but It already has an English pronunciation unlike something like Coup de grâce .
cup dee grace?
but It already has an English pronunciation unlike something like Coup de grâce .
We should start pronouncing every English word of French origin with the French pronunciation.
isn't that how things are already done lmao?
coup de grace
someone has not been to st louis or new orleans
Coo the grahcup dee grace?
It originated from a Ferrari430 game and some guys one-upping Ferrari brand with the copypasta:
HEY <Losing Team> FAN<Sexual Prefference>! <Emotes> <Insults> <Emotes> TY FOR YOUR <Expensive Vehicle> <Emotes>
You spam this when you are winning a lot of $$ on a 322 or high risk dota2lounge bet.
It's Aegis, they are just lazy
expensive car brand. people are acting like they bet cars on the game
Thanks! I thikn I understand...
just replace bugatti with raresThanks! I thikn I understand...
No one can truly understand Twitch and the memes it spawns
This Drow Visage strat really fucked EG
They were way to confident that PA could handle it. Should have picked a real carry
Damn, those bats were taking chunks. Is there an English stream of the EG game?
Didn't see the draft but I like that EG lost to Tiny Io and Drow Visage. Somethings are cheesy for a reason, just ban them when you see the other.
Picking Sniper into Storm is setting yourself up to fail
why did they let eg pick storm
like..........just don't
especially if you already picked sniper
Not only that but they let though Void and QoP as well
EG has team fuck sniper up
Yeah game is GG. Storm with 15 BS charges is going to be impossible for NiP to deal with
these games like, it really feels like both MVP and NiP have gotten a win over EG and thought, 'oh i guess they're not as scary as we thought!'
and then they get overconfident and then get completely trashed
Coo the grah
It is more pronounced like Neil deGrasse, but with Coo DeGrasse instead. Or is it?
Drow pronounciation.. whatever...
The way the dude pronounces Visage though, that's the stuff of nightmares.
Does omni not ministun on the first hit anymore? Why did Fear not cancel dazzle's tp?
is it just me or is the dota sfx bass is really loud?
Even in RD I can't get away from Troll.
Storm for EG has to be treated like NP was for Alliance.
I'm not sure how anyone drafting can think of a hero better for EG at this point.