Sitting at 32 million.... Am I safe for top 10,000?
I could go for <5K. But, why?
If I were you I wouldn't spend DS. However, if you got spare STA go for it just to be safe, only 5H remains anyways.
100% on super
Also some free cards dokkan but whatever
100% on super
Also some free cards dokkan but whatever
wait are you shitting me
He always supers???????
No, +100% attack on super, supreme damage, and it seals super attacks. Insane.
100% on super
Also some free cards dokkan but whatever
One step closer to mono PHY dominance.
Im in the same boat, have 100 stamina left for a final run and then ill just leave it.Till they get that amazing PHY blocker, it ain't happening lol.
39 million and 2 hours till close. To bother with the last million or not? I'm in the 3.5ks so I should be safe but I don't wanna risk it.
100% on super
Also some free cards dokkan but whatever
The new maps are the best; you can forgo bringing any heals past the pre-lim.Hm, finished my 20 win streak and I think I like this WT style for primarily F2P players who want to put in bare minimum effort. Even if they polluted the GSSR pool with crap like teen gohan. At the same time it's hard to know what point you can get top 10k, and the people with the TEQ nuking brigade have a huuuuge advantage. Oh well, I think I'll resign to just the bare minimum this time.
The new maps are pure ass though. Can't say much more than that about them.
If you're not top 50 you won't be able to dokkan him.So, I guess it's impossible to get the UR Piccolo medals in one run, right?
Sucks, but I guess I can be patient.
Lol yeah its hard ..Feel bad for the local guy below me, he did 10 more rounds and still only had 2/3 of my points.
Congratulations !Rank 24. Sweet rewards headed my way!
ended at 44k for global and I think 48 for local. I was at 48 10min before the end so who knows.
edit: LR Androids are here boys! SPEND YOUR FP NAOW!
Wait they're out now? My game keeps acting wonky right now
ended at 44k for global and I think 48 for local. I was at 48 10min before the end so who knows.
edit: LR Androids are here boys! SPEND YOUR FP NAOW!
Yeah had to keep retrying several times hehe
And I got the Androids without even noticing on my 3rd multi lol!
My game is going crazy can't even log in at all damn communication error
up to 15 with no sign so far, but I did get SR Hercule soooooooo
Yeh they're mega-rare. I have 400k points so hopefully it's enough for 10.
Also misread my capacity over, it's actually over by 160 and now by 180 lol
Thanks for the tip on summoning when full, didnt realize they added that. This'll make it easier to baba the stuff worth points and sell the rest
edit: And got 'em
10 multis in SA3 let's see if it keeps up20 multi's in and I have 5 androids, not a bad haul. Granted I got no androids after multi-10.
Now to play the 1% game with all these Tiens, Videls, and Yamcha's.
The new maps are the best; you can forgo bringing any heals past the pre-lim.