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DOTA 2 |OT9| League of Ancients (6.84)

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So far the only game I played that undying lost, the enemy randomed drow and clinkz. Even then we newly won. Undying so good.

I have no quantifiable evidence for this, but I think a big part of why Undying is so good is that he's simply demoralizing to the enemy. You can get ridiculous kills when you shouldn't be able to with zombies, and the strength steal makes certain heroes laughable. You can also get first blood at the horn like 75% of the time if you bring an ally and drop a Tombstone at the rune. It's easy mode.


aw there was a discussion on how absolutely DOG SHIT legion commander is and i missed it


Corgi died when we lost those games yesterday.

Now I am a sad boy.

I would like this back but she's always had a more fundamental issue of not being able to do anything unless Duel is up, and Duel not being enough to make her self sufficient.

She should be a strong, independent jungler/mid who don't need no support but in her last and current incarnation, she needed her entire team to support her Duels. Like, what is that?

That second game was painful, I had nightmares with those enchant totems.


This fuckign patch is giving me the longest stressfullest games ever jesus. Look at this, our zeus was a legit 3k (5.4k) player buybacking every time he died out of rage, afk farming all game and almost losing us the game three times. Techies was the worst shit ever to play against as usual, even with a Zeus. I hope sentries get buffed considerably because fuck this hero. A lot of my games this patch have been long, stressfull attrition games.


I almost got the refresher for the double punch double sheep double bkb. Tusk feel almost legit in pubs now, he's probably still bad for comp because of how awkward his laning is. If his shard blocked creeps like ES, he could work as an offlaner delaying his wave. Maybe there's actually a trick to block creeps even now, who know. Punch is essentially a bit shittier roar, the damage will never get big because you can't itemize this hero as a rightclicker anyway. Since the snowball change, i've been liking Treads over Phase on this hero as you've got snowball to close the gaps, and treads + an eventual Desolator give you a significant rightclick in fights and when pushing.

EDIT: also Undying is broken (65% wr in vh pubs, that's almost original cent level of stupidity) and will get -1 armor soon (praise icefraud), and LC sucks.

EDIT2: techies in that game had like 300 APM the last 20 mins, watching the game from his PoV, wow, respekt.


"In both 6.78 and 6.79, PL was nerfed, and this was due to pubs:"

dat 5% damage on illusions nerf, so massive

the only seriously real pub nerf i can think of is the big tinker nerfs, and that's because the hero was cancerous from 0k to 7k and required a team of five specific heroes to knock him out while he bled both the enemy and his team of farm. completely counterable in competitive, an absolute nightmare in pubs.

no ursa is not op, pick better laners against him or don't let him free jungle. there's plenty of counter play available.


This compendium is really not that fun. 3 challenges in 5 days? It's so hard to earn points. I haven't had any drop randomly in games other than from doing challenges. Where's the daily hero challenge? Come on Valve. I know you like money but keep me playing the game.


"In both 6.78 and 6.79, PL was nerfed, and this was due to pubs:"

dat 5% damage on illusions nerf, so massive

the only seriously real pub nerf i can think of is the big tinker nerfs, and that's because the hero was cancerous from 0k to 7k and required a team of five specific heroes to knock him out while he bled both the enemy and his team of farm. completely counterable in competitive, an absolute nightmare in pubs.

no ursa is not op, pick better laners against him or don't let him free jungle. there's plenty of counter play available.

Percentages are a big deal on an illusion hero, and it still is a nerf, you can't deny that.

Tinker was still picked in the pro scene though, so that wasn't PURELY due to pubs.

Yes, you can lane against Ursa or not let him free jungle, but once he can smoke into Rosh, there is nothing stopping him from getting it. You simply don't have enough time to react to it. You might slow him down, but he will get there eventually and there is nothing you can do about it.


Ursa is also a really good laner vs the triple melee garbage u see in pubs often, not sure why everyone goes jungle with him as it essentially give their opponent safelaner free farm instead of killing him.


Corporate Apologist
"In both 6.78 and 6.79, PL was nerfed, and this was due to pubs:"

dat 5% damage on illusions nerf, so massive
The 5% illusion nerf works out to a 20% attack damage reduction on PL illusions (though the fact pl normally gets duffusal lessons that)
This compendium is really not that fun. 3 challenges in 5 days? It's so hard to earn points. I haven't had any drop randomly in games other than from doing challenges. Where's the daily hero challenge? Come on Valve. I know you like money but keep me playing the game.
I think there will be more stuff as time goes on, we got 3 months. I really like the challenges and wish we got more.


fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i love dota
playing with some friends who are new, behind 2 lanes of rax, down 15k gold + xp.
CK + Legion so fat their life expectancy was 28. Our void landed the most impeccable chronosphere's in a row, with lich ulti. Bruce lee comeback shit, straight to the throne down mid.


