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DOTA 2 |OT9| League of Ancients (6.84)

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Zyori has improved dramatically from when he first started. While I don't prefer him, I don't mind him either.

...unlike Blaze, who is complete shit at casting since forever.

I'm not really picky on casts, but Blaze is one of the few that can make me just switch stream even if there's a good match on.

Chris R

I randomed the new PL a few days ago and didn't have that great of a time with it :( Then again the team was doomed from the get-go...
I have a theory that icefrog is going to eventually remove all UAM restrictions from the game.

There's like a handful left.

And half of those interact without any issue.
I have a theory that icefrog is going to eventually remove all UAM restrictions from the game.

There's like a handful left.

And half of those interact without any issue.

If icefrog removed all UAM, then clinkz would become the most annoying hero ever. Skadi/Desolator/Diffusal all on a single hero with a attack steroid (searing arrows).

He already does insane damage with desolator.

And honestly, I don't know why frost arrows is still a UAM.
If icefrog removed all UAM, then clinkz would become the most annoying hero ever. Skadi/Desolator/Diffusal all on a single hero with a attack steroid (searing arrows).

Considering how he's been removing UAM from heros/items in recent patches it just seems like the path we are going down.

Not that it would be a universal removal but.. I think he's going to remove/balance UAMs from the game until there aren't any left.


If icefrog removed all UAM, then clinkz would become the most annoying hero ever. Skadi/Desolator/Diffusal all on a single hero with a attack steroid (searing arrows).

He already does insane damage with desolator.

And honestly, I don't know why frost arrows is still a UAM.
Why does every asshat clinkz on my team go naked mom first item


This BH play and item choice!

Why does every asshat clinkz on my team go naked mom first item

haha, they think they are playing jugg/sniper and that every agi hero can do what they do with just mom/aquila.

i LOVE how much zeus is getting pick/banned, he does insane damage. Seems like pros are just following pub meta lol.


anyone else feel like theres not enough time in the day?

How can I possible juggle Dota/Monster Hunter/Bloodborne and now ESO


anyone else feel like theres not enough time in the day?

How can I possible juggle Dota/Monster Hunter/Bloodborne and now ESO

There isn't. There just isn't. :(

Comparatively speaking, Dota games are long as hell and only a couple will just devour your evening.
Hate getting blamed for shit I didn't do...
Random enigma, after 10 mins I had come to push a tower with my minions , tped in mid to save my mid and get a counter kill, tped bot to gank , killed a guy in our jungle with the help of the mid.
am 1-0-7 at 15 mins, highest assists

Safelane sniper who already fed courier and died 3x then says 'gg, another shit enigma picker who afks in jungle all game'

Like what?
Hate getting blamed for shit I didn't do...
Random enigma, after 10 mins I had come to push a tower with my minions , tped in mid to save my mid and get a counter kill, tped bot to gank , killed a guy in our jungle with the help of the mid.
am 1-0-7 at 15 mins, highest assists

Safelane sniper who already fed courier and died 3x then says 'gg, another shit enigma picker who afks in jungle all game'

Like what?


It's often very bad form to AFK jungle for 10 minutes. Your jungling creates an imbalance to the lanes. The enemy carry is likely free-farming while yours is not, so the team has to get a lot of action out of you as jungler. Bear in mind that Enigma is uniquely effective at ganking at early levels because you get the triple ministun at level 1 or 2 now, so you should always be a threat to their offlaners (or, they should believe you are a threat). Even just showing yourself in the lane once or twice forces them to respect your potential ganking power. Especially if your safelane is losing, it's even more imperative that you're around.

Also, Enigma should be hitting level 6 @ ~5:30-6:30. This makes you one of the highest if not the highest leveled person on your team. At that time, you should really be looking to help get a kill somewhere and turning it into a full-on tower push with your Edilons. Enigma can push a lane and towers even sooner than that, but by 7-8 minutes you should have shown up in a lane, helped get at least 1 kill and put the enemy offlane tower down to half HP or even taking it unless they've rotated supports to compensate.

All that said: again, it's important to feel how the game is going if you're going to jungle because again, the enemy safe carry is probably free farming as a result of your choice to jungle. If your safe lane needs help and your ministun and edilons can be that help (or even if they don't expressly need help, but you can make some kills happen), you have to step up. Getting the enemy offlane tower so that your safe supports can rotate around is imperative so that your solo offlaner won't have to be on an island for 10+ minutes. You getting a 10-minute blink dagger won't mean much if your team has lost multiple lanes. Always save some mana for key abilities and be prepared to make things happen at midlane or (more likely) safelane.

All IMO, of course. So grain of salt, yadayada.

