The only good thing that would come from this shit.I'm guessing the recent string of ddos will push them into releasing spectating in lans soon.
The only good thing that would come from this shit.I'm guessing the recent string of ddos will push them into releasing spectating in lans soon.
This right here is stupid, what is valve doing?
So you're saying that even though they are in the same room theyre playing on some random Valve server on the EU cluster somewhere and not a private server at the LAN itself?
gaf pls..... how do i stop phantom cancer
Right. Except they are playing on a random Valve Server in Virgina I think. There is an in game LAN to host it locally, but DotaTV doesn't work if you use it.
Crimson Guard.
12:35 Esltv_dota: We will be switching to local lobbies due to Valve server instability for #ESLOne - our apologies for the inconvenience
Good thing you guys payd $5 to watch it client
I hope they plan on offering refunds for people that bought the ticket.
Toby Dawson @TobiWanDOTA
We are playing Local server for the next @natusvincere vs @ViCi_Gaming - this means no Dota TV #SafteyFirst
Good thing you guys payd $5 to watch it client
English man in New York.Is Pyrion dressed for his other job as a newspaper boy in 1920s Britain?
gaf pls..... how do i stop phantom cancer
They will most likely.
Another win-less tourney in Na'vi's books for 2014.
"It went so well the first time, let's try again!"
They're jsut a cis stack now.I don't even know if i like navi anymore
Btw, am I the only one who dislikes single elimination tournaments?
Crimson Guard.
single elim sucksBtw, am I the only one who dislikes single elimination tournaments?
does he even speak chinesedoes black understand the drafting that's going on?
I don't know, I actually do feel like I pad like 500 MMR simply due to game knowledge that compensates my crappy timing. Nothing like overall strategy, I just know like 95% of all spell interactions and various other mechanics in the game. I'm not going up until I get better at simple things like last hitting and having a clear idea of where to go.
Also, I think I'm developing arthritis.