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Dota 2 |OT7| What the fuck have they done

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tell me about it, they're all pretty awesome too. luckily venge only has like 2 sets right now so she has a lot of room to grow, i'm in no rush. and it's a lot different from the others so I got that goin for me? hehe. we'll see. I'm really happy with how it turned out but it's going to be a very divisive set.

Getting it day one. Love venge and love your work.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Giff Foreseer Contract Day 2 ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


That time we hard an discussion of farming, and I mentioned an example of games where you are just getting bullied in the safe lane, and wondering how you are supposed to come out with farm at the end of it all? It seems impossible.

I feel like we lost simply because the other team's carry was outfarming me (as well as lategame mistakes). The reason for this is quite obvious.

Look at the CS early on (thanks Dotabuff plus!):


I could only manage 39 CS by 15 minutes. We were a trilane of me (AM), Pugna, and Ogre Magi vs Viper and Sand King constantly bullying me away from the creep wave, with ganks from Skywrath and Bloodseeker. How are you supposed to come out super farmed here? Our tower was taken in about 15 minutes, and then all the lanes were pushed out. At this time I don't have Battle Fury, so farming jungle isn't really that viable, as I need a lane right now.


It took me 22 minutes to get Battle Fury up, which is considered bad. Any ideas?


Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Played 2 games and lost both. I was so confused lol, my reaction time was absolute shit and I had no idea which items to purchase. I was doing fine with my last hits, however. I played as lich the first time and Outworld Devourer the second. My main issue with the game (not necessarily the games fault), no one communicates. I tried to ask the people playing about the characters on the other team, about their skills, strengths and weaknesses and how we can exploit said weaknesses. Very few replies the ones I got were useless, like, "That earthshaker guy stuns," okay? What am I supposed to do with that information? I know he stuns, I can clearly see that. I generally had friends to play with on LoL so I was able to coordinate attacks and if I lost it wasn't frustrating, unlike here, but again, not the games fault, I'm aware that this is solo and does happen on LoL. Fun game other than that, I had one guy yell at me because I accidentally took one creep as lich. Can't wait for my next game :D

Would anybody here be willing to play with me sometime this week or next to give me some pointers?
@Add me at whiskeystrike and I'll play with you. I'm a bit of a noob myself but I have a basic understanding of the game at least and can pass that on.
That time we hard an discussion of farming, and I mentioned an example of games where you are just getting bullied in the safe lane, and wondering how you are supposed to come out with farm at the end of it all? It seems impossible.

I feel like we lost simply because the other team's carry was outfarming me (as well as lategame mistakes). The reason for this is quite obvious.

Look at the CS early on (thanks Dotabuff plus!):


I could only manage 39 CS by 15 minutes. We were a trilane of me (AM), Pugna, and Ogre Magi vs Viper and Sand King constantly bullying me away from the creep wave, with ganks from Skywrath and Bloodseeker. How are you supposed to come out super farmed here? Our tower was taken in about 15 minutes, and then all the lanes were pushed out. At this time I don't have Battle Fury, so farming jungle isn't really that viable, as I need a lane right now.


It took me 22 minutes to get Battle Fury up, which is considered bad. Any ideas?

I think if a lane is that tough, the best call is to TP to the easier lane and let the offlaner deal with it.

but yea getting bullied sucks. I was getting bullied in my last game as Dusa but it worked out in the end. Mostly because Dusa offers more to team fights than AM could ever hope to from 10 minutes on. They started 4 and 5-man death-balling, but you can only do so much of that vs Dusa. Where AM has to turn bitch-made and run for 25 minutes unless a cleanup opportunity arises, Dusa can stay and fight.

But anyway yea, I would have been asking for a lane swap. You can't be expected to succeed in a lane where supports can't help make space for you. As soon as it's recognized that their tri-lane will beat yours, you need to make the executive decision to break up the tri or at least shoo off supports so you can get solo xp.

Shut down my computer for the night, but tomorrow I'll track down the replay and find some highlights. There are some misplays we made, including our dumbass friend playing Techies and the fact that we didn't break up our trilane top to gank mid because we were having so much success murdering top repeatedly, but this dude's agility was fucking unreal.


