Any word on why...?
she's fundamentally lacking in attack range.
i feel like trolls window is really small compared to other heroes before you just become a walking r button
Don't buff OD he's cancer plz.
I really can't understand how Dreamleague has managed to screw up their season so much, I mean apparently it was rushed but how...they knew there would be a second season, they're just so incompetent
I like when you call missing and 2 min later they haven't gotten back in lane and they kill someone and they tell you that you should have called missing. Bonus points if they blame you when the mid has been roaming for the past 5 min (ala pudge) and hasn't shown his face in a long time.
So does Naga still beat Ember late, or will he just LOL Slight everything down. Also Zai Nigma >Universe Nigma
Why does Envy go first item Skadi?
Shiva first vs Veno/Ogre/Enigma/Puck/radi Naga
Mushi said:There will be a big change in Team Malaysia.
My favorite thing is when they get ganked by a roaming Nyx/Mirana and blame mid for not calling miss, when the actual enemy mid laner is in fact standing in lane as they type.
How many of you feel like your MMR is indicative of your skill?
A dissimilar statement: Ever since they made known player MMR i feel like i have been enjoying the game less and obsessing more about my MMR... i remember when i gave 0 fucks and just played to PLAY. Having said that ranked games do tend to have more serious players/picks lol, so i suppose that aspect of it is much better.
They added moon whirl and eye of foresight to d2l betting..
Looks like those prices are going to stabilize and not increase : (
This makes them more liquid in terms of sellability, but as long term investments probably going to stay at the current price or wose.