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Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT| Rerolling is over 9000

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Managed to squeeze out the wins against Godtenks to awaken the STR SSJ Gotenks. Dunno why they skipped the PHY one and why regular Gotenks doesn't have a Dokkan either.
Huh, then it seems he's entered the "Premium item" pool, as well as the Gems and the free one you get. Lucky me, I guess :)
According to the reddit, he shows up after every item refresh, so he's essentially infinite barring your baba points. If you want to up the SA of the base nuker Gokus, this is one way to do it.


I finally got the last of my SSGGKK medals! Now I just have to work on getting his super maxed before I Dokkan him lol


I told myself Buuhan was my last time going ham. Went ham for mystic Gohan, and maybe buuhan, got dupes.
3 Dupe Janembas
AGL 18(dupe)
OG AGL SSJ Goku(dupe)
STR SSJ Goku(new, the frieza dokkanfest one)
STR Majin Buu(new)
INT Godku(dupe)
INT SSJ Goku(dupe)

Pretty sure this is the game telling me I'm getting no more new dokkanfest exclusives.



And also INT Nuker Vegeta, but that Buu is all that matters :D

Hey isn't your luck suppose to be awful.

But seriously congratulations.

I did several pulls and mostly had shame and regret, granted I did get three new SSR's, but I wasn't exactly caring much over them. SSR STR SSJ2 Trunks, SSR STR Good Buu and SSR AGI Bojack.

I did get a few dupes which can be used when the duping system comes into play but yeah, got a feeling of waste on all this.


~150 stones:

TEQ SSJ3 Vegeta
AGI Kid Buu x2
STR Buutenks x2
INT Buucolo x2
GT Goten, Tao, Master Roshi x48276798

No Buuhan, Gohan, or Janemba. Feels bad man.

Edit: Should I use my Eldar Kais/Roshis on SV or STR SSJ3 Goku? Or just save them?
Got SSB PHY Godgeta the nuker so yay I guess? I'll be happy if I get Buuhan but SV is still the best atm. My INT isn't anything too good so its alright for me to not get Buuhan. My next goal besides SSBKK is Black Rose. Omega Shenron wouldn't be so bad either.



Damn you people are making me feel bad now.....I should get some sleep.
Pull on first day for best result!

~150 stones:

TEQ SSJ3 Vegeta
AGI Kid Buu x2
STR Buutenks x2
INT Buucolo x2
GT Goten, Tao, Master Roshi x48276798

No Buuhan, Gohan, or Janemba. Feels bad man.

Edit: Should I use my Eldar Kais/Roshis on SV or STR SSJ3 Goku? Or just save them?
Give to SV.
SSJ Goku is nice but you will use SV more.
All God lead except Buuhan(farmable SA) deserve to be given Kai.
Got SSB PHY Godgeta the nuker so yay I guess? I'll be happy if I get Buuhan but SV is still the best atm. My INT isn't anything too good so its alright for me to not get Buuhan. My next goal besides SSBKK is Black Rose. Omega Shenron wouldn't be so bad either.
Was thinking of saving for Rosè banner too, but these few banners, my luck has been crazy good.
So why not try couple times >.<
Global is officially best version, Baba SSR so cheap. :3
Still doesnt seem to be worthy to get unless we have too many points.
Tempted to buy as i am afraid that they gonna increase the price to Jp.
Are the new characters worth grinding for eternity? Also, I got 500 gems. Spend em on new goku, Supremest Supreme Kai, or Angel Goku?

Btw Ashodin is 100% a bandi spy and should not, be trusted.

jks, congrats you insanely lucky bastard!


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Still doesnt seem to be worthy to get unless we have too many points. Tempted to buy as i am afraid that they gonna increase the price to Jp.
Probably isn't but many of us hoarded points from OPTC crossover; if they are all 30k, I'd be happy.

In other news, if I did my math correctly, if you want to do the 300 mission stamina with natural stamina, you can only do missions around 14 stamina (sans levelups) Of course Universe 6 is coming (and if you want Buuhan medals, it's impossible without maybe wasting 4 stam missions?) so plan accordingly.


Hey isn't your luck suppose to be awful.

But seriously congratulations.

I did several pulls and mostly had shame and regret, granted I did get three new SSR's, but I wasn't exactly caring much over them. SSR STR SSJ2 Trunks, SSR STR Good Buu and SSR AGI Bojack.

I did get a few dupes which can be used when the duping system comes into play but yeah, got a feeling of waste on all this.
My luck was utterly atrocious... up until that X-mas banner. Then karma kicked in and I got everything paid out to me all at once XD


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Good luck on your Buuhan pulls everyone - well and Happy new Year.

I just saw that Baba sells SSR AGL Gohan right now - i dont think there is a way for a new player to get the amound of tradepoints she asks for right ? lol


Good luck on your Buuhan pulls everyone - well and Happy new Year.

I just saw that Baba sells SSR AGL Gohan right now - i dont think there is a way for a new player to get the amound of tradepoints she asks for right ? lol
Not for newbies, no - you need to be selling any excess SSRs you pull to be getting those characters :D


Probably isn't but many of us hoarded points from OPTC crossover; if they are all 30k, I'd be happy.

