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Dragon Quest 9 |OT| Last chance* to shine


Segata Sanshiro said:
They're pretty different. If you're just heading to the credits, DQ9 is about 25% of DQ7's length. If you're doing post game content but only doing it single player, DQ9 is about half to two thirds of DQ7's length. If you get into the multiplayer, it's probably going to give you twice as much as DQ7 did.

Battle system has some new stuff compared to 7, quality of the localisation is of course better, job system is considerably streamlined, party characters are created, not story-based, graphics are better, battles are a little slower cuz of the pretty.

That is cool, 30 hours is good enough.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
I got the game and put 4 hours on it today.

It is so addicting >_<

I have a female lead, a female priest, a female warrior, and a female thief.

Foxix Von

Just started playing and it's so good. It's my first dragon quest game, I've had VIII sitting on the shelf for a while and I don't even remember how I got it, but I was always too intimidated to start.

Dang this game just has so much charm! And good luck Segata!


Death Prophet
Went to TRU to get the gift card... sold out. :(

So I went to Best Buy and bought it. Luckily they had a copy. Actually, an abundance of copies. Like... a lot.


Am I missing something or are you not able to transfer equipment to a co-op partner? Items are fine, but equipment seems to be a no go. :(


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Segata Sanshiro said:
They're pretty different. If you're just heading to the credits, DQ9 is about 25% of DQ7's length. If you're doing post game content but only doing it single player, DQ9 is about half to two thirds of DQ7's length. If you get into the multiplayer, it's probably going to give you twice as much as DQ7 did.
VII sounds incredibly long and feature-filled. I gave up after about an hour, but would you say it's also as great as it is long?


mattiewheels said:
VII sounds incredibly long and feature-filled. I gave up after about an hour, but would you say it's also as great as it is long?

It's a tough one man, I played it halfway through then quit for 4 years, when I came back something clicked for me and I absolutely loved it and it made me a DQ series fan.(First one I played)

If you like DQ's style definitely give VII a shot, although the graphics are the worst in the series :lol
Loving the game, but what's with all the towns having diagonal paths? I understand that they don't want it to be as grid-like as that older games, but it's hell on the d-pad. Hmm...


C-Jo said:
Am I missing something or are you not able to transfer equipment to a co-op partner? Items are fine, but equipment seems to be a no go. :(

This. Asked it before but got no reply.


Parmesan et Romano
SalsaShark said:
This. Asked it before but got no reply.
The IGN video review said you couldn't transfer money or items to friends.

They had to discourage boosting other players up with good gear early somehow.

Foxix Von

C-Jo said:
Am I missing something or are you not able to transfer equipment to a co-op partner? Items are fine, but equipment seems to be a no go. :(

Hmm it says in the instruction booklet. If I remember right, no. That and nothing above a rarity of 1 star.
This is my first Dragon Quest game and I honestly was not going in with high hopes, but yeah this game is amazing.

I made my main character look like Gin from the anime Gintama, and my team is Kagura, Shinpachi, and Otae also from Gintama. I'd post a pic but I don't have a good enough camera at the moment.


Neo Member
Picked this up today and definitely just played for 4 hours straight :lol

Question for folks though, when do you get the ability to change your own hero's class? I really want to make him a martial artist, and those claw weapons are egging me on, but no dice yet.

I was hoping it would have been as soon as I got the ability to recruit party members, but it doesn't seem like it.


Kuraine said:
Picked this up today and definitely just played for 4 hours straight :lol

Question for folks though, when do you get the ability to change your own hero's class? I really want to make him a martial artist, and those claw weapons are egging me on, but no dice yet.

I was hoping it would have been as soon as I got the ability to recruit party members, but it doesn't seem like it.

I think it took me about 9.5 hours of game time to get to class change but it can easily be done in less if you don't spend time doing quests or working on the alchemy pot.


Went in to GameStop today and got practically laughed out of the store because "I didn't preorder?!?" I was seething with anger, they, as a video game specialty (read: ONLY) store, only get 4 copies of a major Squeenix/Nintendo release? They told me 3 of them were for preorders and the extra got sold. What a bunch of bullshit. Fuck that, is TrU still having their "Buy 1 get a $15 Gift Card" deal for DQIX? Or was that also for preorders??

This is my first major Dragon Quest purchase (I've rented V and VIII in the past) and so far I've been enjoying it a lot. I've hit lvl 14 and I'm grinding outside of Zere for the next area. After I saved I read online that I should be making party members by now, and now I'm wondering if I should go ahead and do that and grind them up as well, or just not worry about it til later? Playing alone so far hasn't been too bad and I only wiped 2x against the Knight, but maybe the extra help is necessary in this next boss.

^^@Stencil: I got the last copy at my store and went at around 4PM today. I'm almost positive I took the cashier's copy because she started to get nervous and check inventory after I got it. Either way I went into the other GS in the mall to pick up something they had this one didn't (yeah, we have 2 GS in one mall...) and they were sold out. It seems like this game is either severely understocked or DQ is catching on.
Stencil said:
Went in to GameStop today and got practically laughed out of the store because "I didn't preorder?!?" I was seething with anger, they, as a video game specialty (read: ONLY) store, only get 4 copies of a major Squeenix/Nintendo release? They told me 3 of them were for preorders and the extra got sold. What a bunch of bullshit. Fuck that, is TrU still having their "Buy 1 get a $15 Gift Card" deal for DQIX? Or was that also for preorders??

I hope you kicked over the magazine rack.

Why did you even set foot in that hellhole to begin with?

