lol Toddler Touchin' Ted.
i'm so fed up of seeing troll warlord. i want him to be hit with the nerf bat so hard in the next patch that even if he was then subsequently given buffs in every patch from now until the rapture, he will still be considered so poor that picking him would cause his team to instantly quit in disgust because of how bad a handicap having troll warlord on your team represents.
The map should work fine, the mod tools run in source 2. Valve has broken stuff in the past when adding new features, so you may need to adjust it when custom games fully launch.Really interested in jumping into the map maker but I'm worried my maps won't be ported over when source 2 hits so I'm reluctant to start putting serious work into a map.
Is there a go-to general guide/over view to the map tools in dota 2? I fooled around with the sc2editor when I was kid, and now I know a few programming languages, I'd really like to work on a custom map
hylian pls stop stomping my friends as storm pls
Wait what? Were those guys your friends?
sk/jugg/ww the other 2 were randoms
How do you get the data?
Can't reapply the debuff.I think treads are better on her so you can apply/reapply the Q debuff faster + she needs the stats.
I think flex support is the right option.WW is really good, I just haven't settled on how to build her.
Probably as flex support, building whatever is needed.
Mek..., Euls..., Force.
Mana boots feel like a waste on her, she's not very mana intensive at all. I prefer to go with treads for that sweet sweet 1 million range attack.
It's directly pulled from the GC.How do you get the data?
Reddit is on to you Matt! If this is real, then maybe want to watch yourself for appearing online or something. At the bottom of the friends playing Dota area you can see that Cyborgmatt is playing Arc Warden (Lvl 1).
Reddit is on to you Matt! If this is real, then maybe want to watch yourself for appearing online or something. At the bottom of the friends playing Dota area you can see that Cyborgmatt is playing Arc Warden (Lvl 1).
Follow up question, how do I pull data from the GC?It's directly pulled from the GC.
GC Active Events: k_EIngameEvent_CNY2015_PreBeast
It's probably just that profile status thing you can set, people did that all the time before Techies release where they would make it say "playing as Techies (Lvl 3)"
Yes and node-dota2 will be a big help.Follow up question, how do I pull data from the GC?
Would this be a good guide?
i'm so fed up of seeing troll warlord. i want him to be hit with the nerf bat so hard in the next patch that even if he was then subsequently given buffs in every patch from now until the rapture, he will still be considered so poor that picking him would cause his team to instantly quit in disgust because of how bad a handicap having troll warlord on your team represents.
Troll Warlord is manageable, Juggernaut on the other hand...
Got my third year beast win, always love getting couriers
using necro ulti as pseudo lockdown cast on full-health heroes
now i've seen everything
But a kill is a kill!
Totally stomped mine. Wyvern is a monster in this mode. The heal keeps your beast alive so much longer than they can keep theirs.
That works? Going have to do that. Hope the year beast shows up once more before bed, I want to play a round today.
That works? Going have to do that. Hope the year beast shows up once more before bed, I want to play a round today.
I'll have to give WD a try.
Also, to be clear, you can't give the Year Beast an Aegis anymore, right? It was replaced with Global Chakra Magic?