In other news, if I did my math correctly, if you want to do the 300 mission stamina with natural stamina, you can only do missions around 14 stamina (sans levelups) Of course Universe 6 is coming (and if you want Buuhan medals, it's impossible without maybe wasting 4 stam missions?) so plan accordingly.
Sill keeping those gokus for future dupes.
Gonna wait for possible 30% off on those cards in the future.

Best possibile way to get 300mission is to repeat 4ata goku event.
Gonna get tons of gregory.
Still doing that 300x. With such slow loading.
Not gonna bother with it.


Congrats on the Buuhan, everyone!

Personally, I'm waiting for the Rose banner. Even if I did pull Buuhan now I wouldn't be able to use him since my INT team is...well...lacking. :/
Everyone should go for the 300 stage mission. Just spend stones to refill. You will end up positive in the end regardless unless you fail missions.
Wonder how to kill Buu when I wake up. Could just Mono AGL but I think it'll be fun designing a team to take him down.

Just avoid TEQ units since he has no AGL form. I'll fight him with Mono AGL first to get a feel for how the fight goes and then crush him with a regular team.


Wonder how to kill Buu when I wake up. Could just Mono AGL but I think it'll be fun designing a team to take him down.

Just avoid TEQ units since he has no AGL form. I'll fight him with Mono AGL first to get a feel for how the fight goes and then crush him with a regular team.

I took mono AGL with the TEQ WT Ultimate Gohan for the power bestowed by god link and obliterates him

I'm just gonna do the 300 mission thing by doing the 4 stam mission until my eyes bleed. 31 runs per bar of stamina. Plus a Beepan refill at 80 stam. Should be doable
which mission to grind?

Well farm what you need to and wait for the last 2 days. Then just focus on the 4 stamina mission. What is your total energy atm?

I have 132 max so thats at least 33, 4 stamina missions per full bar. I still have to farm Buuhan for his drop and one more run of SSBKK to awaken my TEQ SSB Goku.

We shall see the progress made per day.


Well farm what you need to and wait for the last 2 days. Then just focus on the 4 stamina mission. What is your total energy atm?

I have 132 max so thats at least 33, 4 stamina missions per full bar. I still have to farm Buuhan for his drop and one more run of SSBKK to awaken my TEQ SSB Goku.

We shall see the progress made per day.

62 atm. Hitting up Pan everyday for that free level hit. And doing Gohan is getting me massive EXP


Double Buuhan lead
TURles + Blue stunner
SSGoku damage
WT Bardock super sealer

Damn if only i have Janemba as Blocker >.<

Omega Shenron banner seems really bad with him being the only dokkan exclusive?
Oceanus is nice to get tho
My PHY team absolutely wrecked the Buuhan event thanks to RNGesus looking over my stunning. Only used Ghost Ushers and no heals. Feels good man.


Rainbow SSJ on Buuhan banner... Got 9 Rs and an SR. I really hate the pull animations in this game. Why do you give me hope and then dash it away in such style?

I still have 280 stones so I'll save them for Rose but I really wanted either Buuhan or Mystic Gohan.
The first time his Event came it was bugged, his defensive buff wasn't active but Bamco let it stay like that. Now it's working as intended.

Ah that would explain it. Luckily he's not hard at all it just takes a bit longer. At least I can finally awaken him on this account soon.

Rainbow SSJ on Buuhan banner... Got 9 Rs and an SR. I really hate the pull animations in this game. Why do you give me hope and then dash it away in such style?

I still have 280 stones so I'll save them for Rose but I really wanted either Buuhan or Mystic Gohan.

I tried to spot a pattern in that when rerolling before and from what I could tell rainbow and SSJ only guarantee an SR. Bye guys or SSJ3 are SSR.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I dont know how good the units are - but i love the amount of free SSR units the games gives you. Really helps alot if you are just starting out to fill those team slots with solid stats.

Just wondering if i should "farm" something Gohan related right now or just keep going on with Story Missions ? Still tough to figure out what is essential right now lol.


I dont know how good the units are - but i love the amount of free SSR units the games gives you. Really helps alot if you are just starting out to fill those team slots with solid stats.

Just wondering if i should "farm" something Gohan related right now or just keep going on with Story Missions ? Still tough to figure out what is essential right now lol.
Yup the free SSR are nice to have for beginner.
IMO, clear out those Gohan stages and GT event.
Farm GT event stage 7 for the 2 elder kai.

do the mission for those events.
Those events rarely return.

The farmable STR Buuhan is not really good.
He is more for increasing INT Buuhan SA.
Always nice to have more UR for collection

Once you are done with that, you can get the strike character to SA10. Then start super strike.
Super strike is where you will need to build a team with cost below 100 including friend captain.
Those character has special super attack when max at SA15
So you will need to get SA10 > dokkan with 7 medals.
SA5 > dokkan with 7 medals
Combine them both to SA15
They are required to battle LR Goku.
Since he is TEQ type, we will bring All 3 INT for him (KingVegeta, Android16,Chilled)

Have you Dokkan your SV/Gogeta?

Do Story when it is 2x/3x exp.
Do try to reach rank 210 where we have 120stamina!
And of course higher team cost.


Ughhhh. 100 stones really wanted ANY buu. Didn't get anything above an SR. salt is real

Edit: oh yeah it was rainbow on the first multi. Such a tease
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