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DOTA2 |OT14| i give up like your pubs do

What use are you getting out of it? Booty Patrol (RIP) is also a Mirana player and we've been trying to figure out a reason to use it.

Don't want to hop on the "Blademail OP" train quite yet, but it is definitely a frustrating item to face as a support with any kind of AoE.

i don't think its core on mirana, i was able to farm it playing a support mirana and you can push out lanes very very fast with it. But in a team fight situation you really be that close to the enemy unless you are jumping in after a aoe stun.


i don't think its core on mirana, i was able to farm it playing a support mirana and you can push out lanes very very fast with it. But in a team fight situation you really be that close to the enemy unless you are jumping in after a aoe stun.

Yeah, woulda been more ideal to get another arrow skill that slowed instead of a stun. Two arrows sounds more useful than some extra star storm.


How is 1 guy indicative of that? There are players who do great as various single heroes, I remember one of the highest win-rate players for a while did nothing but KotL, even when KotL sucked (I maintain he's good now, just didn't fit the meta).

I'll quote what he said to me in a pm, and then some other posts he's made in the past

hi, since you are talking about roaming, i have played few matches roaming with less than 30 last hits , and i can easily turn into late core.

as in item choice, in current 6.86 iteration, riki has 4 sec blink which uses 50 mana, without diffusal and threads (int) riki mana pool will be around 350 at lvl 15. so eul definitely solves the problems a bit. however, if you go for eul riki loses its killing potential. its better you go fro vlad + drum if you are pos 4 roaming, or diffusal + yasha / basher into vlad (dps roaming)

in previous patches, riki has survivability issues, in which in fights he is mostly dead for sure, due to his low hp and lack of viable escape mechanism, however, in 6.86, tricks and trades allows you not only to initiate, but also to counter enemy ganks easily (if they have no 2-3 disablers like hex /instant stuns), you can easily prompt your ulti, dealing big dmg (backstab dmg) 1 hit per second , allowing your teammates to join fight.

roaming is definitely viable for 6.86 riki.

tranquil, orb venom, magic wand are early cores.

-diffusal [good for squishies or team without basic dispel (omni/oracle etc ; 1 purge will mean 1 kill for every teamfight] -yasha (buff movement + dps ; a core on roaming since it creases your walking speed to 429 with tranquil being active) -basher (bread n butter item on riki ; when used with tricks n trades, u can muti stun many opponents) -dagger (good for initiation + escape) -[ W into enemy, Q , R, dagger out]

Tldr, this riki is wayyyy harder to kill with than he was b4 rework.

addressing riki's nerfs (this post was in response to me actually):

osfrog agreed with the fact that tranquil perfectly complements the nerfs he did on riki - loss of passive hp regen on invi ; lowered movement speed , armor and stats grow.

tranquil is a core on riki 6.86 - gives movement speed boost during active - gives armor - gives regen that is much needed for roaming after lvl 6/7

build into travel only @ late game.

also, he talks about how u should just buy sny instead of echo:
do not buy echo saber on him, tested on few matches echo saber is not a good item on riki.

there are tons other items that are better on riki compared to echo saber. echo doesnt add agi, so it doesnt add much dps apart from 1 extra atk and slow in 5 seconds.

its better to stick with sny (sny is buffed)

5.5k riki, been trashing pubs since 6.86.

he goes into details in some reddit posts about his thoughts on riki (https://www.reddit.com/user/zdonfrank90), ill be honest tho he cringely commented in some nsfw subreddits lmao.


Let me clarify. I think Bristle got a pretty big buff (lower damage threshold on extra quill spray is super minor, but item changes to Basher/Abyssal, and addition of Echo Sabre are huge) I think PA got nerfed tremendously. ( Dagger change is definitely a meaningful buff, but Bloodthorn is a nerf to her, Silver Edge buff is a sizeable nerf to her, Blade Mail change is a big nerf to her)

I will admit I'm probably lower MMR than Nahaz, and hey I'm not smart enough to be a stats professor, so there's a pretty big chance that I'm wrong and he's right.

Ah, I see.

I like Riki. Kinda feeling Saber or Diffusal as a first item if you're ballin outta control early.
Roaming has always been viable on Riki, I'm talking about his ability to sustain in lane, which Tranquils combined with a meta that favored early fights somewhat fixed, but unless you had a team that was committed to making fights happen he easily fell behind. He doesn't propose building Riki any differently than in past versions other than going Tranquils over Treads, he's always been a Yasha/Diffusal/Basher hero. Not sure I agree with the Blink Dagger unless they go ham with detection but true sight was just nerfed too.

