Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Wait. You can upgrade Skyhold besides adding the tower and the different garden?
Wait. You can upgrade Skyhold besides adding the tower and the different garden?
I don't think so, was just noting that the upgrade options aren't even unlocked until you read the note on your desk in your quarters...well, you are missing one option, depending on mages/templars you get a third choice of upgrade later in the game.
Go to options screen and disable game connecting to EA servers.(PS4) why does this game have to connect to the servers if I'm playing a single player only? I'm not sure if it's due to the PSN issues or my very slow home internet, but the game stays stuck in the connecting to DA servers screen and I can play.
Any known fixes?
Ah, damn. I got excited. I was hoping I was missing some mission or something that let me fix all the damage of the castle. DLC, probably.
I don't think so, was just noting that the upgrade options aren't even unlocked until you read the note on your desk in your quarters...well, you are missing one option, depending on mages/templars you get a third choice of upgrade later in the game.
What's the third upgrade exactly, and how it's unlocked?
Blackwall really is a walking fortress once his specialization is complete, god damn.
What can you guys recommend for a party? I'm a sword and shield warrior. I'm currently have the follwing: Solas, Cassandra, Sera, Dorian, Varric, Iron Bull, Blackwall.
Really? What's skills do you usually use on him?
Really? What's skills do you usually use on him?
Ah, damn. I got excited. I was hoping I was missing some mission or something that let me fix all the damage of the castle. DLC, probably.
3. Weak characters, there just isn't anyone on the level of Shale or Sten IMO.
Have no idea what warrior specialization to go for. Any clear winners?
I've been focusing on damage, as I've been using Cassandra to tank. So maybe Reaver is best?
When you guys fought the end boss did the battle end before you got their health bar all the way down? They were still at 1/4 health when the battle ended for me.
Reaver is good for damage, just be careful with how you approach battles/manage your health vs. extra damage or you will die quickly.
As you move forward in the game Skyhold will look more and more complete.
The gardens for example.
Crazy talk. Shale is great, but none of the other DA:O characters feel as fresh or as alive as the ones here. Recurring characters excepted.
Thanks. Going to go Reaver. =D
One more question. Anyone have any tips for the best way to level Sera and Blackwall?
One more question. Anyone have any tips for the best way to level Sera and Blackwall?
My Skyhold only changed when I added the garden. The broken hallway to the war room, for instance, stayed the same.
Lelianna was a great returning character, because her Alistair and Morrigan were the best out of DA:O. Sten was alright, but the direction they took the Qunari is better. Shale was great too, but the rest were just archetypes.
Nobody is DA2 was worth a shit. All just lame ass archetypes. Varric stood out because he was a dwarf without a beard and didn't use an axe. Aveline was the best, simply because she was the only character that really seemed to exist regardless of player interaction.
This game, I liked Sera best, then Iron Bull, then Cassandra. Pretty good cast this time around. They were doing something good with Cole, but they sort of fumbled the execution, same with Vivienne.
But yeah, you know what, DA:I didn't have a single Merrill or Fenris or Anders. They did a hell of a job in fixing DA2 on every level. The more I look back on this game, the better I feel about it.
My Skyhold only changed when I added the garden. The broken hallway to the war room, for instance, stayed the same.
Lelianna was a great returning character, because her Alistair and Morrigan were the best out of DA:O. Sten was alright, but the direction they took the Qunari is better. Shale was great too, but the rest were just archetypes.
Nobody is DA2 was worth a shit. All just lame ass archetypes. Varric stood out because he was a dwarf without a beard and didn't use an axe. Aveline was the best, simply because she was the only character that really seemed to exist regardless of player interaction.
This game, I liked Sera best, then Iron Bull, then Cassandra. Pretty good cast this time around. They were doing something good with Cole, but they sort of fumbled the execution, same with Vivienne.
But yeah, you know what, DA:I didn't have a single Merrill or Fenris or Anders. They did a hell of a job in fixing DA2 on every level. The more I look back on this game, the better I feel about it.
I thought Merrill was okay if you go the rival route. You must not have had the Exiled Prince DLC. Sebastian is a true abomination.
Too bad the Inquisitor is a wet towel. They need to bring back the personality trait.
You know what's real dumb? Limiting your active abilities to only 8.
Its like they wanted to make it a disincentive to level up and progress your character. Its not some great tactical move, its annoying and obnoxious.
I think I used Solas once. Such a boring and uppity character. Varric didn't do much for me either. Cole also didn't get much run.
I don't think I once formed a party without Cassandra. The other two spots split time between Ironbull/Blackwall and Dorian/Viv.
Solas and Vivienne have some interesting banter. I actually didn't like Solas at first because he's ugly, but he has grown on me.
I was invited to a New Year's Eve Party, but I will be staying home and playing Dragon Age instead. There's just no chance of the party being better than this game.
Solas just looks like a bald Nicolas Cage.
Can't unsee it.
His profile picture looks like Nosferatu.
When should I leave the hinterlands to progress the story? Sitting at level 7 right now....will I be dead meat?
You can leave it now, really the only time you should pause before fighting is if you see a red skull on the enemy over the target reticle. You can still take them, but just letting the AI go willy nilly early on those enemies might be super risky.
Just have him read some elfy lines and you have Solas.
Thanks, There have been a few times in the hinterlands where I get owned by a certain few enemies, So I was worried.
Another quick question, There's a quest in the hinterlands to take out three rifts.... problem is when i try and take out the third and last one there's no button prompt and no enemies there? Is it a glitch? or is that rift to be taken out later?
Ack, you're ruining Solas for me.
Sounds like a glitch. I had that happen to me too and had to reload to fix it. Does it persist when you try to reload or leave and come back to the area?
Wait. You can upgrade Skyhold besides adding the tower and the different garden?
How far away from unlocking the specialization stuff am I if I just finished the. Also, do you get to pick the specialization for your party members, or just the player character?Templar Red Lyrium main story mission where you fight the Lord Seeker
I havent checked will do that now, Thanks!
Can anyone point me to a good guide on party comp and hopefully builds? Or are there any OP build out (for my char and party members)?
What class are you playing and who would you like to bring along?
I'm playing warrior. I don't mind who I bring along. I honestly just don't really care for the combat that much so the more I can just cheese/OP my way through, the better. I'm level 10.
Is there a decent crafting guide out there? Been mostly just using stuff I find but all of a sudden after hitting lvl 17 everything is starting to wreck me. I thought there was no lvl scaling but all the rifts and side quests sremember to be my lvl.