Envy doing well with the Tiny + Wisp combo, surely he can't fuck this game up, right?

I think every Tiny+Wisp I've seen over the last week has lost without exception. We'll see.

Yeah who needs to shell out $80 for a day one AAA release (or otherwise) here when you just have Dota :')
yea basically.

bro just do you

don't ever let anyone say you can farm too much on enigma

cause you cant

farm forever

Don't believe his lies. If mid or your safe lane need help or if you can make a kill happen and turn it into a tower push...make shit happen. That is your essential function as a jungling Enigma. If you can't help or don't give a shit, then farm forever.


Corporate Apologist
Sudden win, C9 backing out after they take a T3, Alliance decides to take a fight right after buying back, dies, Envy thrones within 60 seconds.

Top 4 is expected for the Summit 3. C9, NiP, Asus, and Secret. Secret is likely Qualify (And even if they don't, they would be a good chance to win the redemption vote), its a real toss up which of the others will make it.
Don't believe his lies. If mid or your safe lane need help or if you can make a kill happen and turn it into a tower push...make shit happen. That is your essential function as a jungling Enigma. If you can't help or don't give a shit, then farm forever.
no no im like 200 gold away from this thing dont worry ill gank later with black hole


Bull on a Donut
Cross-posting so IHL captains see this:

Just a heads up, TUSR was kind enough to create a few extra spreadsheet tabs to make the draft a little smoother and provide clearer information. The draft order is pretty much set (you can see it in the "Draft" tab in the spreadsheet), and all players are sorted by MMR under the "Players" tab in the spreadsheet. Note that players highlighted in blue are free agents, and aren't eligible to be drafted. Players highlighted in green are captains.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Enigma needs to jungle until he finishes midas and radiance. If you come out before then you won't have sick deeps.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
the change to nyx's stun is lowkey trash.......they made the hero frustrating & finicky to play. they should change it back and think of a non-retarded way to balance him.



It's often very bad form to AFK jungle for 10 minutes. Your jungling creates an imbalance to the lanes. The enemy carry is likely free-farming while yours is not, so the team has to get a lot of action out of you as jungler. Bear in mind that Enigma is uniquely effective at ganking at early levels because you get the triple ministun at level 1 or 2 now, so you should always be a threat to their offlaners (or, they should believe you are a threat). Even just showing yourself in the lane once or twice forces them to respect your potential ganking power. Especially if your safelane is losing, it's even more imperative that you're around.

Also, Enigma should be hitting level 6 @ ~5:30-6:30. This makes you one of the highest if not the highest leveled person on your team. At that time, you should really be looking to help get a kill somewhere and turning it into a full-on tower push with your Edilons. Enigma can push a lane and towers even sooner than that, but by 7-8 minutes you should have shown up in a lane, helped get at least 1 kill and put the enemy offlane tower down to half HP or even taking it unless they've rotated supports to compensate.

All that said: again, it's important to feel how the game is going if you're going to jungle because again, the enemy safe carry is probably free farming as a result of your choice to jungle. If your safe lane needs help and your ministun and edilons can be that help (or even if they don't expressly need help, but you can make some kills happen), you have to step up. Getting the enemy offlane tower so that your safe supports can rotate around is imperative so that your solo offlaner won't have to be on an island for 10+ minutes. You getting a 10-minute blink dagger won't mean much if your team has lost multiple lanes. Always save some mana for key abilities and be prepared to make things happen at midlane or (more likely) safelane.

All IMO, of course. So grain of salt, yadayada.

I don't agree at all.

My absolute worst nightmare is seeing enigmas run with one or two pieces of a non completed mek at 8 minutes and a level 1 malefice, doing their best to help lanes and ending up feeding slow ass moving eidolons, lives and never finishing the item, not getting much pushing done or saving already lost lanes.

If you half ass jungle the hero, you are wasting its potential. It is amazing at farming and every single resource should be put towards maxing its jungle efficiency first so that you can bring out high levels of malefice (level 1 sucks) and your big item (which is usually mek) as early on as possible. The hero is also really hard to move out of the jungle unless you bring out numbers or very specific heroes very early on.

Of course, you are going to keep your lanes in mind, if there's a tower dive or a rotation, you have to position yourself in a way that you can help or clean up easily if needed but your absolute priority lies in farming the jungle. If your duo lane is losing to a duo lane, you are going to help them much more by creating space later on at the 8-10 minutes mark elsewhere on the map with items than by coming to gank at level 3 or 4 with nothing. If they are losing to an offlaner... well let's say that shouldn't happen in most cases and if zoning the offlaner is what you wanted to do, you were better off picking something like an enchantress for the jungle.
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