His ulti is definitely an improvement, but when they removed regen from invis you had to change from being able to man fight here and there in lane to playing passive, getting your Tranquil's, OoV, and maybe Magic Wand, then trying to roam around 5/6 and hoping for kills. After that Riki can either keep roaming or pop in and out of lanes, but that early few minutes can definitely be way more rough than it was pre-6.86. Although that spell blocking item may be huge for offlaners in general, so I imagine that could play a part in Riki Offlane being very viable now.

Also, that guys reddit post history... good lord...


Also here is his email to osfrog about Riki if ur interested friend

5k mmr riki, top 150 dota buff. below is my email to icefrog which he replied with thanks and asked which region do i play riki.

Hi Icefrog,

Some background, played dota since 2005, and played more than 1500 games of riki across all versions and 300 games on him since 6.86.

The community has generally perceived 6.86 riki as a joke, and most of the players in game have the preconception that riki is still trash and not viable either in 3k,4k or 5k games. Every games I played on 5k I got teased by teammates just by picking riki alone.

I just want to let you know that as of now, this version of riki is the best and most viable of all [as offlaner/playmaker/carry]. I have raised my mmr from 3800 to 5300 since 6.86 using riki alone as solo offlaner and I had significant effect on most of the games.

my dotabuff http://www.dotabuff.com/players/135274584

in older versions of riki, he always had the issue of surviving fights, as in if he committed into fight, he couldn't sustain if he were to be focused by few heroes other than relying on his blink strike. Also, older riki basically has no good ability to initiate fights [blinking and smoking to initiate are easily countered by bkb alone], however, tricks of the trade solves all these problems. riki can now initiate in fight [blink strike in, smoke and ulti, and then blink dagger to chase or escape], making riki much more viable as a playmaker.

the lack of agi stats gain can be compensated by yasha easily, and the lack of hp regeneration and armor early game by tranquil boots (also adds to the armor), not to mention the movement speed buff from active tranquil, making it much easier for riki to roam and gank after lvl 4 @ offlane.

For me, I think riki in current state is very viable and doesn't need any significant buff at all or nerf.

If i am to suggest some changes, I would say that you could make Blink Strike pierce spell immunity again, it would make riki even more viable, especially in competitive scene, as riki basically has nothing to fight spell immune unit except using the ulti.


The rest of that post is too fucking long to quote, so here's a link with some good info imo



New blademail is absolutely ridiculous. I was a Clinkz (the new minus armour item and super orchid both seem good) so pure right click, and every time I went on someone, boom, blademail. Even with a creep eaten, I struggled to have enough HP to withstand the burst.

Big Brett

What do people think of this patch? I've been on hiatus for a bit but my immediate reaction after playing a couple matches is that the changes are ridiculously out of place.


What is the consensus on Gyro Aghs? I haven't heard much talk about it.

I'm starting to think the spell damage scaling is actually kinda big for Techies. I got around 5.5% bonus damage by the time I had my scepter in my last game, and that's 791 magic damage per bomb x .75 magic resistance = 593 net damage. That's pretty big, and I think it lead to kills that would have left enemies with a sliver of health otherwise. With aether lens, you're looking at 829 damage x .75 = 621 per mine.

Speaking of which, if they can show modified cooldowns with octarine in the spell tooltips themselves, they should be able to show modified spell damage in spells as well.
Coming in Spring Cleaning 2017


Man, that Blight Stone is crazy. I'm a big fan of S&Y/Deso Riki and that shit just fucks people the hell up and never mind the deso lmao. S&Y/Deso/Echo is my new jam.


Bull on a Donut
i like the 12 invites, unclogs that forever stacked european qualifier -- i don't think 8 invites would be fair to those teams
About what I thought, didn't seem particularly great. You still get the old Aghs of global Call Down, right?

Also does it take a Flak Cannon charge for the random shots?

No its independent

The pros are: it has a bigger target range
And doesn't stop if you are stunned
And it applies any debuffs and uam you have(lifesteal and crits and ministuns)

I just played with a gyro that built it early and it was fine i guess. https://yasp.co/matches/2322574033/


Indont know why, but storm spirit is kinda okay this patch i guess?
Battlethorn buff him doe
But fuck his skill 1 holy shit 100 mana per use


Nintendo right now:


no surprise zelda and nx got moved to 2017

animal cross and fire emblem for mobile

nintendo is dead

You're probably not wrong.

They're going to pull another final year of Wii (absolutely nothing but Skyward Sword in the last year of it's lifecycle) for Wii U, aren't they?


You're probably not wrong.

They're going to pull another final year of Wii (absolutely nothing but Skyward Sword in the last year of it's lifecycle) for Wii U, aren't they?

i cant even name a big IP coming out for the wii u for the rest of 2016


relies on auto-aim
I played a game of dota. I had fun for like 8 minutes, then rest was not fun. Might stick to this 2 games a year schedule.
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