Jesus, the dagger hot fix is fricking god send. My Rogue is now maiming with impunity.
Yeah, I guess I'll try it out to, since archery and ninja attacks are what I want to specialize in most. If enemy archers become too imba, like unbeatable, I'll just uninstall it.LabouredSubterfuge said:Jesus, the dagger hot fix is fricking god send. My Rogue is now maiming with impunity.
LabouredSubterfuge said:Jesus, the dagger hot fix is fricking god send. My Rogue is now maiming with impunity.
Has there been a western RPG in the last decade released with a combat system that didn't just flat out lie to the player?Slackbladder said:I just looked around on the Bioware forums and it's a bug. Good God, how did they miss that?!!
Tokubetsu said:Is there anywhere I can still dl it? It seems to have been removed.
Basileus777 said:
Pretty sure it's just a random encounter after you finish Wardens Keep.knitoe said:And, throughout it all, still have seen superman encounter. Is there a trick to it?
Nah, I didn't finish that quest either and I got it.markot said:I didnt finish that explore all of Wardens keep quest and now I cant get in >_<
Maybe you need to do that too to get the asteroid!?
What bug is that?Son of Godzilla said:Fucking level up bug is annoying the hell out of me. GIMME MY POINTS YOU BASTARDS.
I got it and I don't have Warden's Keep. Just found out what it was all about today.Fredescu said:Pretty sure it's just a random encounter after you finish Wardens Keep.
What bug?!Son of Godzilla said:Fucking level up bug is annoying the hell out of me. GIMME MY POINTS YOU BASTARDS.
Oh, that's interesting. I have no idea what triggers it then.Doytch said:I got it and I don't have Warden's Keep. Just found out what it was all about today.
knitoe said:And, throughout it all, still have seen superman encounter. Is there a trick to it?
My damn dog keeps using all my pots. :lol I get through a fight thinking it went very well only to realize later that the stupid dog used like 9 minor healing kits I have to fix Wynn's tactics, I only recently realized she uses Heal All as her first spell. No wonder the healing is so lackluster, but I can't figure out how to tell her to use it only when more than 1 party member is below 50% or something. And has anyone figured out a way to have her cast rebirth on a fallen comrade? I can't find "unconscious" or whatever they call dying as a status.Zzoram said:Tactics
Self <25% Health, use weakest Health Potion
Doc Evils said:Here's my player profile:
What's the highest level you can get in this game?
Zzoram said:Tactics
Self <25% Health, use weakest Health Potion
I didn't get a tactic point for two levels, and once I only got one attribute point.Fredescu said:What bug is that?
Alistair. Shale is a beast and is easy to gear. Such a great character to boot.markot said:Shale is awesome. But I cant figure out my party now.
I was set on Me 2h warrior / Al 1h shield /Morrigan and Wrynn...
Who should I drop for Shale?!
kafka rock opera said:Alistair. Shale is a beast and is easy to gear. Such a great character to boot.
Basileus777 said:25, but there isn't enough XP in the game to get there without cheating.
Basileus777 said:It's a bug. Disable all your DLC, force-load your game. Save it. Then exit out, enable all the dlc, and load it up again. I'm pretty sure this will get you your items back, I know disabling the dlc before you lose the items and re-enabling afterwards works if you know to do it beforehand.
markot said:Shale is awesome. But I cant figure out my party now.
I was set on Me 2h warrior / Al 1h shield /Morrigan and Wrynn...
Who should I drop for Shale?!
Who would heal?!Zeliard said:You should drop Morrigan and Wynne for Shale and Zevran.![]()
AstroLad said:this is one of those games that makes you annoyed you don't get to play it for like 8 hours
My rogue was like the lowest damage dealer in the group, then i installed it damn.LabouredSubterfuge said:Jesus, the dagger hot fix is fricking god send. My Rogue is now maiming with impunity.
Going Alistair, Morrigan and Leilana. The dialogue alone is worth it. So far I also have Sten and the Dog, but I'm keeping them to the side. I like my warrior, my tank, my mage and my rogue. Great teamup and they work well with each other, story wise.
Will take other characters only when the game forces me or I want to explore their stories.[/'quote]
Yeah i wanna stick with that group, but i'm not so sure, if it will be very balanced. Since i'll basically be rolling with two rogues one warrior one mage. Rather have two mages for damage / heals. Will probably just have that group in towns.
FateBreaker said:I would just like to say that Shale is amazing. That is all.
bengraven said:Going Alistair, Morrigan and Leilana. The dialogue alone is worth it. So far I also have Sten and the Dog, but I'm keeping them to the side. I like my warrior, my tank, my mage and my rogue. Great teamup and they work well with each other, story wise.
Will take other characters only when the game forces me or I want to explore their stories.
markot said:Who would heal?!
but really lowest common denominator
I think you need to be the appropriate class.Ruzai said:Is there something specific needed for your companions to teach their specializations? Alistair taught Templar almost immediately, while I now have Morrigan up to 100 approval, and finished her quest and she still refuses to teach shapeshifter. Am I missing something? Also, Liliana. I don't even have a dialogue option with her, does she need inflated approval before you can even talk about it?
bengraven said:It's so bad being a dad who works all the time. I only get 2 hours at a time every few days to play.
Getting it on release day was the worst 5 bucks I ever spent. I loved the game, but it's almost not fair (haha) not getting to play.
Mashing said:This worked. Thank god.
Regarding level cap: I thought there was no level cap in thsi game, it was just impossible to reach certain levels unless you were a masochist or something. So in that regard, I guess it could be said there was a cap (it's just that the game is not programmed to stop giving you xp at a certain level)
Ruzai said:Is there something specific needed for your companions to teach their specializations? Alistair taught Templar almost immediately, while I now have Morrigan up to 100 approval, and finished her quest and she still refuses to teach shapeshifter. Am I missing something? Also, Liliana. I don't even have a dialogue option with her, does she need inflated approval before you can even talk about it?
Skill points you don't get every level. Spells/Talents you should get one per level. Did you only get one talent over two levels? That sucks.Son of Godzilla said:I didn't get a tactic point for two levels, and once I only got one attribute point.