. It's fun to duel enemies you know you will absolutely win against. I have an impression that you should gank with your ult as soon as you hit level 6 but my problem is I dont have blink by that time.
attack move?
Also is their any specific keyboard setup most good players use? Or is it personal preference? I have one that works for me, but I don't do any micromanagement at all which limits me to heroes that don't use illusions/clones/summon monsters.
I am the worst slark on the face of the planet![]()
I landed like maybe a third of my pounces on a target, otherwise I always overshot or undershot. I will never take good Slarks for granted again, ty for teaching me this lesson daily challenge.
For the most part, you want to make sure that you can reach all your abilities and items while minimizing how far your hand moves away from your ability row. You want to have quick access to A (Force Attack/Attack Move) and S (Stop). I use 3 for Select Hero, 1 and 2 as my main control groups, and C for courier, allowing me to micro courier at a moment's notice without ever taking my ring and middle finger off of Q and W.
You can actually bind Select Hero anywhere you want but the most important thing is that you are able to press it without messing up. If your hand needs to contort to double tap and lock onto your hero, you're doing it wrong. This is why it's 3 for me, since my middle finger is usually on E so it's only a slight shift away. Generally, it's easier for your fingers to move upwards accurately than downwards. Similarly, I don't want Select Courier near Select Hero because tapping those buttons can mean very different things in a game and it's not a place where you want ambiguity.
Whatever is accurate for you.Basically my mouse has right click, middle click, left click. And then 4 side buttons.
Try to change this as soon as possible. It is the worst control habit anyone can pick up in this game. If there was a single "wrong control scheme" in DOTA2, this would be runner up to "Locked Camera".I use WASD to move the camera, but I'm getting better at using the minimap for that so those can be changed.
This is okay.Right now I basically have 4 abilities on the mouse. And the other two (for some heroes that have more than 4) were bound to Q and E.
You'll cut down on mental errors if you have all your skills on one side or another, which is why I prefer QWERDF. Mouse buttons would be better used for items you get often that you really want to "lock in" to a particular frame of mind, like Blink, Force Staff, Mek or BKB. You'll really feel this once you move to item heavy initiators like Axe, Sven and Slardar, who have a billion Skills and a billion items and need to activate all of them in the right order. The more you can specialize your left hand and your right hand, the more they can be focused on doing their job (left hand: activate skills, right hand: move and aim) instead of figuring out which hand is doing what and when.Though it might lead to awkwardness when I play a hero with more than 4 abilities since then I'd have 4 on the mouse and the rest off the mouse.
Don't use those, you'll be spending too much time contorting your hand instead of controlling the mouse, which you will need to improve on as you move away from WASD camera.Technically my mouse does have 3 more buttons on the top, but they are a bit awkward to press.
League and Starcraft both have this, it's called "Smart" or "Autocast". DOTA2 has it as well, under Quickcast.Selecting an ability and then left-clicking to target it has been legacy in RTS for a long time. It seems to me though that in most cases, the left-click seems a little redundant. Wouldn't it be better, after getting used to it, to have whatever action the button is bound to instantly target to wherever the mouse pointer is at when the button is pressed? Seems like that'd cut down a lot on physical actions/APM and actually improve one's 'response time' by the average difference between skill activation and left clicking.
Attack move has another secondary behavior in DOTA2, which is "attack everything from where you are to where you A-moved". A simple right click takes you directly to the location you selected. This means if there's a creep wave between you and point B, and you right click point B, you'll move to point B first then maybe auto attack a nearby creep (I have auto attack off). If you A-move to point B, however, your hero will engage the oncoming creepwave and only reach point B after the creep wave is cleared.Think of the flipside scenario. Instead of right clicking to move to (or attack) something, if right clicking were to activate the 'move' command, after which you subsequently needed to left click the target/point to move to, it'd be way less efficient.
(Of course, that's the exact functionality of attack move as it is right now but that's not my point)
Attack move has another secondary behavior in DOTA2, which is "attack everything from where you are to where you A-moved". A simple right click takes you directly to the location you selected. This means if there's a creep wave between you and point B, and you right click point B, you'll move to point B first then maybe auto attack a nearby creep (I have auto attack off). If you A-move to point B, however, your hero will engage the oncoming creepwave and only reach point B after the creep wave is cleared.
This kind of A-move is used for splitpushing Illusions, and to make sure your hero attacks through fog as soon as possible.