Rtz got famous because of its Ember noobs.
Also Hylian wanting to make the bashlord not bash what am i reading, i hope you get hoho ahah until the end of time in ur pubs.
"would you say the ultimate permabash hero identity was the permabash? no i'd say it's the attack fast part". People using their heads to keep the cabbage inside. 109 only good psoter.
edit: also tales from 5k games: how to win a game in 7 min as a supp
Ah right i forgot there was also a poster who said that playing support in high level games is bad. You're bad too. Supports is probably the biggest impact role over 5k because pretty much everyone know how to farm and what make the difference is supports that don't feed and provide the correct vision to create space and win teamfights. Also, supports that know what to pick. Lich sucks in 90% of pick situations for example, but i see the hero picked way too much.
Pudge is one buff away from being a strong pick in competitive and tbh i'd rather he didn't get buffed too much to avoid another sniper situation since he's already picked so much in pubs.
edit2: also for 6.84 which will never come:
- troll lose bonus armor and hp in melee form. This is the easiest and best suggestion for him imho. Bokr already said it (even if he's 4k and as such has no human rights), the hero is way too tanky with stats when he can already go ranged and got a blind effect, make him vulnerable to nukes earlier on.
- Sniper shrapnel mana cost upped to 75. This hero in reality ain't even that good. Making triple shrapnel cost 225 mana instead of 150 mean you can't triple shrapnel someone into assassinate at 6. He don't need much more, but will probably get nerfed more to ensure he disappear from pubs for a while, knowing icefraud.
- Ebola spirit ultimate damage from 50/75/100 to 30/60/90. This hero's still retarded, and the worst part is the finger + 5 sec silence at level 6 that its ulti is. Alternatively, remove his ulti and give him rocks at level 6 Kappa.
- larger ramps to the base, like 50% larger.