This Invoker had BoTs and Blink at the 20 minute mark, and Aghs at like 28

*checks score sheet*

*sees refresher tide*

*sees refresher invoker*

*sees refresher shaman*

*sees veil kotl*

*looks at the other team, sees 1 (one!) BKB, NO Urn of Shadows, and NO Pipe of Insight on Technomancer's team*

*closes tab*

With respect, Sven was the only player on your team with any sense at all. With respect to the Troll (because he's a GAFer), I'll just say he made an awful mistake prioritizing the items he bought over BKB. BKB should have been his first major item purchase. Same goes for the Mirana. Damage items don't matter if you don't live long enough to use them. Against that much magic burst, you *must* buy BKB as your first major item. Second at the very latest. In a 60-minute game, your damage dealers didn't complete one between either of them. They should be embarrassed. You can't even expect another outcome to the game with this kinda silly shit happening.

Itemization loses more games than anything else. I've said it a million times, and this is one of the more clear examples of that truth.
oh, everyone in my game just now got disconnected repeatedly, then game marked safe to leave/unscored after 45 minutes (we were going to lose though. early lead completely reversed by one epically bad tornado by our invoker.)


Corporate Apologist
First game enemy team bitches that they can't believe they lost to brood. Second team yells at me for picking OP hero.

I just want to pick spider lady to stick it to the people who told me to uninstall the last time I picked brood.

Also, this made me so sad, the sound effect didn't even fully play, my spiders just went up in a puff :(


First game enemy team bitches that they can't believe they lost to brood. Second team yells at me for picking OP hero.

I just want to pick spider lady to stick it to the people who told me to uninstall the last time I picked brood.

Also, this made me so sad, the sound effect didn't even fully play, my spiders just went up in a puff :(
Its funny because those people seem to have forgotten 6.79...


I think if a lane is that tough, the best call is to TP to the easier lane and let the offlaner deal with it.

but yea getting bullied sucks. I was getting bullied in my last game as Dusa but it worked out in the end. Mostly because Dusa offers more to team fights than AM could ever hope to from 10 minutes on. They started 4 and 5-man death-balling, but you can only do so much of that vs Dusa. Where AM has to turn bitch-made and run for 25 minutes unless a cleanup opportunity arises, Dusa can stay and fight.

But anyway yea, I would have been asking for a lane swap. You can't be expected to succeed in a lane where supports can't help make space for you. As soon as it's recognized that their tri-lane will beat yours, you need to make the executive decision to break up the tri or at least shoo off supports so you can get solo xp.

True, that could have worked here since we were a 5 stack. There is sadly nothing more frustrating than having to sit by watching creeps die.

In a solo pub (or less than 5 stack) the viability of switching lanes gets harder though, as you know how people are.


Corporate Apologist
I really like the new brood, the buff to the spiderlings make her a real threat in the early game. Wish she could have more web though, or could manually despawn webs, but I think she is plenty strong right now.

What really helps with Brood is just to farm the enemy jungle when you can't push in any more.
I really like the new brood, the buff to the spiderlings make her a real threat in the early game. Wish she could have more web though, or could manually despawn webs, but I think she is plenty strong right now.

What really helps with Brood is just to farm the enemy jungle when you can't push in any more.

Uhm...you can now.

Select a web, destroy it. Unless they changed it again, but I don't think so.
True, that could have worked here since we were a 5 stack. There is sadly nothing more frustrating than having to sit by watching creeps die.

In a solo pub (or less than 5 stack) the viability of switching lanes gets harder though, as you know how people are.

yea man. just call for a switch. we tend to get fixed in the notion that once you get to a lane you're assigned to be there for the next 10 minutes. not so. go where you can farm.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I took "haly you need to carry" too literally. Sorry about that, swift.


Fuck the people who give up and start feeding themselves and tonnes of couriers while calling their teammates bad. Just fucking d/c and leave the rest of your team to lose with some dignity or pull a comeback without you weighing them down.


what should be the first major item for LC?
Just went 0-10 trying to rush blink but then decided a maelstrom is more possible.

