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Dota 2 |OT7| What the fuck have they done

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Corporate Apologist
Anbokr how do I not lose lane as Slark. I always end up vs 2 ranged right clicks with a do nothing support, or a riki who has a faster wind up and just denies all the creeps as I try to right click them, or an alchemist who keeps spamming Acid Spray, or I'm forced to go mid vs OD.

All of those things have happened at least twice in the last 2 days. I also got stuck mid vs Death Prophet and lost that lane too.

Also I keep having to get BKB to deal with mass silences and AoE Magic Damage. Maybe I should try picking up manta more.


now that Kirby mentions it, i dont think i've ever had a good time playing Slark either. or if i have, it's been very rare.

give secrets anbokr


Goddamn patch, put my servers on auto, so I somehow ended up on EUW instead of USE.

Then again, ping is comparable to USW and won. So all is good.


Bull on a Donut
Anbokr how do I not lose lane as Slark. I always end up vs 2 ranged right clicks with a do nothing support, or a riki who has a faster wind up and just denies all the creeps as I try to right click them, or an alchemist who keeps spamming Acid Spray, or I'm forced to go mid vs OD.

All of those things have happened at least twice in the last 2 days. I also got stuck mid vs Death Prophet and lost that lane too.

idk man i like to play him offlane so i'm not actually expected to win my lane, but slark shines in two scenarios (to me): 1v1 vs another melee or offlane against a dual lane/tri.

Safe lane I'm not really going to mention because should be fairly straightforward, just get your last hits, harass with pounce, get a quick treads + orb of venom, then go straight for blink or SB and start ganking supports over and over again.

Actually that's pretty much the same for offlane and 1v1 slark as well. Pounce does a lot of damage, and has a very low mana cost, so the second you get level 2 or 3 pounce, start harassing with it constantly in a 1v1 (sometimes you can do this in a 1v2, just be careful since the CD on pounce is high at level 1-3 so you can't use it to escape). Also, the best part is most people panic when you pounce them, so they'll immediately turn tail and run instead of just facing up to you and getting a few auto attacks on you before the leash ends. So you get the pounce damage + 2-3 free auto's and most of the time they are panickign so they won't harass back. This is how I always beat dumb centaurs with Slark (the most common 1v1 I get with this hero).

If you're against a tri-lane, just get your xp, dark pact/pounce out of bad situations, the supports will get bored and start rotating, you'll be able to get a few last hits for brown boots + orb of venom, and if they're careless, you can even kill their safe lane farmer or a support once you hit 6 with your ulti. But offlane slark is all about just getting xp and worrying about catching up on farm later when supports leave or tp-ing into a teamfight, getting a couple cleanup kills, and snowballing from there off the big xp/gold gain. Also look out for those dumb supports who like to harass you while eating your wave or tower, just pounce them and they're probably dead, giving you an easy first blood before the other 1-2 guys have time to react.

I like shadowblade over blink because I'm just a shadowblade player, I love that item. But once you get one of these two items, your job is just to be a pain in the ass and run around constantly killing any solo farmers or squishy supports. The best part about Slark is if you gank some dude with 4 guys behind him, well dark pact the stuns, ultimate for 4s immunity, then your pounce is back up, pounce into the fog or off a cliff and then blink/SB the hell out of there, it's very difficult to punish a slark that overextends.

short version: if you're offlane, you're not expected to win your lane, get xp then catch up in farm later by carrying a tp for teamfights, killing a support (or carry) that underestimates you when you hit 6, or just plain sitting in lane and last hitting when the safe supports get bored and leave. if you're safe lane, this shouldn't be an issue, get your last hits, get kills with pounce + your support. If you're 1v1, most people are bad, use pounce aggressively, and they'll panic and try to run, giving you another 2-3 auto's (plus the stats steal) to harass them with, without getting any harass back from them. Be careful though, gauge if they are good or bad in this regard with your first pounce at level 3, you don't want to pounce a centaur at level 5 that isn't dumb who then just stuns + double edges you.

^ so that wasn't really a short version but w/e shorter than the essay
Go shadow Blade


Blink trade off is so damn high, Pros perfect pounce Cons only useful for fucking pounce and escape out of ulti.

Shadowblade Pros increased attack speed, free regen time, escape mechanism Cons detection counters it but slark has a built in mechanism that tells you if you are detected.


Corporate Apologist
Another Con of SB is the Mana cost. Looking at builds from Pros playing Slark in Pubs, they almost always get a really early magic stick, which does tend to work wonders.


Blink trade off is so damn high, Pros perfect pounce Cons only useful for fucking pounce and escape out of ulti.

Shadowblade Pros increased attack speed, free regen time, escape mechanism Cons detection counters it but slark has a built in mechanism that tells you if you are detected.

To me, SB is the best because it gives him all he needs imo: a reliable way to initiate in the mid game (blink is better for this admittedly), a decent amount of stats per gold, and stats that he NEEDS, and finally a ridiculous amount of burst with that reveal hit bonus damage.

