Given that he spent a minute standing in the rosh pit attack cancelling a stout shield deny, I think he quit a long time before that.Bulldog darkseer too good. Sold Crimson Guard and Atos to buy Blink Dagger.
Take the best of Alliance and Tinker and make a new European team.
Take the rest and ship them off to Korea for a KDL season or two to replace Zephyr.
And sub out tinker for some old fnatic players. Yep, then you would have a great team, to bad that didn't happen.I dont think thats gonna be enough. Throw in NaVi in there too
And sub out tinker for some old fnatic players. Yep, then you would have a great team, to bad that didn't happen.
I still feel he had a lot to do with Fnatic trying to get Era replaced during TI4, so I have a hard time feeling pitty for him.I hope h44n1 ends up in a good team, feel bad for him
This is awesome
didn't see it posted
Going to put on my Patchtradamus hat on.
Joakim Akterhall ‏@FollowAkke 10m10 minutes ago
We'll forfeit our game vs Tinker tonight, pull out from some tournaments and try to rebuild our team. Sorry and thanks for being patient!
good. good.
It looks like the Black Friday sales have already started on the Dota 2 store 75% off hourly sales
While we're talking about build silliness, don't get me started on every hero buying a single boot.This is awesome
didn't see it posted
legit shookBugging the loadout leads to some funny combos
fuck I really wanted that PA set
what are the chances of it going on sale again...
fuck I really wanted that PA set
what are the chances of it going on sale again...
Why not just buy it on the market, prices are probably still pretty low.
I even went through cosmetics on the wiki and marked down everything I want in a spreadsheet
Somehow it finally happened. I ran out of cosmetics to buy. I even went through cosmetics on the wiki and marked down everything I want in a spreadsheet, and it's all been purchased.
brb uninstalling
I suck at actually playing the game, I have to get my enjoyment out of it somehow.
Somehow it finally happened. I ran out of cosmetics to buy. I even went through cosmetics on the wiki and marked down everything I want in a spreadsheet, and it's all been purchased.
brb uninstalling
Bugging the loadout leads to some funny combos