Omni's much worse in competitive. Super greedy drafts works when the opponent can't do a trilane to save their life and never play aggressive. Below 4k he's autowin because people never punish him in lane like they should. Above a certain level he work , but not as a support, more as a core mid/offlane.
Imagine playing a similar greedy draft against a Newbee super aggressive draft. That'd be brutal. Even against splitpush, he isn't that amazing (but then again, not many heroes are). He's a pure teamfighter hero, and greedy as greedy can be. It's no surprise it work much better when people hardly punish you in the laning phase (pubs are like 2-1-1-1 all the fucking time zzz), and when people don't splitpush or go pure push strats early on. He's like the counter to pub meta.
PA's a good hero (100% a midder) but suffer a lot against hexers and nukers, and lategame she's surprisingly bad when you get forces and ghosts.
Well duh, even the best heroes require the right conditions to excel. Thanks for the advice tho, does this mean I should start spamming Omni to reach ur MMR?