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Dota 2 |OT5| TECHIES!!!

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Viper is a little squishy but TP scroll should get you out of there in jiffy. You could also try to use blade mail on him.

How does a squishy hero deal with spiritbreaker and any other hero in lane. I seems once his ult is online he can gank me all day.
Viper is a little squishy but TP scroll should get you out of there in jiffy. You could also try to use blade mail on him.

How does a squishy hero deal with spiritbreaker and any other hero in lane. I seems once his ult is online he can gank me all day.

Don't farm lanes alone if Spirit Breaker is ahead in farm. He used to be a pain in the butt in 6.78 but he's pretty mediocre now. He can't charge into two heroes and survive usually.


How does a squishy hero deal with spiritbreaker and any other hero in lane. I seems once his ult is online he can gank me all day.

If your a support, never wander alone and always be near your carry. He's less likely to charge at you then. If your team has good communication, you can shadow blade so he can't combo you whwn you know he's coming. He also falls apart late game so the longer the matches go, the weaker he gets.


Viper is a little squishy but TP scroll should get you out of there in jiffy. You could also try to use blade mail on him.

How does a squishy hero deal with spiritbreaker and any other hero in lane. I seems once his ult is online he can gank me all day.

In addition to what was mentioned already, you can interrupt charge with a stun if you have fast fingers. And you can fog his ult, so if there are trees next to you run behind them as he charges (ha) up his ult.
In addition to what was mentioned already, you can interrupt charge with a stun if you have fast fingers. And you can fog his ult, so if there are trees next to you run behind them as he charges (ha) up his ult.

That was changed in 6.81 I think. His ult was too shit with the fogging thing.


Bloodseeker is easy: use a TP scroll if he ganks you. Also, hitting the "s" key stops movement, you only take "bleeding" damage if you move around.

Silence is more tricky. There are items that purge it (BKB, Manta style, Diffusal) but if aren't a carry you probably won't build them. If you play support, retreat to the back until you can cast you spells again.

If Bloodseeker goes for you, tp away. Simple as that. TP's counter his solo killing potential, so be extra sure to have on against him at all times. This is because the bleeding spell, rupture, has a max threshold for distance, so by going all the way back to base you take no damage. As for the silences, it shouldn't be a huge problem for Viper as he is still mostly about rightclick. If they are killing you on their own that just means they are more farmed rather than silences countering Viper. But if you find it annoying, build a Manta style. The active gets rid of silences, and it's a decent item on Viper anyway.

You can TP out of Bloodseeker's Rupture (the thing that lets you bleed). Avoiding stuns in general is a matter of positioning or getting a Black King Bar.

Viper is a little squishy but TP scroll should get you out of there in jiffy. You could also try to use blade mail on him.

How does a squishy hero deal with spiritbreaker and any other hero in lane. I seems once his ult is online he can gank me all day.

Thanks for the tip. Will definitely get more prepared next time with Bloodseeker.


I don't see the guide, buuuut in general I'd say this: don't play any more greedy than the game calls for. Aura-first builds are great if you're left utterly alone early, but you need Frost Arrows and Gust if there's any pressure whatsoever. Building mobility (ie Phase, or Force Staff, or Blink, or MoM, whatever gets the job done) is more important than trying to mass up your damage quickly.

Thanks ! I've been tweaking this build but it's really not working out (I've linked my build on steam but it doesn't seem to show). I'm starved in the early game because of light regen and no mobility so I'm always in the sideline not being able to get involved in fights and since this hero seems to be effective in the early-mid game I'm missing a lot of impact and get facerolled. I'll try this one out instead and see how it goes. Looks more promising and better suited for early pressure (and surviving it).



So, a few things I noticed. The measurement used is cs/min. This is a fairly good measure for farm dependency, as he explains. However, it is also indicative of what I mentioned about farming speed. If a game goes ultra late, to the extent that slower farmers can catch up to a hero like AM, then they could beat him. So it's important that he farms at maximum speed (so a higher cs/min) in order to maintain his advantage and end the game before that catch up occurs. And I feel this trend is reflected in the chart. AM is first, followed by Void (Battlefury is his 4th most used item in pubs according to dotabuff, barely behind Daedalus and way above the 5th place item, indicating players are using him similarly to AM with timewalk instead of blink), who are a considerable way ahead of the rest. Then other flash farmers who don't carry quite as hard as the super ultra carries like Luna, Alch, LD place high as well. Heroes like Medusa, PL, Spectre place a little lower.