I used to go Treads > Maelstrom > Blink > Assault Cuirass. With the changes made by the last patch, a basher or desolator might be good.

*checks score sheet*

*sees refresher tide*

*sees refresher invoker*

*sees refresher shaman*

*sees veil kotl*

*looks at the other team, sees 1 (one!) BKB, NO Urn of Shadows, and NO Pipe of Insight on Technomancer's team*

*closes tab*

With respect, Sven was the only player on your team with any sense at all. With respect to the Troll (because he's a GAFer), I'll just say he made an awful mistake prioritizing the items he bought over BKB. BKB should have been his first major item purchase. Same goes for the Mirana. Damage items don't matter if you don't live long enough to use them. Against that much magic burst, you *must* buy BKB as your first major item. Second at the very latest. In a 60-minute game, your damage dealers didn't complete one between either of them. They should be embarrassed. You can't even expect another outcome to the game with this kinda silly shit happening.

Itemization loses more games than anything else. I've said it a million times, and this is one of the more clear examples of that truth.

I have watched the highlights of the replay and Sven's bkb was doing wonder during teamfights. He was almost wiping the whole opposite team by himself.

Regarding Tide's refresher, I think he bought it at the very end while the throne was going down anyway.
I took "haly you need to carry" too literally. Sorry about that, swift.
Nah man it's all good. Our heroes in general weren't strong enough to take it late. And that sk was a ------. No worries homie. Now what we really need to do is do some dungeons once I get some better gear


what should be the first major item for LC?
Just went 0-10 trying to rush blink but then decided a maelstrom is more possible.

I JUST played this game as LC

I think blink is to good to skip

Treads - Blink - Blademail - Crit - Maelstrom - Mjollnir - Heart (throw a BKB in there if you are vs heavy disable)

Did you jungle? LC really needs to go mid or offlane for levels to be revelant

First game enemy team bitches that they can't believe they lost to brood. Second team yells at me for picking OP hero.

I just want to pick spider lady to stick it to the people who told me to uninstall the last time I picked brood.

Also, this made me so sad, the sound effect didn't even fully play, my spiders just went up in a puff :(


I have one of these


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
what should be the first major item for LC?
Just went 0-10 trying to rush blink but then decided a maelstrom is more possible.
If mid: Early Game Stuff -> Bottle -> Treads -> Blink
If bot: Early Game Stuff -> Treads -> Blink

Always Treads into Blink. If you're not winning Duels, you should probably quit right there to save yourself the time. Why Treads? Because ever since Duel was nerfed she's become TERRIBLE at Dueling. You really need the stats from Treads to do any kind of damage at all.


If mid: Early Game Stuff -> Bottle -> Treads -> Blink
If bot: Early Game Stuff -> Treads -> Blink

Always Treads into Blink. If you're not winning Duels, you should probably quit right there to save yourself the time. Why Treads? Because ever since Duel was nerfed she's become TERRIBLE at Dueling. You really need the stats from Treads to do any kind of damage at all.

Is maxing W and passive the build on her now? Whenever arteezy plays her on his stream that's what he does I believe. As good as the nuke can be, it doesn't seem worth it to give up the extra duel damage you get from W and E.


Anyone typing the words "noob team" in chat unironically gets muted immediately.

I don't have time to listen to your inept infighting!


relies on auto-aim
just play a couple thousand hours and memorize everything

Almost no one can tell Dagon 3 to 5 at a glance, hell even casters who can stare at that shit never get it right. I'd like to know if I will die tyvm. Plus it makes me a special flower.

*Played my first game as Storm (bot match to test icons). Could feel the mana constraints but if I had full mana felt invincible. Will probably be more aggressive vs Storms early-mid game before their first item now.


That time we hard an discussion of farming, and I mentioned an example of games where you are just getting bullied in the safe lane, and wondering how you are supposed to come out with farm at the end of it all? It seems impossible.

I feel like we lost simply because the other team's carry was outfarming me (as well as lategame mistakes). The reason for this is quite obvious.

