Seeing Guldo do that gives me an idea. Though I doubt 2nd form Frieza's ability works like that. Should test it once I'm done farming everything I need to farm.
Gohan, Teen Trunks and Yamcha supers lower def, 18 takes reduced damage
I need a super sealer, ugh. I did SV with TUR Gogeta then bandage man for damage reduction and then randoms for some more beefy and better defense than saibaman. I had to use two senzus, a yama, and a dende(he super SV right before SV was set to kill his ass...which I why I need an AGL sealer.) I unfortunately do not have the great Murasaki ;(Mine was
Leader: undokkaned SV
Friend: undokkaned SV, SSR if possible (a UR might fit the limit, not sure) or Golden Frieza or Strike Vegeta / Pikkon
Murasaki for seals
Awakened Rs 18, Bandages, Raditz guard
SSR AGL Coora for the passive
SVs just eat him up.
fuck sake i got vegito twice on this new account now...I NEED GOGETA OR BROLY
and guldo for the broly event destroys
Yeah that's a better haul than me so far. In 4 pulls only 1 came with SSR's, but with SV and Gogeta back by back I suppose it's to be expected. Is that Xeno Trunks? If it is he's a beast, he has attack all when awakened which means he's great for farming the tournament.
Agreed. I highly prefer the Non Dokkan Super Vegito art as well.Super vegito also suffers from worse character art after his dokkan. Just like gogeta.
I had to spend a stone to finish him but I got Super Vegito to within one Super attack from death before that.
UR PHY Bardock Lead
UR PHY Kid Trunks
UR AGL Super Vegito
TUR INT Janemba
Friend TUR Gogeta.
Kept SSJ3 Vegeta and Janemba together for fierce battle and the fusions together for high powered Supers.
TEQ SSGSS Goku wasn't very helpful. He had one clutch guard and that's it. Ditto for Kid Trunks.
Next attempt will be
UR PHY Bardock Lead
UR AGL Super Vegito
TUR INT Janemba
TUR SSJ3 Vegeta
Friend TUR Gogeta
You guys think swapping SSJ2 Goku with AGL Kid Buu for healing would be better? Also considering starter Piccolo to lower attack and guard for 50% less damage
My SV will be there for you always <3. I was like 4 damages. Gogeta+Vegito link so well that they are the only links I need for each other. Then I had Buu for HP Regen and damage, and Cell for damage. I don't think I can take on Vegito yet though...Being 100% dependent on SV friends/guests for Dokkan events makes me extra salty I didn't get one. But he does make the Gogeta medal event extremely easy, as long as you're careful. My team is basically 3.5 support/linkers and 2.5 actual damage dealers, with guest SV doing 75% of the damage. Anyway I only need 2 more medals and I'm done with that one.
Has anyone got a TUR Super Vegito leader that I can add as a friend to help clear the Vegito event?
I did have one in my friends list this morning, and I was able to clear the event with the following team,
Leader - Super Vegito (Non-TUR)
AGL Golden Frieza
AGL Whis
AGL Goku (Kaioken)
Friend - Super Vegito (TUR)
Unfortunately that person has either changed their leader, or dropped me off their friend list
I'm also thinking of swapping out AGL SSJ2 Goku for STR Legendary Super Saiyan Broly. I know I'll lose some HP, but he's the only other unit I have with Fierce Battle. SSJ2 Goku was Supering a lot due to his +3 Ki passive, but wasn't really doing much damage due to Vegito's barrier. I have PHY Frieza, INT Perfect Cell and INT Ultimate Gohan, but none of them are Dokkaned as I only got the INTs in the last few days and I never managed the Frieza event.
Sure add me: 3110199581
Huh, I have that Guldo. I wonder if he'd be any good for the Super Vegito event?
Sure add me: 3110199581
Things went a lot easier for me once I started to use a dokkan'd SV friend lead. What items are you bringing?
Didn't we have a page for that? I thought we did.
Has anyone got a TUR Super Vegito leader that I can add as a friend to help clear the Vegito event?
I did have one in my friends list this morning, and I was able to clear the event with the following team,
Unfortunately that person has either changed their leader, or dropped me off their friend list![]()
senzu/dende/yemma/usher. You think friend Dokkan'd Super Vegito is a better pick than Gogeta? I would go with Double Vegito leads but then no one else would get to super
whole day of single summons not a single ssr
maybe 5 sr and 20+ r
this account is fucked with super super bad cards and the only good one is vegito
What's the benefit of single summons when you could have taken part in the multi-pull promos? Is it because you only get 125 stones when re-rolling?
i grinded story missions and got the worst multi summons ever so i tried to see if my luck was better in single
boy i was wrong
So who's special attack should I level first, Gogeta or Super Vegeto? i'm using both in my main team right now while I grind the missions out but I can't decide who to focus on. Obviously SV will be my main with Gogeta as a backup, but Gogeta's super is ridiculous.
Me: O boy, o boy, 7 Trunk medals, finally I can Awkaken Xeno Trunks!
Bandai: Nope, you gotta get Gohan medals too!
Me: Shit. How many I need -looks at Awaken page- o only two needed, that's not bad!
y u do dis to me pls
making new account over and over again on my ipad is so slow..and i am super lucky on them but not lucky again to start on them
who wants this one ? sorry for all the spam i just want to give them away and make someone kinda happy
How are you getting two pulls in a reroll? There's only been enough gems to do 1 pull for me.
This is basically me with Gohan medal. Only 2 out 7 right now. Really wanna farm UR Goku from cross event![]()
1 multi and the rest are single summons
Man I could have sworn you were on my friends list already but I'm not seeing you. You can add me: 1480112852
TEQ Whis is great, a normal attack with him may stun by chance, his SA's too.