Yeah, I'm pretty sure it didn't wait for back swings in WC3. Seems like kind of a weird thing to have.Shift Queue waits for backswing to finish, I feel Valve may leave it in intentionally to ensure you can't make single button scripts too easily.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it didn't wait for back swings in WC3. Seems like kind of a weird thing to have.Shift Queue waits for backswing to finish, I feel Valve may leave it in intentionally to ensure you can't make single button scripts too easily.
I'm just happy Undying will finally get his well deserved arcana because the community has seen the light and doesn't choose garbage.
right guys?
The 5% illusion nerf works out to a 20% attack damage reduction on PL illusions (though the fact pl normally gets duffusal lessons that)
I think there will be more stuff as time goes on, we got 3 months. I really like the challenges and wish we got more.
Yeah I'll give him that, I can respect the way he puts his heart and soul into the game.
But that's the same reason he can be an insufferable asshole, he takes shit too seriously.
He is getting a new immortal at least, believe!
he already got an immortal last year
this year's arcana winner will be some shit like pudge or mirana
he already got an immortal last year
this year's arcana winner will be some shit like pudge or mirana
It is not deathball, comeback can happen and you don't forfeit after the first rack is taken.
However, games are shorter. Edit: Actually, my games are: 38 min vs 41min previously. This is 10% shorter on average. Stomps are even shorter than they used to be.
Rubick immortal pls
Apparently EE was given the chance to just join EG in place of Mason/Fear after TI4 and turned it down.
Apparently EE was given the chance to just join EG in place of Mason/Fear after TI4 and turned it down.
EE a shit
Apparently EE was given the chance to just join EG in place of Mason/Fear after TI4 and turned it down.
6.3 QoP on my team, but luckily we had a 4.3k axe who went jungle and swiftly lost us the game by doing so. Why haven't people learned that jugnle is fucking autoloss jesus christ, you give opposing farmer ff and then you get snowballed 15 mins in.
half of GAF will like him anyway. I'll never know what attracts people to bitchmade individuals. he stinks of bitch.
Apparently EE was given the chance to just join EG in place of Mason/Fear after TI4 and turned it down.
6.3 QoP on my team, but luckily we had a 4.3k axe who went jungle and swiftly lost us the game by doing so. Why haven't people learned that jugnle is fucking autoloss jesus christ, you give opposing farmer ff and then you get snowballed 15 mins in.
He's not. You should have lost that game, aghs machine alchemist is a shit build. You should only have bought one aghs and that's for WD. You're lucky your team could win 4v5.played Alchemist as a piggy bank yesterday with midas.
Minute 10 -> Free Aghanims for Treant Protector
Minute 18 -> Free Aghanims for Witch Doctor
Minute 25 -> Free Aghanims for Leshrak
Minute 32 calling GG, watching the enemy ancient fall and never left the jungle once
Alchemist seems currently way too OP in several ways. I don't even want to imagine facing a team with alchi if the game goes over the 80min mark
He's not. You should have lost that game, aghs machine alchemist is a shit build. You should only have bought one aghs and that's for WD. You're lucky your team could win 4v5.
Another 4k jungler pick, another loss. Yeah let's give freefarm to lancer/Slark/whoever because you have no idea on how to play this game.
Once had a jungling troll back in 6.83
And an offlane tinker to boot
That was not a fun game
Once had a jungling troll back in 6.83
And an offlane tinker to boot
That was not a fun game
jungle troll is actually fine, ran it a few times
Sounds about as "fine" as jungle Wraith King. Lvl 4 7 minutes in?
jungle troll is actually fine, ran it a few times
Cheap tp to base broyou at least had an idea what you are doing.
This guy had no idea what he was doing and i think died to creeps twice.
Besides i think it was a waste of trolls amazing lane control and killing potential.
Just tried a game queueing on Russia. Incredibly noticeable drop off in skill compared to EU West.
Router drama is nerve-wracking. I think I have a good wired connection to my computer now at least (but nobody else has wi-fi)
Still haven't played any games of 6.84. How is Doom?
Undying+1 hardlane is cheating, did it last night with lion :I once played a lich undying hard lane. Holy shit we just facerolled them, spam frost blast and decay, go for the kill with tombstone, enemy carry was miserable as fuck
I'm also not fond of having a jungler, even more if it's a pub I don't know, the easy lane can fail against the ennemy dual hard ( and it sadly it happens pretty often ), the jungle will usually afk jungle till he get's his blink ( or a given level, etc... ) even if he see the easy fail. So you give free farm to ennemy easy lane, while sometime, also loosing your own safe.
The Red Bull HQ is insane.