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Dota 2 |OT7| What the fuck have they done

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Corporate Apologist
5.2k TB with treads, no splitpush, no bkb, no teamfight, ended 1-4-3 ResidentSleeper

No seriously this shit with bought accounts is the worst thing ever. 5k are now all shitters who boughts acc in the last days gg, i'm getting deeper and deeper in the trench.
So what you are saying is I can easily get 4k if I spam spectre, right?


I'm pretty sure that Naga's net should interrupt TPs, but not prevent a TP from being used when you're ensnared.


5.2k TB with treads, no splitpush, no bkb, no teamfight, ended 1-4-3 ResidentSleeper

No seriously this shit with bought accounts is the worst thing ever. 5k are now all shitters who boughts acc in the last days gg, i'm getting deeper and deeper in the trench.

Fucking Zeus.


Where are we with preferred Wraith King builds these days. This hero is disgustingly good but I feel like my itemization is wonky. Is armlet core? I know there was some Treads>Blink>Blademail>Maelstrom talk a while back. I kinda think blademail is core, it for sure won us this game. Nothing like punishing a greedy NP and Drow who don't want to buy BKB.


Where are we with preferred Wraith King builds these days. This hero is disgustingly good but I feel like my itemization is wonky. Is armlet core? I know there was some Treads>Blink>Blademail>Maelstrom talk a while back. I kinda think blademail is core, it for sure won us this game. Nothing like punishing a greedy NP and Drow who don't want to buy BKB.

Blink /Treads / stick is the only core. Blademail is good but situational, and was considered almost core before because of how commons tinker, razor and skywrath were. Armlet is the safer choice and you can end on dotacinema with it. Maelstrom/Mjoll are more farming oriented items and more useful against agi heroes (part of its damage ignore armor). BkB is BkB, you should get it later on to avoid being kited by everything. AC/Deso are for push, both more useful against str/int heroes.

He's very flexible in terms of itembuilds. Some heroes against which Blademail is very good: tinker, drow/sniper before bkbs (and other heroes who go MoM), slark, bara, earth spirit , skywrath, DP, clock, lich, razor.


I've been getting absolutely fuck all item rewards recently, probably got like 2 Commons in the last 40 matches :(

have you not been using the free gift every like 3-4 levels??? thats a free rare bro. I play this game cause im partially addicted to getting hats. Now I have gotten hooked on playing spectre, tide, and necro. I never really played necro or spectre before this patch.


Blink /Treads / stick is the only core. Blademail is good but situational, and was considered almost core before because of how commons tinker, razor and skywrath were. Armlet is the safer choice and you can end on dotacinema with it. Maelstrom/Mjoll are more farming oriented items and more useful against agi heroes (part of its damage ignore armor). BkB is BkB, you should get it later on to avoid being kited by everything. AC/Deso are for push, both more useful against str/int heroes.

He's very flexible in terms of itembuilds. Some heroes against which Blademail is very good: tinker, drow/sniper before bkbs (and other heroes who go MoM), slark, bara, earth spirit , skywrath, DP, clock, lich, razor.

This is good stuff. Thanks. I mostly like blademail because I find it makes you an even better initiator if your team lacks initiation. Blink in, stun, start killing, activate blademail, let everyone do a bunch of damage to you and themselves, come back to life and by that time your whole team is there and you are back up with a stun. The additional mana is nice too. One big thing playing WK has helped me with is treadswitching. I am always looking for that little extra bit of mana to be able to stun and reincarnate.

Another thought I was having: since 6.82 has skewed games much later, why isn't necrophos seeing play? It seems like getting a quick aghs up on him would do wonders against these late game beasts like AM, medusa and spectre. Disabling buyback and putting them away for an extra 30 seconds seems enormous.
have you not been using the free gift every like 3-4 levels??? thats a free rare bro. I play this game cause im partially addicted to getting hats. Now I am have gotten hooked on playing spectre, tide, and necro. I never really played necro or spectre before this patch.

My levelling up has slowed badly, only playing 3 or 4 matches a week recently and getting 70-100 battle points per match. Reckon I'm two matches away from hitting level 20, can't wait to open that chest which has been teasing me for months now :p


Corporate Apologist
One thing I found interesting when rtz was casting those c9 games was his opinion that necro shouldn't build mek, but funnel his early money into mobility items.


Oh, I did get the dog so I guess I bought the ticket. I bought like three tournaments this weekend, couldn't remember which.


If FMT posted in here I would lose it.

hows the madden league going
Its ok. Shadow of mordor has been the talk of the town lately. Fifa and PSO2 have been taking up my dota time so theres almost no dota talk anymore. Sad times.


If FMT posted in here I would lose it.

Its ok. Shadow of mordor has been the talk of the town lately. Fifa and PSO2 have been taking up my dota time so theres almost no dota talk anymore. Sad times.

I was planning on playing a ton of Dota on Saturday night then I won the first match convincingly and shut it off. Seemed like a good way to end it. There is more Destiny talk than Dota talk now!


