Boom, dropping your stuff on the ground does not lower net worth, stop with your silly global fountain strat theorycrafting:
Competitive CS:GO is pretty funny.
Bloodstone omni inc
Also, I'm going to change my prediction of when the Patch Hits to Monday. There is a decent amount of bugs, and they can let i-leauge finish on 6.81.
"It's hard to really give a shit about this"
Zyori is the fucking worst
Fistpump.gifBoom, dropping your stuff on the ground does not lower net worth, stop with your silly global fountain strat theorycrafting:
Also, I'm going to change my prediction of when the Patch Hits to Monday. There is a decent amount of bugs, and they can let i-leauge finish on 6.81.
fk that giff now fix bugs later
Is omni purification going through bkb? Anyone hear about this/test it?
The list of cores who would benefit from soul ring and mana boots is pretty short. It still seems like a niche item.
wait ok
it's coming to me
Omniknight: soul ring > mana boots > scepter > bloodstone > profit
so is picking up crimson guard over mek viable
Reddit (lol) seems to think that having 1 pipe + mek + guard in your team makes pushing rax insanely easy
CG gives your entire team +50 physical damage block from every source for 8 seconds. Thats pretty mental if you think about it
Homing Missile is just absurd at its current state, and icefrog go and buff it again, can't wait till it does 800 dmg and goes through BKB.
Also agree on the no maledict build. 2nd theorycraft best skill actually worst shit ingame. You can't walk up on ppl and just get gibbed, u want to abuse that 700 range stun and death ward. I still level up it after 11 thought, and leave heal at 1 or 2 for mana reasons, takign only a couple levels of stats since aghs give you a lot of stats anyway.
Team Secret are really good, like, they must have practiced hard because they're stomping nearly everyone at the moment.
Team Secret are really good, like, they must have practiced hard because they're stomping nearly everyone at the moment.
Does CG apply to creeps like pipe does?
The worst part is he says this nearly every other game. "Guys it's hard to cast this when X." "It's hard to care." Goddamn bts has sunk so low that I never thought I'd actually be saying, where the fuck are LD and godz? Like legit with zyori, blaze, capitalist, hippie skippie grumpy and grouchy casting 80% of games; I've pretty much muted every dota tournament stream.
Gyro is my first hero for my all hero challenge and I haven't even tried him yet. I feel like this Secret game is an outlier that doesn't actually prove the hero is any good.
You need to do my solo mid build.
Max missile, go bottle->aghs unless your team needs a mek carrier. Missile spam is almost impossible to deal with for most heroes.
How did Puppey got so good with PotM?
can valve add rd to ranked mm already, best mode by far
C9 are just running Drow+Visage every game now
You need to do my solo mid build.
Max missile, go bottle->aghs unless your team needs a mek carrier. Missile spam is almost impossible to deal with for most heroes.
* Fixed being able to kick heroes out of the map and them staying there
* Fixed Spin Web interaction with Refresher Orb
* Fixed Shadow Raze counter showing on units in Fog of War
* Fixed Enchant Remnant not spreading Magnetize
* Fixed Geomagnetic Grip silencing Enchant Remnant enemies
* Fixed Hex no longer disabling Evasion
* Fixed Blink Strike interaction with Refresher Orb
* Fixed Timbersaw animations not working properly when he has two Chakrams out
* Fixed Shapeshift sound playing at the wrong time
* Fixed BKB not tracking duration properly on Spirit Bear
* Fixed Poison Touch tooltip
* Fixed Aghanim Doom not disabling passives properly
* Added advanced note for Blood Rite cast timing
* Fixed a new bug with Poison Nova not doing damage vs non Spell Immune
* Updated various tooltips
* Fixed visual effects lingering in screen space
* Fixed Shuriken Toss itneraction with Linken's Sphere
* Fixed Skywrath Mage bot not being enabled properly
* Fixed cosmetic Stone Remnants not being visible in FoW
* Fixed Spin Web visibility issue when multiple were in the same area
* Fixed a bug that could cause Illusions to stop getting created (Test client only bug)
* Fixed Alacrity not displaying properly
* Fixed Eyes in the Forest soudn
* Improved drag selection behavior on Spin Webs
* Fixed Phantom Rush interaction with dead units
* Updated language on Headshot gem
* Added a buff icon to show how long you have left when you've taken damage for Spin Web phase to be active
* Fixed movement speed UI not updating properly under Spin Web
* Fixed Doppelganger illusions not being added to your selection if you have that option on