Ok here's my take on each of them:
Rubick: I think I actually played a great game, whole team worked pretty well, but the Spectre got out of hand, we didn't end fast enough. Standard loss.
Winter Wyvern: I have highest hero damage in the team by a long shot, Morph couldn't farm for shit, and Dusa just couldn't get online in time.
Spirit Breaker: I was too aggressive, often charging to my idiot death. Riki threw the game pretty hard near the end, trying to get a kill by himself while they were 5-manning. Otherwise this was an easy win. Technies never managed to put more than 3 mines together, resulting in some annoyance, but never blowing anyone up outright. But I had my part in that loss.
Pudge: Standard loss, I didn't play perfect, but I actually won my lane vs qop. Again, Spectre got out of hand.
Disruptor: Our whole team was made out of paper, Centaur and SK initiated on us and we couldn't do shit about it. I think I did kinda good, best hero damage in the team. Bad lineup was at fault.
Tidehunter: I'm putting this one on tree. I had to get a blink ASAP, and the only other support was Treant, except that she stayed top lane the whole game, never bought a single ward, and rushed an aghs, which she managed to get when they took our rax. I was stuck buying wards, and well as trying to get a blink.
Wraith King: I was actually playing support here. Viper and Undying were absolutely terrified of engaging the enemy, DK was the opposing and was supermanning into 5 men. Altough it was clear we needed to end quick against that lineup, we could never group as 5 to get a push going, people preferred to farm.
Sand King: I did what I could, but our Dusa couldn't get online at all. I hate linken's rush Dusa.
Death Prophet: Nothing stops this feed train.
Silencer: We have a good lineup going, we just need one more support. Last guy picks void out of rage for our teammate stealing his Invoker., then disconnects for five minutes. I ended up being the only support, jugg had to jungle, everything fell appart. This one is on void.
Storm Spirit: Shadow Demon notices they all only have magic damage and says, everyone get a cloak! I thought this was brilliant and went one step further into Hood. Ended up being a stupid decision, but I still managed to keep up, kinda. Team fed relentlessly, PA couldn't get any farm going even though she had the easiest lane of her life. They walked right over us.
Game is hard.