I was planning on playing a ton of Dota on Saturday night then I won the first match convincingly and shut it off. Seemed like a good way to end it. There is more Destiny talk than Dota talk now!

That was probably a smart decision. I keep seeing rors on and considering if I should hop on too. Doesn't help that I started phoenix wright vs professor layton but I might get some dota in soon. Sad that without mastershake there's no visage to my drow. I miss that little rtz fanboy.
Completely threw a game just now through pure arrogance

Had them down to final towers, 2 sets of barracks down, they were all defending or waiting to respawn, and we lost a teamfight in their base, then a defending teamfight after we respawned, and we were done.

All because of one piece of poor teamwork where 2 of my teammates refused to push even though there was nothing to defend and it had become a gold rush rather than a level rush as we were all level 25 already, with one of them saying we should leave it to the creeps, and gg-ing when they were defending 4vs2 and a comeback was on the cards :(


Phoenix is surprisingly good against people who underestimate the burn damage.

Against people a bit more knowledgeable like me, the addition of an urn is sufficient to get the same unexpected damage.
I miss the ez levels up with the Compendium.

wtf is dotamax

According to that I'm 50.26% winrate compared to Dotabuff's 49.31%. What gives.


Another thought I was having: since 6.82 has skewed games much later, why isn't necrophos seeing play? It seems like getting a quick aghs up on him would do wonders against these late game beasts like AM, medusa and spectre. Disabling buyback and putting them away for an extra 30 seconds seems enormous.

Necro isn't actually that great lategame, he shine more in the mid-late.


relies on auto-aim
I tend to disagree. His aghs upgrade makes him the ultimate anti-carry.
His heals and regen start becoming less effective. When he gets his first 1/2 items and is 16 or manfighting 5v5 early is his sweet spot. Other than that he's got nothing on a traditional Agi carry really.


His heals and regen start becoming less effective. When he gets his first 1/2 items and is 16 or manfighting 5v5 early is his sweet spot. Other than that he's got nothing on a traditional Agi carry really.

But this is kinda what I mean for his role in a pro game. I think giving him 1 farm and hoping he carries you to victory is folly, but give him 3 position farm and getting a blink and an aghs seems very reasonable (mek too if no one else is a good carrier). Past 40 minutes you just need him to get the kill shot on their carry and he has done his job. No buyback and 100 seconds on the bench is serious business.

The best reason I can think of is that he is hard to lane and get 3 farm. He is very killable mid and offlane. Maybe do what Navi did with funniks BB, safelane him until 6 and then rotate him to mid or off.



that feeling when you carry 2 carries and 2 semi-carries on your back as a non-farming support in an 1:18:00 match.

pretty good feeling.

Too funny, I was the BH in this game. You had the play of the game. Of course my bounty gold was key to getting you farmed ,lol.


Late game PA is disgusting.

100% WR in 6.82b

His heals and regen start becoming less effective. When he gets his first 1/2 items and is 16 or manfighting 5v5 early is his sweet spot. Other than that he's got nothing on a traditional Agi carry really.


Necro can totally turn a fight around with a single ult, especially lategame

So what if your carry has 4K HP

As soon as hes taken down to +/- 2K hes dead to Necro ult. And then you lose because he cant buyback and is dead for 3 minutes


I'm just saying it doesn't play as good as it looks on paper. I've had my fair shares of games where necro late was mostly a non-factor. I'm not sure why that is, it's been a while since i played with a necro.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Necro is best during 1-5.

Heartstopper = Easy lane.

The problem with "Necro can take out your 4k HP carry at 2k HP" is that you need to get them to 2k HP first, and Necro does shit all for that. You want the big ults like Double Ravage/Golem/Hole/Chrono for the clash, or the big damage like any farmed supercarry (or better yet, multiple farmed carries), Zeus, etc.


I listened on Omni, I just didn't think he was op (and still don't, tier 1/2 pick tho). I've been asking G.ZZZ to pick PA forever.

Omni's much worse in competitive. Super greedy drafts works when the opponent can't do a trilane to save their life and never play aggressive. Below 4k he's autowin because people never punish him in lane like they should. Above a certain level he work , but not as a support, more as a core mid/offlane.

Imagine playing a similar greedy draft against a Newbee super aggressive draft. That'd be brutal. Even against splitpush, he isn't that amazing (but then again, not many heroes are). He's a pure teamfighter hero, and greedy as greedy can be. It's no surprise it work much better when people hardly punish you in the laning phase (pubs are like 2-1-1-1 all the fucking time zzz), and when people don't splitpush or go pure push strats early on. He's like the counter to pub meta.

PA's a good hero (100% a midder) but suffer a lot against hexers and nukers, and lategame she's surprisingly bad when you get forces and ghosts.


yall are insane
supporting as omni is super fun

i was playing with Booty Patrol (rip) yesterday and he was playing sniper, and a sven came to gank our lane but i saw him coming. i put repel on sniper (which is who sven wanted to kill) and he was SHOOK when he couldnt use his stun rofl
he used it on me instead but i was so far under the tower that he had to dive to reach me... and then Booty Patrol shot him to death before he could kill me
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