It's often very bad form to AFK jungle for 10 minutes. Your jungling creates an imbalance to the lanes. The enemy carry is likely free-farming while yours is not, so the team has to get a lot of action out of you as jungler. Bear in mind that Enigma is uniquely effective at ganking at early levels because you get the triple ministun at level 1 or 2 now, so you should always be a threat to their offlaners (or, they should believe you are a threat). Even just showing yourself in the lane once or twice forces them to respect your potential ganking power. Especially if your safelane is losing, it's even more imperative that you're around.
Also, Enigma should be hitting level 6 @ ~5:30-6:30. This makes you one of the highest if not the highest leveled person on your team. At that time, you should really be looking to help get a kill somewhere and turning it into a full-on tower push with your Edilons. Enigma can push a lane and towers even sooner than that, but by 7-8 minutes you should have shown up in a lane, helped get at least 1 kill and put the enemy offlane tower down to half HP or even taking it unless they've rotated supports to compensate.
All that said: again, it's important to feel how the game is going if you're going to jungle because again, the enemy safe carry is probably free farming as a result of your choice to jungle. If your safe lane needs help and your ministun and edilons can be that help (or even if they don't expressly need help, but you can make some kills happen), you have to step up. Getting the enemy offlane tower so that your safe supports can rotate around is imperative so that your solo offlaner won't have to be on an island for 10+ minutes. You getting a 10-minute blink dagger won't mean much if your team has lost multiple lanes. Always save some mana for key abilities and be prepared to make things happen at midlane or (more likely) safelane.
All IMO, of course. So grain of salt, yadayada.