EE is currently on stream dropping all his items on the ground and deliberately feeding under towers because he's raging at the Alchemist on his team for no particularly obvious reason. What a fucking child.


EE is currently on stream dropping all his items on the ground and deliberately feeding under towers because he's raging at the Alchemist on his team for no particularly obvious reason. What a fucking child.

Yeah, I can't fucking stand him when he does shit like that. I've gotten on heavy tilt and have yet to do anything like that. I have no idea how people still respect EE.
EE is currently on stream dropping all his items on the ground and deliberately feeding under towers because he's raging at the Alchemist on his team for no particularly obvious reason. What a fucking child.

half of GAF will like him anyway. I'll never know what attracts people to bitchmade individuals. he stinks of bitch.
Thinking of swapping A for NiP but I think they will get better with bulldong
Alliance's player switching is the reason they probably won't get invited. I'd swap them out with Newbee if I were you, there's no way they're inviting 5 Euro teams and they're likely to invite the current champs.

I have:




I don't see any way there's going to be 2 SEA invites, neither do I think a second SEA team deserves it over any of the other teams I predicted(except maybe Rave).
Do people actually unironically like EE? I thought he was a running joke at this point.
They exist, but they've become really rare. I think it's mostly sympathy because C9 never wins anything.
Sometimes I feel bad for him because of the amount of hate he gets, but he mostly deserves it.


Alliance's player switching is the reason they probably won't get invited. I'd swap them out with Newbee if I were you, there's no way they're inviting 5 Euro teams and they're likely to invite the current champs.

I have:




I don't see any way there's going to be 2 SEA invites, neither do I think a second SEA team deserves it over any of the other teams I predicted.

They exist, but they've become really rare. I think it's mostly sympathy because C9 never wins anything.
Sometimes I feel bad for him because of the amount of hate he gets, but he mostly deserves it.

When he pulls shit like what was described above about his stream, yeah, he definitely deserves the hate. He's just a complete asshole.


Corporate Apologist
I like Envy. He is honest and hard working, which are traits I like in a player. I enjoy that he will speak his mind after events, and his draft/play style is one of the most unique ones in the scene, and envy seems to have little issue reinventing it as his team and the meta changes. Most people just seem to find him annoying though.


Low Tier
I like Envy. He is honest and hard working, which are traits I like in a player. I enjoy that he will speak his mind after events, and his draft/play style is one of the most unique ones in the scene, and envy seems to have little issue reinventing it as his team and the meta changes. Most people just seem to find him annoying though.

kirby ur just saying that cuz hes a turbo nerd like u

Show me your predictions

Thinking of swapping A for NiP but I think they will get better with bulldong

I don't think Alliance will get a direct invite but I could be wrong

only two I'm iffy on are Rave and maybe Empire but I can't believe they'd pick just one team from SEA (especially when they give the region its own subsection)

edit: well I guess nevermind they won't invite two NA teams


I like Envy. He is honest and hard working, which are traits I like in a player. I enjoy that he will speak his mind after events, and his draft/play style is one of the most unique ones in the scene, and envy seems to have little issue reinventing it as his team and the meta changes. Most people just seem to find him annoying though.

Envy is awesome and tryhard asf, I love watching his streams.

He sounds like a totally honest and tryhard person.

EE is currently on stream dropping all his items on the ground and deliberately feeding under towers because he's raging at the Alchemist on his team for no particularly obvious reason. What a fucking child.

I do not get it.



the only seriously real pub nerf i can think of is the big tinker nerfs, and that's because the hero was cancerous from 0k to 7k and required a team of five specific heroes to knock him out while he bled both the enemy and his team of farm. completely counterable in competitive, an absolute nightmare in pubs.

Wasn't spiritbreaker nerfed ages ago mainly due to pubs? The only pro I remember playing him was iceiceice because he plays fucking everyone.
Yeah I'll give him that, I can respect the way he puts his heart and soul into the game.

But that's the same reason he can be an insufferable asshole, he takes shit too seriously.


Hylian is a totally honest and good teammate except when he flames and blames the loss on everyone but himself.

It's almost like people aren't binary good or evil (wow!)


And dendi is that nice guy who picked wisp and trapped his teammate off the map to force him to abandon.

EE does shit like that on a regular basis, while Dendi did that maybe once. I certainly don't like that Dendi did that, but he doesn't do it on a regular basis and he certainly doesn't act like a douche on a regular basis either.
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