I went to Toys R Us.. Would have done Amazon if it was a Tuesday release tho.


I am not Max
Estimate amount of hours to complete the main story? I haven't been doing any of the quests and I'm 7 hours in so far


patrickthehedgehog said:
Loving the game, but what's with all the towns having diagonal paths? I understand that they don't want it to be as grid-like as that older games, but it's hell on the d-pad. Hmm...

Try rotating the view 45 degrees.
Stencil said:
Went in to GameStop today and got practically laughed out of the store because "I didn't preorder?!?" I was seething with anger, they, as a video game specialty (read: ONLY) store, only get 4 copies of a major Squeenix/Nintendo release? They told me 3 of them were for preorders and the extra got sold. What a bunch of bullshit. Fuck that, is TrU still having their "Buy 1 get a $15 Gift Card" deal for DQIX? Or was that also for preorders??

I don't think GameStop really sells new games. Just used games, pre-orders, and membership cards.


Bloodworth said:
I don't think GameStop really sells new games. Just used games, pre-orders, and membership cards.

Yeah, it's not really in their business model to keep stock of games that aren't pre-ordered. They know they'll get any extra stock through trade-ins in a few days time. which they can sell for a much larger profit margin.
rush777 said:
Whats the general consensus on how to spend weapon skill points? should I stick with one and max it or go with 2?
I don't know about the general consensus, but I've stuck with one per class. You can try to cross classes that share weapon types too like the thief and martial artist.
Playing the game for the first time. I'm just amazed at how good the graphics look on the DS. It's so clean and detailed.

I can imagine the pain-staking work Level 5 put into this. It must've been really tough for them to make a numbered DQ sequel for the DS.

Crazy but awesome!


patrickthehedgehog said:
Loving the game, but what's with all the towns having diagonal paths? I understand that they don't want it to be as grid-like as that older games, but it's hell on the d-pad. Hmm...
Stylus for moving, buttons for menus. It's the only way to fly.


Ugh, so much for free overnight shipping. My order at GameStop.com is backordered.

Guess I'm going to cancel and go look for a copy today.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
I was on the fence, but decided to get it.

Overall, I like the pacing MUCH more than previous DQ games. I love the fact it's easy to avoid monsters on the overworld and that most bosses can be beaten without having to grind. My one complaint is that maybe it's TOO easy for the hardcore (hentaicore?!) gamer.

Graphics - Love them! I'm amazed at what the DS can pump out now. I also love the animation during the battle sequences and only wished there was more variety.

Story - I'm not blown away by any one aspect of it, but I can say it is original and quite well put-together. I don't like the fucking faerie though. I also miss having story members as part of your team, but at least it's better than having a story member join you and then shoehorn them in. An aspect some may like or dislike is how episodic the stories tend to be. It's easier to pick up and play, but there's less connection between everything; there were some points in the fygg story where I had no idea whatsoever of where to go next.

Gameplay - Love the revamped battle system. It's clean and fresh and dynamic. It's not as fast as I would like it though, and I really wished they'd add more variety of animations in as well as having two characters attack at the same time instead of one after another to speed things up. I'm also thankful that the skill progression and job changes are more better than the previous games.

Music - Awesome! I only wished it was orchestrated like DQ8 was... :( I know, I know, that was PS2, but I still think whomever decided to plop the orchestrated soundtrack instead of using the VG version should be thanked since it greatly added to the experience. The music here is much better with headphones since the crappy DS speakers kinda distort the sounds.

What do I hate?
- Although I like the new skill progression, I still think they need to change it more. What's the point of poison if everyone is immune to it and it does minimal damage IF it strikes? Metal slash? For the 1% of the enemies out there? Dragon slash? Who needs it THAT early in the game? Barefists? Useless. I don't think FF ever had the BEST job system, but it was extremely well-managed and a lot of skills were actually useful :p Even White Knight Chronicles had tons of skills (some useless), but they could be used in a lot of situations. In DQ9, and most other DQ games, it's just mostly attack attack heal attack.
- Serious...we're in 2010 and I can't skip text? I also can't skip scenes I've seen already, and there are so many instances where I have to do ONE thing at a time whereas in other games I can do several at once. Case in point - Job change...UGH...sooooooo tedious having to swim through so much text to do such a simple act whereas in FFT it's less than a second. Buying and selling has always been tedious throughout the series, and I wish they'd just embrace a more streamlined experience.
- Extra jobs. I HATE the quests to get these jobs, and I think it'd be much more eloquent and meaningful to tie these jobs into side-story quests instead of 'KILL METAL SLIMES AFTER USING WIZARD WARD! Oh yeah...YOUR WIZARD HAS TO LAND THE KILLING BLOW LULZ'. They could've done an easy 'ghost ranger seeks help for his grieving widow. will grant you his benevolessence for your trouble'. I realize you can finish these quests with some thinking and preparation, but again, I just feel it could've been handled a LOT better.
- Quest markers. Maybe I'm just getting lazy, but I would've preferred them put a little triangle or something above NPCs that give quests instead of having me wade through ALL NPCs and all that text to see if they're going to offer me something.


Neo Member
I went to pick up this game yesterday and they never had any in stock. I'm assuming that they didn't get their shipment of the game as no one seemed to know about the game.

Regardless, I bought WarioWare: D.I.Y. instead.


Serenade said:
The IGN video review said you couldn't transfer money or items to friends.

They had to discourage boosting other players up with good gear early somehow.
The instruction manual says that items with one star and upwards in rarity cannot be traded, which is pretty much all equipment. I don't know about ingredients though, haven't checked.
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