Gyro buff, preferably to his ult/aghs or maybe some str gain. Running aghs/refresher on gyro is just way too fun. Or weaken his agi gain and buff something else and turn him into a support so I have a reason to spam him every game.
Undying buff, no ones playing him so hes gonna be the new skywrath at TI, amazing fucking hero that pros purposely sleep on.
Alch buff so hes not complete fucking garbage, seeing his stats make me weep.
Sven buff so he can actually fight an agi hero.
Lina nerf so I can actually play support if shes on the enemy team, 950 pure damage from across map is honestly genuinely imbalanced and really not fun to play against. It feels like old nyx all over again where if you dont see him on map and you dont have a sentry than you're literally dead right there on a spot if you're a support, it's just super unfun to play against.
Reworked Naga Siren, playing against a 60-70 minute defense of the ancient against a radiance naga thats impossible to kill while her team is food for you but you can't win or push or do jack shit.