I know the froggy doesn't usually balance around pub Dota, and AM is kind of a fringe pick in pro games, but what would it take to make him relevant again?
In this recent game, it didn't matter how well I farmed, we still lost, I couldn't stop the push that was happening. This is a pattern in most of the AM games I lose. I know other people have the same sentiment: Any kind of "We have to end this now" is a lost game for AM.
In that game above, I took an entire rax by myself, and still had no chance to actually carry my team like a carry. With so many other carries the game may be falling apart around you, but if you farmed well, you still might come back. Medusa and Spectre are great examples of this.
But AM, it's unfortunate the state he's in. How do we make him more relevant?