It's like fucking matchmaking is trolling me or something.
Jungling Doom who refuses to do anything to assist as top lane gets pushed in by a creepskipping Axe. Goes Vanguard first item. "rushes" aghs-refresher. Continues to farm jungle as they push into our base.
At least the next game was better. I random PL. Someone else on my team randoms Broodmother. So they counterpick us hard: Axe, Earthshaker, Luna. We win anyway, against a 21K XP deficit. PL too stronk.
Jungling Doom who refuses to do anything to assist as top lane gets pushed in by a creepskipping Axe. Goes Vanguard first item. "rushes" aghs-refresher. Continues to farm jungle as they push into our base.
At least the next game was better. I random PL. Someone else on my team randoms Broodmother. So they counterpick us hard: Axe, Earthshaker, Luna. We win anyway, against a 21K XP deficit. PL too stronk.