Jezus fuck, do you have the option to disable or lower the bloodsplashes in the game? Because it actually bothers me. It feels like finishing a race with a wrecked car in forza :lolTokubetsu said:Can't put my finger on it but I love my MC's expression here
Naeblish said:Been loving the hell out of this game so far, but man, redcliffe sucks.
Redcliffe spoilers:
The night battle was ridiculous, like 8 waves of zombies, not fun on pc normal. Also, the overcrowded battles (7+ zombies) are too chaotic, though they are
challenging, they get tiresome if every battle is like that.
Against my principles i just decided to kill the boy connor, the bitch can cry all she wants, no way im going back to that boring ass fade.
Does it matter for the Champion specialization what i choose there?bigswords said:It's really really the boy!
I listened to every single one of her silly stories for this reason alone.Dead said:Her accent sounds like a cross between British and French. Its odd, yet strangely sexy ;P
Ceebs said:I listened to every single one of her silly stories for this reason alone.
Also, anyone else feel that 7 bucks for the DLC was way too much? That lasted all of 30 minutes or so. Maybe it's just buyers remorse.
Weapon Sidequests? Guessing I can get these once the dude sets up shop there?Sebulon3k said:Shale's lasted me about 30 hours at this point, and Warden's keep opened up some weapon side quests. Been using the awesome sword I crafted there for the past 9 hours!
Sorry I'm being an ass :[
Ceebs said:Weapon Sidequests? Guessing I can get these once the dude sets up shop there?
And Shale did not cost anything other than buying the game.
whatevermort said:I can't read much in here as I am still only 17% through my first run. I'm doing every quest I come across - and loving them - and it's taken me around 15 hours so far, with both Shale and Warden's Keep taken into account.
Some spoiler-free things I'm noting:
* Shale is awesome.
* Morrigan is actually quite irritating - moreso than Liliana, and I thought, based on the videos, that it would be the other way around.
* I can't seem to please Sten no matter how hard I try.
* That silly elf is just Puss In Boots from Shrek, right?
* I'm grateful for the ability to shift difficulty on the fly - there are some brutal spikes in there.
* I haven't yet had to use Herbalism or potion-making or poisons or anything, outside of the occasional quest that requires it from you.
* Ranger is brilliant.
Funnily enough, some of the hardest fights for me were some of the random encounters on the world map. This one with a couple of mages and a bunch of bandits completely SLAUGHTERED me like 8 times before I finally gave in an lowered the difficulty levelwhatevermort said:I can't read much in here as I am still only 17% through my first run. I'm doing every quest I come across - and loving them - and it's taken me around 15 hours so far, with both Shale and Warden's Keep taken into account.
Some spoiler-free things I'm noting:
* Shale is awesome.
* Morrigan is actually quite irritating - moreso than Liliana, and I thought, based on the videos, that it would be the other way around.
* I can't seem to please Sten no matter how hard I try.
* That silly elf is just Puss In Boots from Shrek, right?
* I'm grateful for the ability to shift difficulty on the fly - there are some brutal spikes in there.
* I haven't yet had to use Herbalism or potion-making or poisons or anything, outside of the occasional quest that requires it from you.
* Ranger is brilliant.
If you are playing the PC version there was a mod posted a page or two back that adds a storage chest to your camp.Dead said:Its a shame to hear Wardens Keep is overpriced. I kinda need it atm to dump a bunch of stuff in atm...
Splatt said:The undead are kicking my ass in Redcliffe. I can fend the first wave fine, but when I get into the village, I beat half of their army and then the rest destroys me. Need to rethink my strategy.
Shinjitsu said:I'm in love with the party banter, I love how Shale is basicly fantasy HK-47![]()
Ceebs said:If you are playing the PC version there was a mod posted a page or two back that adds a storage chest to your camp.
Ceebs said:If you are playing the PC version there was a mod posted a page or two back that adds a storage chest to your camp.
Acidote said:What? Where's this post? I've to make this work :lol
Edited fixing typos.
Ceebs said:
whatevermort said:I can't read much in here as I am still only 17% through my first run. I'm doing every quest I come across - and loving them - and it's taken me around 15 hours so far, with both Shale and Warden's Keep taken into account.
Some spoiler-free things I'm noting:
* Shale is awesome.
* Morrigan is actually quite irritating - moreso than Liliana, and I thought, based on the videos, that it would be the other way around.
* I can't seem to please Sten no matter how hard I try.
* That silly elf is just Puss In Boots from Shrek, right?
* I'm grateful for the ability to shift difficulty on the fly - there are some brutal spikes in there.
* I haven't yet had to use Herbalism or potion-making or poisons or anything, outside of the occasional quest that requires it from you.
* Ranger is brilliant.
Zefah said:I'm 42 hours in and I just finished enlisting all of the factions. I did Ozrammar last and good lord I'm glad I did. It was by far the hardest. It was by far the longest and most difficult of the factions. I really really enjoyed the whole thing and the growing feeling of despair as you journeyed further into the deep roads was pretty intense. That place is fucked up.
I think I'm going to go do some side quests and try to take out that Dragon in the snow peaks again before progressing the story more.
wut? Sven has saved my arse so many times by taunting the enemies away from my casters and arranging them so that I can cast my AOE most effectively.hteng said:what is the tanker job in this game?
Sten?Waikis said:wut? Sven has saved my arse so many times by taunting the enemies away from my casters and arranging them so that I can cast my AOE most effectively.
Are you asking what class you should pick to tank with? Warrior of course and there is a solid sword and board talent tree that will help you out there as well.hteng said:what is the tanker job in this game?
I think you do have to be a mage. I recall someone saying that the merchant at Warden's Peak will sell a Blood Mage book if you have the DLC.knitoe said:Unlocking Blood Mage class is driving me crazy. Can it only be done if you play a Mage character? Here's my poblem. If you go evil route, Jorwan does the ritual so he can't enter fade. Morrigan won't deal. If you go good route with Circle tower, Jorwan can enter, but won't make any deal.
Gamer @ Heart said:I keep seeing screen of the PC version everywhere and every time i do I think about the shitty textures on the 360. GODDAMMIT.
To Edge of Reality who did the port: GAAAAAAAAH.
whatevermort said:In reality it actually isn't that big a difference, really, in motion. My wife is playing on her new PC in the same room as I'm playing the 360, and - bar the iso view she occasionally uses - it doesn't look that different. There's stuff missing sometimes, detailing mostly, but I don't think that the 360 is nearly as ugly as some people do.
chandoog said:Oh and enchantments, bloody awesome.
Ceebs said:Are you asking what class you should pick to tank with? Warrior of course and there is a solid sword and board talent tree that will help you out there as well.
whatevermort said:I can't read much in here as I am still only 17% through my first run. I'm doing every quest I come across - and loving them - and it's taken me around 15 hours so far, with both Shale and Warden's Keep taken into account.
Some spoiler-free things I'm noting:
* Shale is awesome.
* Morrigan is actually quite irritating - moreso than Liliana, and I thought, based on the videos, that it would be the other way around.
* I can't seem to please Sten no matter how hard I try.
* That silly elf is just Puss In Boots from Shrek, right?
* I'm grateful for the ability to shift difficulty on the fly - there are some brutal spikes in there.
* I haven't yet had to use Herbalism or potion-making or poisons or anything, outside of the occasional quest that requires it from you.
* Ranger is brilliant.
Probably Templar and Champion. You would mainly want them for the stat boosts since most of the tanking talents are in the base warrior trees.hteng said:warrior with what specialization?