How could dotaTV get better? Because of
that JD article I've been thinking...
perhaps have a live feed from external source added to dota2 TV. So DOTATV now acts like Twitch. Except you get in game control and extra bells an whistles.
For example:
Tournament tab now acts more like a channel with sub channels rather than a watch live game. There we get the full production of twitch inside the client, that can also load up the game when its on. A seamless transition to broadcast and game views would be the best.
In client contests and giveaways awarding hats or other cool dota2 client goodies instantly into someones armory via the client.
Being able to follow and get notified when a ticket broadcast is going live.
Having more viewer options, like when there is live replay, the casters want to look at an instant replay in the client, you get a button appearing in the client to go to that casters replay position or to just continue to watch the live game.