Surprise level 6 on qop, kill opposing mid
I think this might actually be a thing. It's a very situational gambit, but because it's so narrow people might not expect it.
Surprise level 6 on qop, kill opposing mid
The real important question is whether the gold and xp increase as it's bottled. That extra 2 gold can be the difference between having 2 gold and not having 2 gold. That could be huge. Maybe worth as much as 2 gold in the right situation.
#ARDMtoTI5As the name suggests, this will be an event played in a mode which has never before been used in any competition: -ARDM. For our pilot run we're pleased to share that Team Tinker and HellRaisers will be the teams competing. The event, each instance of which will amount to a single BO3 match
I think this might actually be a thing. It's a very situational gambit, but because it's so narrow people might not expect it.
first reddit video will be that combined with soul catcher to show a level one dagon kill a support insantlyI didn't realize Bloodseeker's new Q amplified all sources of damage by 40%. There are going to be some disgusting combinations with that ability.
I didn't realize Bloodseeker's new Q amplified all sources of damage by 40%. There are going to be some disgusting combinations with that ability.
I was watching a patch reactions video yesterday, the immediate reaction somebody had was "So pick Prophet and Zeus on your Bloodseeker teams?" and I almost cried at the thought.
first reddit video will be that combined with soul catcher to show a level one dagon kill a support insantly
So do you consider buying an actual blink dagger on Riki now?
So do you consider buying an actual blink dagger on Riki now?
why? you can pounce 5 times
id rather have 3 jumps in a row when i need them on a really long cd than 1 on a reasonable cooldownBefore you could pounce infinite times. Those charges disappear fucking quick and the hero hurts without them.
I agree. It feels pretty bad.Of course they recharge lol are you kidding
Have you guys actually played the hero yet? He feels like he's been fucking neutered.
Dotabuff blog post brought up a thing I didn't think about concerning Phoenix's aghs upgrade in the fact that it will refresh your allie's CDs.
Not sure how viable that is, but interesting to consider.
Dotabuff blog post brought up a thing I didn't think about concerning Phoenix's aghs upgrade in the fact that it will refresh your allie's CDs.
Not sure how viable that is, but interesting to consider.
shira said:format = 1v1, open skill
sign up = Link
winner prize = Crescent Bow aka Sperm Arrow
RNG participation winners = Stryff the Owlion, New Anuxi POTM set from the 6.82 chest +/- a few days
(If you won a prize in the Gaftechieshiral then you can't win an RNG prize, but Gafternashiral winners are all eligible.)
Sorry SEA, this one will be more EU friendly
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Doesn't refresh ults breh.
I'm assuming no support help, that is, 1v1 mid became less interesting. It is more difficult for a clearly superior mid player to shine now, even though the game might be better over all.
So I think my new PL build that I'll be trying right away is:
Treads->Crimson Guard OR Diffusal->(Whichever you did not pick up)->Basher->Skadi
Do NOT build this hero around his illusions, other than diffusal damage.
Have you considered the nerf to xp from creeps which are denied? Seems to me the xp changes makes the lane more about outplaying your opponent rather then out farming them.
RTZ gets nerfed, Dendi gets buffed.
Diff is a fixed 25 tho and doesn't work with Skadi.So I think my new PL build that I'll be trying right away is:
Treads->Crimson Guard OR Diffusal->(Whichever you did not pick up)->Basher->Skadi
Do NOT build this hero around his illusions, other than diffusal damage.
Chen + Omniknight.
3x 2400hp magic immune Golems attacking your tower? Oh they're getting fully healed by hand of god every 30 seconds? OH NOW THEY'RE IMMUNE TO PHYSICAL DAMAGE MAKING THEM COMPLETELY INVULNERABLE FOR 10 SECONDS? WTF!? GG.
Diffusal would be a temporary pick up to let him score ez kills early on to snowball.
Actually, new Diffusal is kind of tailor made for PL.
Urn of Shadows now Procs Sticky Nalpalm.