Look at the CS early on (thanks Dotabuff plus!):


I could only manage 39 CS by 15 minutes. We were a trilane of me (AM), Pugna, and Ogre Magi vs Viper and Sand King constantly bullying me away from the creep wave, with ganks from Skywrath and Bloodseeker. How are you supposed to come out super farmed here? Our tower was taken in about 15 minutes, and then all the lanes were pushed out. At this time I don't have Battle Fury, so farming jungle isn't really that viable, as I need a lane right now.


It took me 22 minutes to get Battle Fury up, which is considered bad. Any ideas?


If you're getting bullied out of your lane, then your team should be winning the long lane, and your job is essentially an off-lane hero. Get levels, try desperately not to die, and then survive until there's enough space to catch up in farm. If you're getting bullied out of your own safe lane and your other lanes are losing too, then you got out-picked.


Guys, guys, DA:I today, fuck volvo, fuck doto, fuck those game that are safe to leave it won't count, but it does count thanks to server fuckups, for at least a month or more, yay!


relies on auto-aim
I could only manage 39 CS by 15 minutes. We were a trilane of me (AM), Pugna, and Ogre Magi vs Viper and Sand King constantly bullying me away from the creep wave
Sounds like shitty pub trilane who won't fight or zone. You should just be able to slow them with ignite, break their mana so SK can't do anything or is forced to use his abilities (Sandstorm has super long CD and Stun will cost half his mana).

Then you just win by Ogre walking at them and you blink break harassing. Pugna is probably overkill unless he is hardcore double pulling as there's not that much XP. If he can rotate for a blast on SK that's ok I guess, but doesn't seem to make much sense other than another nuke body there. If you don't make use of him or your advantage early and let viper auto everything then yeah you will lose.


Unconfirmed Member
Guys, guys, DA:I today, fuck volvo, fuck doto, fuck those game that are safe to leave it won't count, but it does count thanks to server fuckups, for at least a month or more, yay!

No..no..I got an obligation to finish my 4 remaining Low Priority games, so fuck DAI. Doto for life, really!?.

Because DAI is not available in my region.


Sounds like shitty pub trilane who won't fight or zone. You should just be able to slow them with ignite, break their mana so SK can't do anything or is forced to use his abilities (Sandstorm has super long CD and Stun will cost half his mana).

Then you just win by Ogre walking at them and you blink break harassing. Pugna is probably overkill unless he is hardcore double pulling as there's not that much XP. If he can rotate for a blast on SK that's ok I guess, but doesn't seem to make much sense other than another nuke body there. If you don't make use of him or your advantage early and let viper auto everything then yeah you will lose.

I dont think its a winnable lane. Ignite does barely anything early, and doesnt improve against Viper, and SK can dodge it. AM can't walk up to mana break because he just gets right clicked. If either support gets close they get stunned and die.


I dont think its a winnable lane. Ignite does barely anything early, and doesnt improve against Viper, and SK can dodge it. AM can't walk up to mana break because he just gets right clicked. If either support gets close they get stunned and die.

It's a winnable lane as long as you play aggressive from the get go and don't let the viper/sk get levels. Sand King stun is pitiful at level 1 and Viper, while strong, will have trouble to deal with pugna and ogre level 1 harass with am threat. You do need very good execution though, both in terms of positioning and creep wave control, while all the viper has to do really is stand there and spit on your carry from time to time, not much room for error.

Viper is actually a pretty squishy hero if you can get to him at level 1, and with ogre 20% level 1 slow coupled with some oov autoattacks as well as pugna high movement speed and low cd nuke, a lot of pressure can be applied. If you let the Viper get free early levels though, the lane becomes unwinnable.

Disruptive duo lanes that include Viper were quite popular in competitive not so long ago, they're pretty good if the other team doesn't draft and/or react well to it. Actually, Guidos ran it twice versus us in our bo3 and in both cases it was pretty effective.


I remember a very long time ago when I used to get excited for Bioware games, It's in times like these that I realize I am getting old.


Still on the Neverwinter engine, Aurora I believe it was called, just because the default module was ass, NWN did bring a buttload of awesome modules, official and fanmade.

One of the main reasons why the combat in NWN2 is complete ass.

Dat camera.
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