He just melts supports in the midgame, i have a friend who plays him a crapload and he insists that Shadow Blade is head and shoulders above any other option, and I kind of agree. He likes Skadi second tho, and I prefer orchid.


I much prefer blink over sb on slark because it's got a shorter CD to match his pounce and in a 5v5 clash you can always jump right to the backline supports. If you're chasing or running away you can cover so much distance instantly with blink+pounce.


Honest question here, if 10% of the chest sales go to increase the prize pool, what does the other 90% go towards? Hopefully, the item creators... but somehow I doubt it.


Corporate Apologist
Is 75% too much of a cut for valve?

Personally I think it is, but I didn't make the game.

Pretty sure 75% goes to Valve, so I imagine the other 15 is for the item creators

While I don't have the numbers, I'm thinking it may actually be 25% to items Creators and 65% to Valve. From what I remember for community contribution tournaments, 25% goes to the prize pool, 12.5% goes to the organization/item makers, and 62.5% to valve.
While I don't have the numbers, I'm thinking it may actually be 25% to items Creators and 65% to Valve. From what I remember for community contribution tournaments, 25% goes to the prize pool, 12.5% goes to the organization/item makers, and 62.5% to valve.

Yeah I have no idea how it works works for chests, the 10% may be out of Valve's cut or split like the tournament tickets so it could be 10%, 20%, 70% or something


Arise ragequitting again, amusing.
ps: stop picking Brew you fucks, you are going to get him nerfed to oblivion. Also TB is still a tower melter.


Story from 2.3K MMR.

Supports on my team not buying more than a set of 2 wards for the first 25 minutes of the game.

Rage-buy wards, invert experience and gold advantage, win game.




Buy rapier, farm faster.



Honest question here, if 10% of the chest sales go to increase the prize pool, what does the other 90% go towards? Hopefully, the item creators... but somehow I doubt it.

if we're talking a chest that goes to prizepool, right away its 90/10. 10 goes towards everyone on those items. valve sometimes will match, so lets just assume 85/10/5 with the 10 going to prizepool

5% would then go to everyone on the ticket
however if a 3rd party is on the ticket, they might ask for, say, 50%. which basically means item creators split 2.5%.

this is how I understand it

pretty awesome for making everything that goes into the chest yeah?

however I'm not sure if set chests are still 90/10, thats what I heard singles chests were. It might not be true. In the other case it would then be 75/25 --> 70/10/20 --> split the 20 between the creators/3rd party 10/10 or whatnot.

edit: kirby has it right above, if 25% goes to prizepool


Corporate Apologist
I always heard for chests in general its was a 75/25 split, with the 25% split evenly between each set of workshop contributors (So the guy who's item got marked very rare would get as much as the normal rarity items). But that info could be wrong. But this is why I assume for the tournament chests it would actually be a 65/25/10 split, otherwise people would likely not agree to have their sets put in the tournament chest. A 70/20/10 split sounds likely too.

Do you get feedback on the total number of items/chests sold Bounch? Any sort of breakdown of payments?


Corporate Apologist
I think one thing people sort of overlook about the Dreamleague thing is that it was a specific punishment for Team Tinker, not a general thing. So other teams can't just start tossing on stand ins as a form of protest.
Story from 2.3K MMR.

Supports on my team not buying more than a set of 2 wards for the first 25 minutes of the game.

As someone at the same MMR who plays support a lot, I only buy wards for my own benefit as I've noticed even with wards most people don't have map awareness. If my teammates are dying to ganks that were obvious thanks to vision I look for other ways to keep their dumb asses alive (like finish my mek or something since god forbid Razor or Viper build a mek).


Corporate Apologist
Honestly the biggest issue with putting down wards as a carry is you normally don't have space for them. Hell, even carrying dust for an invis enemy can be a strain on item slots.


May contain jokes =>
Honestly the biggest issue with putting down wards as a carry is you normally don't have space for them. Hell, even carrying dust for an invis enemy can be a strain on item slots.

When I carry or mid and people aren't buying wards or can't afford them I'll buy them, drop from stash, and ping them. 150 gold is really not a big deal. The item slot or the time away from farm while you place them is.

JC Sera

As someone at the same MMR who plays support a lot, I only buy wards for my own benefit as I've noticed even with wards most people don't have map awareness. If my teammates are dying to ganks that were obvious thanks to vision I look for other ways to keep their dumb asses alive (like finish my mek or something since god forbid Razor or Viper build a mek).
To be fair the Mek nerf really hurt non-int heroes. On Abbadon I never seem to have enough mana to use it.
When I carry or mid and people aren't buying wards or can't afford them I'll buy them, drop from stash, and ping them. 150 gold is really not a big deal. The item slot or the time away from farm while you place them is.
I do this too, but mainly when I'm dead and can't put them up. Or ensuring two people have dust on the team.
Can someone explain to me why dust needs a cool down?
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