Gold Tickets = Total garbage. INT Golden Freeza and STR Majuub, both dupes. At least they both get dokkans, I guess. I did get the new Great Ape Goku from the DB banner though.
Woah...Come on now. Don't say things that you can't take back man...I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.I hate everyone who got ape goku or giant Piccolo. I hope you never get any ssr ever again in the rest of your lifetime. Or maybe bunch of SS2 agl Vegeta.
I'd go to JPN had I not spent a buttload on Global. O wellzLovely Japan with that Future Trunks dupe and Futurer Future Trunks gift (you get either him or SSGSS Vegeta guaranteed). Best Dokkan Battle.
Did a YOLO single pull on the regular banner afterwards, got a (dupe) SSR Future Mai. Japan is the best thing in the world, if this SSBK banner isn't good to me, I'm considering just straight up quitting Global.
Rebirth of Majuub and AGL GT Goku are pretty great !
I have that Goku, it will fit really well in my mono AGL !!
I hope I can get SSB tonight ... I am running out of medals for the PHY SSB ... 9 of those are quite expensive to UR :-/
Rebirth of Majuub and AGL GT Goku are pretty great !
I have that Goku, it will fit really well in my mono AGL !!
I hate everyone who got ape goku or giant Piccolo. I hope you never get any ssr ever again in the rest of your lifetime. Or maybe bunch of SS2 agl Vegeta.
Can the Xmas SSB bed fed to SSBKK to up his SA?Rebirth of Majuub and AGL GT Goku are pretty great !
I have that Goku, it will fit really well in my mono AGL !!
I hope I can get SSB tonight ... I am running out of medals for the PHY SSB ... 9 of those are quite expensive to UR :-/
Is ape Goku supposed to be good?
We're getting those extra 30 stones on the 24th/25th right?
Ive been playing since day one on Global. Today i pulled my first SSR from the dragonball banner. Luckily inalready have General Blue, but that banner is just trash for me -_-Fucking hell, my 3 DB tickets gave me 3 shitty Rs. Will have to wait for another WT to get general blue. Feels bad man.
Farming Turles to SA10 is such a pain, not sure if I should even bother to be honest. Only really going to use him for the stun and +3 ki passive.
Farming Turles to SA10 is such a pain, not sure if I should even bother to be honest. Only really going to use him for the stun and +3 ki passive.
Question for the Jp version players!
How did that ticket system work for that "god banner", you get tickets for every summon you did in the past?
Yeah, it was terrible for me. I eventually gave up at SA7.
I'm not a Jp player but from what I remember reading it was something like 1 ticket for every 50 stones spent? I might be wrong though.
50% chance to raise SA my ass :/
Although is the rate still at 50% once he's dokkan awakened ?
Cause I'm waiting until he's SA10 because his SA is just too weak
Think its one specific banner that will also have the exclusive dokkan cards such as gogeta, vegito etc. just hope we get it on Global as well.And are those tickets only allowed to be used on one specific banner, and then expire?
Can the Xmas SSB bed fed to SSBKK to up his SA?
I have fuck all stones, and since I spent money to get DS to get 80 wins and got fuckall from the GSSR and DB banner fuck em. Not spending another dime.
Ive been playing since day one on Global. Today i pulled my first SSR from the dragonball banner. Luckily inalready have General Blue, but that banner is just trash for me -_-
Question for the Jp version players!
How did that ticket system work for that "god banner", you get tickets for every summon you did in the past?
So many good things and not enough stones ever.![]()
aww yiss
I just want Super Vegetto
that delicious total of 12 DS log-in bonus Kreygasm
It is a ticket for every 50 stones you used. It does not matter how they got acquired or used. 50 stones used = 1 ticket
And when should we expect this to happen? Not tonight, right?
It is a ticket for every 50 stones you used. It does not matter how they got acquired or used. 50 stones used = 1 ticket
The 30 bonus stones we are getting on the 24th will almost give most people 50.
I can't wait for that.
Oh man.... That SSGSSKK passive is delicious. I can sense my SV licking his lips even with the app closed. I got a question though for those who can understand what the JPN version actually says. Who will benefit my SV team more? SSGSSKK or Rose Black? I really want Rose, he's my favorite villain design in the series and I'd love to have him for just the card art, but that passive on SSGSSKK is amazing and I have 480 stones banked. I don't know whether to sit on them, go all in, or split it down the middle and hope for both.
My other concern is having SV, I of course would rather not pull him again which IIRC is not a possibility on the Rose banner.
I've been wondering about this. Does it only count for every 50 stones used before the feature is added or does it continue with any stones spent after they launched it?
Most people? What you mean most people? Doesn't everyone get it?
Also SR PHY Yamcha(Marauding Bandit of The Wind) is worth keeping, right? lowers INT enemy atk by 25% which is pretty useful during Super Strike tbh.
Oh man.... That SSGSSKK passive is delicious. I can sense my SV licking his lips even with the app closed. I got a question though for those who can understand what the JPN version actually says. Who will benefit my SV team more? SSGSSKK or Rose Black? I really want Rose, he's my favorite villain design in the series and I'd love to have him for just the card art, but that passive on SSGSSKK is amazing and I have 480 stones banked. I don't know whether to sit on them, go all in, or split it down the middle and hope for both.
My other concern is having SV, I of course would rather not pull him again which IIRC is not a possibility on the Rose banner.
I've been wondering about this. Does it only count for every 50 stones used before the feature is added or does it continue with any stones spent after they launched it?
SSBKK is more fitting for your team. Rose Black is his own leader for Villains and would help Mono AGL if most of your AGL are villains with SV.
SV dupe isn't a bad thing with the dupe system coming up. Just go down the middle for SSBKK and Rose Black. If you are lucky, you might get SSBKK within a few pulls and just save for Rose.
They do, but not everyone will have 50 stones based off that. Including today and the 30 bonus is only 42 stones. The other 8 stones need to be there or saved up.
I got nine PHY SSB Goku's thanks to the Christmas coins, if get the new AGI SSB Goku shall pump him up.
The ol AGI SSB Goku is already at 10
What's up with the time change on the things coming out, usually was up by an hour ago.
SSBKK is more fitting for your team. Rose Black is his own leader for Villains and would help Mono AGL if most of your AGL are villains with SV.
SV dupe isn't a bad thing with the dupe system coming up. Just go down the middle for SSBKK and Rose Black. If you are lucky, you might get SSBKK within a few pulls and just save for Rose.
They do, but not everyone will have 50 stones based off that. Including today and the 30 bonus is only 42 stones. The other 8 stones need to be there or saved up.
Both are fantastic but the thing about SSJR Black is that his Ki passive is only for extreme types and most of the good AGL cards that link with Super Vegito are Super types. Also he doesn't link well with Super Vegito.
Meanwhile SSBKK has Over in a Flash and Shocking Speed so he be a Ki bridge to SSJ3 AGL Goku who lacks Shocking Speed but does have OIAF.
However if you have good Extreme types Black can lead an Extreme rainbow team like a cracked out Turles
For the ticket event it only includes stones spent before the event started. Every 50 stones spent before that day = 1 ticket