Do you get lifesteal on Medusa? I always think something like rapier and satanic = unkillable.
I almost always get lifesteal. Think killing a Medusa with a Skadi + Manta + Bfly is a tall task? Try killing one with a Daed/MKB and a Satanic. After the herculean accomplishment that is dropping her mana shield down, she'll still have another 5,000hp effective from Satanic lifesteal during the course of the fight + Satanic active.
She basically becomes Roshan but hits harder. I haven't really played Medusa in what feels like ages, but yea...Satanic was always my 4th core item purchase.
Manta -> Bfly -> Damage item of your choice -> Satanic -> Skadi -> Travels
Used to be my old build. Haven't built her like that in quite awhile. Now maybe I'd reverse the locations of Skadi and Bfly since MKB is such a common purchase after than PA arcana event. Fitting in a BKB as needed, of course (preferably not at all).
But yea, Satanic in pubs makes a lot of sense because Dom Helm still makes a lot of sense.
1.) It lets her farm the jungle without using mana shield (so she's always at 100% hp and mana if she needs to tp in for a fight),
2.) It lets her stack ancients without relying on a teammate (and you can never rely on a teammate to do that for you in pubs)
3.) It gives her added survivability in the early and midgame fights, not just thanks to the lifesteal but the big +armor buff that comes from Dom Helm. It scales well with her mana shield. Satanic is one of my favorite item purchases on Dusa.
My highest GPM games on my 2 accounts, for reference sake: