Yeah see if I get lucky and with my 2 GSSR tickets I pull one of the old ones the teq ot aglSo, it seems it's confirmed we'll have SSG Kaioken Goku plus his old TEQ and AGL SSG cards' Dokkan on the 20th, and then Buuhan arriving on the 31st.
Yeah see if I get lucky and with my 2 GSSR tickets I pull one of the old ones the teq ot aglSo, it seems it's confirmed we'll have SSG Kaioken Goku plus his old TEQ and AGL SSG cards' Dokkan on the 20th, and then Buuhan arriving on the 31st.
Since Kaioken has SV in it. That one.Wish there was more time between SSBKK and Buuhan. I dunno where to spend my stones now.
Since Kaioken has SV in it. That one.
Wish there was more time between SSBKK and Buuhan. I dunno where to spend my stones now.
Ihy. I gotEvery time WT rolls around I tell myself "Never Again", every time I grind it. At least I ended with TEQ Youth Piccolo and 2 Great Ape Kid Gokus from the DB banner. Also got TEQ FF Cooler from the GSSR. Thankfully next time is just INT Super Trunks, so maybe I can convince myself not to run that one.
Hope you get those last 30 tomorrow (if that's that you going for)Ihy. I got
Bandage man, dinosaur, x2 bunny Bulma, oolong, and that's all I remember. I'm at 49 wins and dine for today. Honestly spent like 4 hrs grinding...
Wasnt in you that keep using DS to continue fights?UGH! I forgot to do the Training in The Clouds & Xmas missions, and reset is in 30min.
No DS to regen STA either.
making a real concerted effort to grind today while watching Freaks & Geeks on netflix. Only at 41 wins but surprisingly not even in top 20k yet, let alone 10k. Will 80 wins even get me in the top 10k?
making a real concerted effort to grind today while watching Freaks & Geeks on netflix. Only at 41 wins but surprisingly not even in top 20k yet, let alone 10k. Will 80 wins even get me in the top 10k?
That's the planHope you get those last 30 tomorrow (if that's that you going for)
I got my 80 wins yesterday just been trying to keep my rank
Will only pull when I get the 2 GSSR and I got dB tickets from 2 WTs already together lol better pull the new ssrs lol
Ughhhh it was 4am ;p. I need to sleep lol. Now the last 30Wasnt in you that keep using DS to continue fights?
71wins!! So sleepy.....
Had so many Christmas parties to go to this weekend. I now have 11 hours to get 37 wins. Don't even know if that's possible but I'm going for it.
Well at least after this hangover subsides.... looking at a little screen with a headace isn't fun.
Maybe wait till xmas for possible discount?Well, it takes me 2hrs for 10 wins. So you should be fine if you marathon for like 8 hours lol.
Meanwhile I have to buy DS cuz I'm a dumbfuck and thought I had enough for a 5DS pull & to keep refilling STA. Nope!
Maybe wait till xmas for possible discount?
Got my 80wins!
PHY SSJ2 Saiyaman.
Yes not a dupe!
Maybe wait till xmas for possible discount?
Got my 80wins!
PHY SSJ2 Saiyaman.
Yes not a dupe!
Nice that's a great card.
I got STR Base Gotenks, at least he's not a dupe I guess
Got my 80wins!
PHY SSJ2 Saiyaman.
Yes not a dupe!
Well, it takes me 2hrs for 10 wins. So you should be fine if you marathon for like 8 hours lol.
Meanwhile I have to buy DS cuz I'm a dumbfuck and thought I had enough for a 5DS pull & to keep refilling STA. Nope!
From personal experience don't leave it to the very last lol on the 5th WT I got the 8th win with 30 Seconds left lolWell 10 wins left to go and I'm at 12k right now. Gonna save that last little bit of the grind for tonight with some streams or something. Might run it to the end depending on my rank and the time left. There should be about 11 hours left right?
all the best juat stay away from the dokkan reddit Tue post about people getting dupes are making me sad lol I'm waiting for the second GSSR ticket to pull14 more wins, GUHGHDFGHUSDH. I swear to GOD if I get a dupe I'm done with life.
Haha from some one who has done every single WT to 80 once you get 2 AoE cards it makes thing alot easier and faster but even then it's alot15 more to go. It's the first time I'm going for 80 wins...and probably my last. This is unbearable...
I made it to 55 wins today (from 20something) before I started to seriously contemplate ending myself. Lesson for the future: Just do 20 a day. And have AOE units/SV. I have neither (except PHY Broly) and it's a grind and a half.
I made it to 55 wins today (from 20something) before I started to seriously contemplate ending myself. Lesson for the future: Just do 20 a day. And have AOE units/SV. I have neither (except PHY Broly) and it's a grind and a half.
Man, competition is either fierce or I'm doing something terribly wrong. Close to my 80 wins and I'm not even top 10k.
Wow I'm at like 14.5 with 80 wins. My ticket for me INT Android #18 the one that weakens regeneration. Not sure if good, but not a dupe. I wanna get to 10k but Mac is at like 9800 and has 2.5mill more points than me so naaaaaaaaahAt 8k with my 80 wins. Gonna keep some rounds up to stay under 10k. Hope I can get 5k but the Gohan makes the reward too good.
I got a dupe Kid Buu AGL so rip first ticket. Not the worst dupe though. Gonna hold on till the dupe system hits. At least my DB pull gave me AGL Kid Goku so yay!
Wow I'm at like 14.5 with 80 wins. My ticket for me INT Android #18 the one that weakens regeneration. Not sure if good, but not a dupe. I wanna get to 10k but Mac is at like 9800 and has 2.5mill more points than me so naaaaaaaaah