Now, there are other factors affecting placements here, so the sample is tainted, to an extent. Huskar, for example, does not fit my criteria but is 4th for other reasons. However, I think the trend that faster farmers with earlier timing windows require higher cs/min is visible here. And this is still in the realm of hard carries, as flash farming semi/mid game carries like SF or PA or Meepo, who have those same timing windows but have less late game potential (or more late counters in PA's case), place slightly lower also.

As for which heroes are the hardest carries, I'd agree that AM is a great manfighter when six-slotted. Certainly he is more of an ultra carry than Alch, Luna etc. But my point about context is that Dota will never be just about manfights. For instance, 1v1 AM would cripple Medusa's main defense thanks to mana burn, making him win that fight. But in a 5v5, if she has split shot turned on then you have her low, then notice she just wiped all of your teammates, whilst you did very little damage to hers, so they swing the fight and you die. This is just one tiny example of why a certain carry skillset is going to be better than others in certain contexts. Another could be that they picked a greedy lineup with two very good late carries, and your team has gotten two raxes, but haven't been able to close the game out, and those two carries are now super farmed. A Void would struggle here as the weight of those two carries would overwhelm him in fights, but a PL, who is usually considered weaker than other ultra carries, could suffocate and slow siege the opponents with the super creeps, eventually taking that last set of rax and the base with his unrelenting illusion spam, never having to fight those 2 carries directly. Context, context, context.

I feel like this post could be a lot shorter, and frankly I may have been arguing with points you didn't even make, but getting the point across eloquently was kinda hard.
I don't know if I'm too late or not, but does anyone have an open spot in a fantasy league?

Steam ID: Sundull

I'm also looking for one. Steam ID: tammorabbit

Promise I can be cool.


Has anyone noticed unusually bad pings to the Dubai servers? I'm in Israel, ping would be faster to South Africa from here.


Were you mid?
Off lane. Laning phase was fine and were winning about the first half of the game. My team kept clumping for a 4-man Crush into Epicenter. Even when I could get an Orchid or stun on SK, it didn't matter, my team was wiped with no problem and of course I was usually the last one standing.

I made a mistake late game going for a pickoff on SK, although I think we might have gotten it and escaped it LC reacted a bit quicker.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Spectre is easily the hardest carry in the game.

1. Spectre
2. Void
3. Anti Mage

I think.

Naga 6.80 used to be up there; not so sure nowadays.

This man knows what's up. Spectre is easily my favorite carry in the game right now, I play as her every chance I get. Her ult is simply too good in terms of letting you farm


I did not buy a compendium. I feel rebellious and awesome for not giving into peer pressure. Screw you guys!

That hurt. I will wipe away my tears with my glorious Immortals


I'm surprised we still haven't had any of the rewards through.. Surely they'd prepare for whatever it is in advance, immortals included and have them made if they decided that they were going to be given out?

And I'm surprised the stretch goals haven't already been updated to keep the momentum.. But hey I guess #ValveTime.
Well, the bar is still moving on the site. I would that thought they'd cap it before they added new goals, otherwise it could hilariously spill off the bottom of the counter if they let it go too long.
Well, the bar is still moving on the site. I would that thought they'd cap it before they added new goals, otherwise it could hilariously spill off the bottom of the counter if they let it go too long.
Isn't that why they extended the bar yesterday?

I mean we have room to 7 million and we're not going to hit that today or the next most likely. Blog post at the end of the day my guess.


making me play 10 shit hero was there best strat.. instead of hanggin my self playing brood i just gave lawd gaben teh $$

good show gaben
How do you use her Ulti effectively?

It's the one thing that I've never get with her.

You farm, your team engages in a fight, you join. Also, I HIGHLY recommend having Desolate at 4 by level 7 over the nuke which sucks ass. One level in Spectral Dagger as an escape suffices easily. This hero is ass in lane but comes back pretty easily because she can get assist money for free once she hits level 6.

Also, there is very little who can deal with her late game. Shadow Demon is a pretty good counter but a rarity in pubs and ever since I saw a Spectre outcarry a fed Lifestealer and a fed Tiny simulatenously I'm a believer. To be fair, the Magnus with Refresher RP probably had a say in that as well but that game was one of the most exciting pro games I had seen in quite a while.


You farm, your team engages in a fight, you join. Also, I HIGHLY recommend having Desolate at 4 by level 7 over the nuke which sucks ass. One level in Spectral Dagger as an escape suffices easily. This hero is ass in lane but comes back pretty easily because she can get assist money for free once she hits level 6.
Pretty much this. You play Farmville 2014 HD Remix 3 Lane Edition and fight when the ulti is up. It's important to have good map awareness for obvious reasons.

Having a Blyatcyka on a team with her is hilarious.
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